Performance Evaluation of Arizona's LTPP SPS-6 Project

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As part of the Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Program, the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) constructed 19 Specific Pavement Studies 6 (SPS-6) test sections on Interstate 40 near Flagstaff. The SPS-6 project studied the effect of specific rehabilitation treatments on jointed portland cement concrete pavement (JPCP) performance. The test sections had various JPCP surface preparations, including crack and seat, minimum and maximum restoration, rubblization, asphalt concrete (AC) with fabric, and asphalt rubber with conventional AC. Opened to traffic in 1991, the project was monitored at regular intervals until 2002. Surface distress, profile, and deflection data collected throughout the life of the pavement were used to evaluate the performance of various flexible pavement design features, layer configurations, and thickness. This report documents the analyses conducted as well as practical findings and lessons learned that will be of interest to ADOT.

Performance, Evaluation, and Rehabilitation of Asphalt-overlaid Concrete Pavements

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This research is an in-depth investigation of the performance, evaluation, and rehabilitation of asphalt-overlaid concrete (AC/PCC) pavements. It addresses a critical need to better understand this type of pavement, which is quickly becoming a major portion of the highway mileage of the United States. The analysis of AC/PCC pavement performance includes investigation of AC/PCC pavement distress types, a survival analysis of AC overlays of JRCP, and field studies of AC/PCC pavements. Performance of AC/PCC pavements could be improved by considering traffic level, existing distress, preoverlay repair, and modes of AC overlay deterioration directly in design. Key condition indicators (distress, roughness, serviceability, subjective ratings, and rutting) were investigated to assess their usefulness in AC/PCC rehabilitation project selection. Guidelines are provided for a comprehensive project-level evaluation of AC/PCC pavements, including functional evaluation, structural evaluation, drainage evaluation, and an evaluation of the AC surface mix. Detailed guidelines and procedures were developed for distress surveying, nondestructive deflection testing, coring, and materials testing. A procedure was developed for backcalculation of PCC slab and foundation moduli from AC/PCC pavement deflection data. This backcalculation procedure quickly and repeatably produces results consistent with other backcalculation methods and consistent with observed distress and the condition of cores. Guidelines are given for interpretation and practical use of backcalculation results. Rehabilitation methods for structural, functional, drainage, and AC mix deficiencies in AC/PCC pavements are described. The four structural improvement options presented are second AC overlay, unbonded PCC overlay, fracturing the PCC slab before a new AC overlay, and reconstruction. Approaches to thickness design for the overlay options are summarized. The evaluation and rehabilitation guidelines were developed and tested using case studies of in-service AC/PCC pavements on Illinois Interstates. The case studies demonstrate the collection and analysis of design, construction, traffic, performance, distress, roughness, deflection, coring, and materials data for project-level evaluation and rehabilitation planning and design.

Low Volume Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Performance Evaluation and Rehabilitation Strategy Selection

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This study focused on the evaluation of all 43 existing portland cement concrete pavements in Boone County, Iowa. The research was directed at the evaluation of the factors effecting the performance the county pavements. Equations relating the design parameters to the commonly identified concrete distresses in pavements are also presented. The knowledge of practicing engineers was utilized to develop guidance in rehabilitation or reconstruction planning timing for concrete pavements in relation to the presence of pavement distresses. Field surveys were conducted to obtain the necessary construction and condition data for use in the study. Some 15 separate distress types by location on the pavement, were identified and used to direct data collection on 100% of the sample pavements. These distresses were further combined to provide seven different distress types for the detailed identification of performance factors. Graphical and statistical analyses were used to evaluate the effect of measured variables on the individual pavement distresses. Results indicate that the pavements have provided adequate design performance and also identified variables effecting the pavement performance that are not commonly identified. The analysis resulted in the development of individual equations relating individual distress levels to performance noted in the sample pavements. Each of 99 county engineers in Iowa and 102 county engineers or superintendents in Illinois was surveyed to develop a knowledge based system that identifies a range of distress levels associated with pavement rehabilitation or reconstruction in a "Time of Opportunity" table. It represents the county engineers' mental measure of when and where to perform rehabilitation and reconstruction. The combination of the performance parameter equations and the "Time of Opportunity" table provide the local road engineer with ways to objectively and/or subjectively evaluate the current concrete pavement system condition and make better decisions as to the proper steps to take in meeting public expectations in road performance.

Concrete Pavement Design and Rehabilitation

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The state of the art of Portland cement concrete pavement evaluation is reviewed with emphasis on the methods applicable to the urban freeway environment. Methods are recommended for texture evaluation, void detection and condition surveys. Data analysis methods useful for the development of pavement performance models are presented. The overall framework for life cycle cost (LCC) analysis is described with recommendations for the development of a LCC method for the Arizona Department of Transportation.