Decision making behaviour and its influence on social and economic performance of farm households in Hyderabad-Karnataka region

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Farmers in developing countries are frequently exposed to the uncertainties of weather, prices and disease. Thus decision making behaviour plays a crucial role every day, affecting farming operations. The study was carried out in Raichur, Kalaburagi and Koppal districts. From each district, two taluks were selected and from each taluk, two gram panchayats were selected randomly and from each panchayat a village was selected randomly. From each selected village, 15 farmers were randomly selected and the total sample size constituted 180 respondents. The attitude of farmers towards farming in irrigated situation was better than the attitude of farmers in rainfed situation. The overall decision making behaviour was better in irrigated situation compared to rainfed situation. Achievement motivation and decision making behaviour were found to be significantly influencing the annual agricultural income. As the decision making behaviour score increased by one unit, the annual agricultural income increased by 9231.28. Irrigated rainfed dummy, number of years of schooling, achievement motivation, risk orientation and mass media participation were found to be significantly influencing the institutional participation. In irrigated situation, as evident from the experiment, there were 38 per cent of the respondents in the risk averse category. In the case of rainfed situation, it is alarming to note that as high as 52 per cent of the respondents were in the risk averse group on loss of toss. The irrigated farmers were more likely to take up loan in comparison to rainfed farmers. Number of family members had a positive influence on migration while, the decision making behaviour score had a negative influence on migration. There is evidence of framing bias and anchoring bias among the sample respondents. The farmers were willing to pay more for weather information compared to market and plant protection information.

Resource Use Efficiency in Organic and Inorganic Paddy Production in Southern Transition Zone of Shimoga District of Karnataka

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Paddy is the major food crop in Karnataka state and one of the staple foodgrains for more than two-third of the population of the state. Intensive paddy production is associated with high consumption of irrigational water and fertilisers.Paddy production is carried out with certain inputs or resources that enhance its productivity. The extent to which this productivity can be affected by these inputs depends on how the inputs are used. For instance, when a piece of land is being cultivated, its productivity will depend on the resources that are applied to it, but more importantly on how these resources are used or applied.

Economics and Efficiency of Organic Farming Vis-à-vis Conventional Farming in India

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Organic farming systems have attracted increasing attention over the last one decade because they are perceived to offer some solutions to the problems currently besetting the agricultural sector. Organic farming has the potential to provide benefits in terms of environmental protection, conservation of non-renewable resources and improved food quality. India is bestowed with lot of potential to produce all varieties of organic products due to its diverse agro-climatic regions. In several parts of the country, the inherited tradition of organic farming is an added advantage. This holds promise for the organic producers to tap the market which is growing steadily in the domestic market related to the export market. In India, the land under certification is around 2.8 million ha. But, there is considerable latent interest among farmers in conversion to organic farming. However, some farmers are reluctant to convert because of the perceived high costs and risks involved in organic farming. Despite the attention which has been paid to organic farming over the last few years, very little accessible information actually exists on the costs and returns of organic farming in India. The empirical evidences of efficiency analysis of organic and conventional farming systems are scarce or even absent. So, the present paper focuses mainly on the issues like economics and efficiency of organic farming vis-à-vis conventional farming in India. Four states namely Gujarat, Maharashtra, Punjab and U.P were purposively selected for the present study. Similarly, four major crops i.e., cotton, sugarcane, paddy and wheat were chosen for comparison. A model based non-parametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) was used for analyzing the efficiency of the farming systems. The crop economics results showed a mixed response. Overall, it is concluded that the unit cost of production is lower in organic farming in case of cotton and sugarcane crops where as the same is lower in conventional farming for paddy and wheat crops. The DEA efficiency analysis conducted on different crops indicated that the efficiency levels are lower in organic farming when compared to conventional farming, relative to their production frontiers. The results conclude that there is ample scope for increasing the efficiency under organic farms.