Big Bang

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Les héros de ces six nouvelles sont saisis en état de crise, dans ces moments fragiles où les frontières entre le réel et l'imaginaire se brouillent. Une fillette découvre l'injustice ; une mère en détresse se perd dans le monde virtuel ; un jeune homme se prend de passion pour une voix ; un couple voit ses vacances de rêve tourner au cauchemar... Chacune de ces histoires plonge le lecteur dans l'intimité de personnages en apparence banals, révélant leur humanité et leur complexité à travers les méandres de leur vie intérieure.

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LA PETITE ANNONCE : "Cherche Mère-porteuse"

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Michèle ne pourra pas avoir la grande famille désirée, manque de moyens, pas de soutien du côté de son mari, elle porte tout sur ses épaules. Elle voit une drôle de petite annonce rubrique MESSAGES sur le journal local : "Femme stérile cherche Mère-porteuse"...Elle se lance sans rien en cacher à son entourage, cela soulève un tollé d'objections ! Viennent alors s'ajouter aux questions d'organisation (Pas de loi contre en 1987, mais pas de mode d'emploi non plus !)des questions plus intimes : Pourquoi ce genre de projet ne la choque pas? Qu'est-ce qui fait "dans le fond" qu'elle ait cette vocation? Elle accepte l'aide d'une psy du planning familial et se met à écrire pas à pas l'avancée du projet sous forme de livre témoignage :"Mère-porteuse sans filet" pour aider d'autres couples en manque d'enfant et à garder comme "sa création" après le départ du bébé pour Aline... Elle va comprendre ses motivations profondes et réaliser pour le coup une formidable résilience... Sa vie va basculer irrémédiablement...

Francophone African Fiction

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The Astonishment of Words

Book Description

One, two! one, two! And through and through The vorpal blade went snicker-snack! He left it dead, and with its head He went galumphing back. Un deux, un deux, par le milieu, Le glaive vorpal fait pat-à-pan! La bête défaite, avec sa tête, Il rentre gallomphant. Eins, Zwei! Eins, Zwei! Und durch und durch Seins vorpals Schwert zerschniferschnück. Da blieb es todt! Er, Kopf in Hand, Geläumfig zog zurück! The late Victor Proetz was by vocation a visual artist who created many distinguished architectural and decorative designs. His favorite avocation, however, was to explore the possibilities (and impossibilities) of words, especially words in translation, and to share his discoveries. As Alastair Reid says in his foreword, "He turned words over in his head, he listened to them, he unraveled them, he looked them up, he played with them, he passed them on like presents, all with an unjadeable astonishment." What, Proetz wondered, do some of the familiar and not-so-familiar works of English and American literature sound like in French? In German? "How," he asked, "do you say 'Yankee Doodle' in French—if you can?" And "How do they say 'Hounyhnhnm' and 'Cheshire Cat' and things like that in German?" And, in either language, "How, in God's name, can you possibly say 'There she blows!'?" This book, unfortunately left incomplete on his death in 1966, contains many of his answers. They are given not only in the assembled texts and translations but also in his wry, curious, sometimes hilarious commentaries. None of it is scholarly in any formal, academic sense—"and yet," Reid reminds us, "his is precisely the kind of enthusiastic curiosity that gives scholarship its pointers."

The Smart Set

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Cajun Country

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This insightful book is by far the broadest examination of traditional Cajun culture ever assembled. It goes beyond the stereotypes and surface treatment given to Cajuns by the popular media and examines the great variety of cultural elements alive in Cajun culture today—cooking, music, storytelling, architecture, arts and crafts, and festivals, as well as traditional occupations such as fishing, hunting, and trapping. It not only gives fascinating descriptions of elements in Cajun life that have been woven into the fabric of American history and folklore; it also explains how they came to be. Cajun Country reveals the historical background of the Cajun people, who migrated to Louisiana as exiles from their Canadian homeland, and it shows their folklife as a living and ongoing legacy that enriches America.

TEF CANADA Expression Orale : 150 Topics To Succeed

Book Description

Whether you plan to study or work in Canada, this book will help you with the Expression Oral part to improve your overall score. This book contains more than 150 topics that you might expect at the exam. Both sections are covered in this book (Section A and Section B). It includes handful advice so that you get the most out of this test and succeed. • 150 topics of TEF test for section A and section B • Example sentences for speaking test section A • Example sentences for speaking test section B • How to do it for each test • Common mistakes & tips • Vocabulary list for Oral TEF test • 500 words essential vocabulary Benefit from my experience as a professional French tutor, specialized in oral and exam preparation. I helped thousands of students to improve their French and achieve their goal! To your success! Jean K. MATHIEU