Photocatalytic Oxidation of Volatile Organic Compounds for Indoor Air Applications

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Photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) is a promising and emerging technique in controlling indoor air contaminants, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs). It has broad air cleaning and deodorization applications in indoor environments ranging from residential and office buildings to healthcare and nursing facilities as well as spacecrafts, aircraft cabins and clean rooms in the agricultural and food industry. Numerous studies have been conducted to improve the effectiveness and performance of this technology. These include development of new configurations, energy-efficient catalysts and other parameters to control the process. However, only limited research has been conducted under realistic indoor environmental conditions. One of the most recent developments in photocatalysis is the synthesis of 2% C- and V-doped TiO[subscript]2, which is active under both dark and visible light conditions. However, like most research conducted in photocatalysis, the study on the reactivity of this catalyst has been performed only under laboratory conditions. This study investigated the possible application of the novel C and V co-doped TiO[subscript]2 in cleaning indoor air. Mathematical modeling and simulation techniques were employed to assess the potential use of some of the promising systems that utilize the catalyst (i.e., packed bed and thin films) as well as the effect of mass transfer limitations in the degradation of acetaldehyde, one of the VOCs that can be found in offices, residential buildings and other facilities.

Performance Study of Photocatalytic Oxidation for the Abatement of Volatile Organic Compounds from Indoor Air Environments

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Many commercial systems based in the photocatalytic technology have reached the market recently in order to address the growing demand for improve poor indoor air qualities. The present work deals with the development of a new methodology in order to evaluate the efficiency of this process. For the study of photocatalytic oxidation for indoor air applications, an experimental set-up was designed and two analytical tools (ATD-GC-MS and GC-PDHID) were developed. The performance of the photocatalytic treatment of 2-propanol and toluene at indoor air concentrations levels (ppbv) were realised. The influence of several parameters and their interactions effects on the conversion, by-product formation and mineralization to CO2 were established.

Investigation of Key Parameters Influencing the Efficient Photocatalytic Oxidation of Indoor Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).

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Photocatalytic oxidation of indoor VOCs has the potential to eliminate pollutants from indoor environments, thus effectively improving and/or maintaining indoor air quality while reducing ventilation energy costs. Design and operation of UV photocatalytic oxidation (UVPCO) air cleaners requires optimization of various parameters to achieve highest pollutant removal efficiencies while avoiding the formation of harmful secondary byproducts and maximizing catalyst lifetime.

Volatile Organic Compounds By-products Generation in Photocatalytic Oxidation Reactor

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The presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in indoor air is inevitable. Their adverse effect on human health has encouraged researchers to develop various technologies for air pollution remediation. Photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) has been regarded as a promising and emerging technique for air purification and extensively investigated in the last two decades to characterize and improve the effectiveness and performance of this technology. In addition, the development of appropriate models can enhance the understanding of reactor performance and the evaluation of intrinsic kinetic parameters that enable the scale-up or re-design of more efficient large-scale photocatalytic reactors. This research works on mathematical modeling of gas phase photocatalytic reactors and analyses different key factors that can enhance pollutants decomposition. At the first step, a one-dimensional time-dependent mathematical model for continuous flow UV-PCO reactor has been developed. In this model, transfer of pollutants by advection and dispersion in bulk phase incorporates with the reaction rate based on the extended Langmuir Hinshelwood model in the catalyst phase. CFD modeling was also used to determine the flow distribution in the reactor at various airflow rates. Moreover, the light intensity distribution on the photocatalyst surface was simulated using the linear source spherical emission model. A dimensionless form of the model was then proposed to generalize the result for any scale. The proposed model was validated first by comparing with predictions of other models (inter-model comparison) and then by experimental data from two different scales (pilot and bench) of UV-PCO reactors. Furthermore, a sensitivity analysis using dimensionless parameters was conducted to find the controlling step in the PCO process. To validate the model, acetone, MEK, and toluene were tested in the UV-PCO reactor with a commercial PCO filter (TiO2 coated on silica fiber felts) at various operating conditions, such as concentration, relative humidity, irradiance and air velocity. The main issue for applying PCO technology in the indoor environment is the generation of hazardous by-products. The effect of by-products formation was usually ignored in former modeling studies. The next effort was to improve the model and build a comprehensive one to consider by-products generation in the UV-PCO reactor. To achieve this goal, a possible reaction pathway for degradation of each challenge compound was proposed based on identified by-products in analytical methods (GC-MS and HPLC). Different possible reaction rate scenarios were evaluated to find the best expression fitted to experimental data at the steady-state condition. The obtained reaction coefficients were then used to validate the model under various operating conditions. Finally, the Health Risk Index was used to investigate the implications of generated by-products on human health under varying operating conditions. The results indicated that the proposed model has a great potential to simulate the behavior of UV-PCO reactor in a real application.

Evaluation of Ultra-Violet Photocatalytic Oxidation (UVPCO) ForIndoor Air Applications

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Efficient removal of indoor generated airborne particles and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in office buildings and other large buildings may allow for a reduction in outdoor air supply rates with concomitant energy savings while still maintaining acceptable indoor air quality in these buildings. Ultra-Violet Photocatalytic Oxidation (UVPCO) air cleaners have the potential to achieve the necessary reductions in indoor VOC concentrations at relatively low cost. In this study, laboratory experiments were conducted with a scaled, prototype UVPCO device designed for use in a duct system. The experimental UVPCO contained two 30 by 30-cm honeycomb monoliths coated with titanium dioxide and 3% by weight tungsten oxide. The monoliths were irradiated with 12 UVC lamps arranged in four banks. The UVPCO was challenged with four mixtures of VOCs typical of mixtures encountered in indoor air. A synthetic office mixture contained 27 VOCs commonly measured in office buildings. A cleaning product mixture contained three cleaning products with high market shares. A building product mixture was created by combining sources including painted wallboard, composite wood products, carpet systems, and vinyl flooring. A fourth mixture contained formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. Steady-state concentrations were produced in a classroom laboratory or a 20-m{sup 3} environmental chamber. Air was drawn through the UVPCO, and single pass conversion efficiencies were measured from replicate air samples collected upstream and downstream of the reactor section. Concentrations of the mixtures were manipulated, with concentrations of individual VOCs mostly maintained below 10 ppb. Device flow rates were varied between 165 and 580 m{sup 3}/h. Production of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acetone, formic acid, and acetic acid as reaction products was investigated. Conversion efficiency data were generated for 48 individual VOCs or groups of closely related compounds. Alcohols and glycol ethers were the most reactive chemical classes with conversion efficiencies often near or above 70% at the low flow rate and near 40% at the high flow rate. Ketones and terpene hydrocarbons were somewhat less reactive. The relative VOC conversion rates are generally favorable for treatment of indoor air since many contemporary products used in buildings employ oxygenated solvents. A commercial UVPCO device likely would be installed in the supply air stream of a building and operated to treat both outdoor and recirculated air. Assuming a recirculation rate comparable to three times the normal outdoor air supply rate, simple mass-balance modeling suggests that a device with similar characteristics to the study unit has sufficient conversion efficiencies for most VOCs to compensate for a 50% reduction in outdoor air supply without substantially impacting indoor VOC concentrations. Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acetone, formic acid, and acetic acid were produced in these experiments as reaction byproducts. No other significant byproducts were observed. A coupled steady-state mass balance model is presented and applied to VOC data from a study of a single office building. For the operating assumptions described above, the model estimated a three-fold increase in indoor formaldehyde and acetaldehyde concentrations. The outcome of this limited assessment suggests that evaluation of the potential effects of the operation of a UVPCO device on indoor concentrations of these contaminants is warranted. Other suggested studies include determining VOC conversion efficiencies in actual buildings and evaluating changes in VOC conversion efficiency as monoliths age with long-term operation.

Transport and Chemical Rate Phenomena

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Transport and Chemical Rate Phenomena introduces the basics of transport and chemical rate phenomena to engineering and other applied science students who are interested in the chemical processing of inorganic materials. The text integrates theory, methodology, and extensive numerical applications for use in chemical engineering, materials science, and process metallurgy courses. "User-friendly" design with extensive use of illustrations also makes the book suitable as a quick reference source for practicing engineers.