Policy Options for India's Edible Oil Complex

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Stagnating oilseed yields for the last two decades and an inefficient and underutilised processing sector have resulted in an uncompetitive complex in India. The country's commitments at the World Trade Organisation have led to increased edible oil imports and a simultaneous decline in area under oilseeds. India needs a long-term edible oil policy to improve competitiveness by bridging the existing technology and yield gaps.

Edible Oil Crisis in India

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A Survey of Edible Oil Policies and Market in India

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Oilseeds and oilseed products emerged during the 1990s as one of the fastest growing components of global and United States agricultural trade, with developing countries accounting for most of the growth in both supply and demand. Many developing countries including India have become the principal source of growth in demand for feed proteins and edible oils. This paper explains the impact of national policies for oilseed, edible oil and related industries. It includes trade policies, industrial establishment policies and global best practices adoption into edible oil industry in India. This paper also covers the marketing aspects of the Indian edible oil industry with respect to local market and global trade. Government policies towards producers, processors, and traders are discussed in this paper. These policies affect oilseed production, trade, and processing in India and policy change is likely to play a major role in the future growth and composition of India's oilseed and product trade.

Food Security and Food Safety for the Twenty-first Century

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This book is a collection of selected papers that were presented at the First International Conference of the Asia-Pacific Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics (APSAFE 2013), which was held at Chulalongkorn University from November 28 – 30, 2013. The papers are interdisciplinary, containing insights into food security and food ethics from a variety of perspectives, including, but not limited to, philosophy, sociology, law, sociology, economics, as well as the natural sciences. The theme of the conference was to consider the interplay and balance between food security and food ethics as the world approaches the middle part of the twenty-first century.

Pulses for nutrition in India: Changing patterns from farm to fork

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India, a country with high concentrations of poor and malnourished people, long promoted a cereal-centric diet composed of subsidized staple commodities such as rice and wheat to feed its population of more than a billion. Today, however, dietary patterns are changing. Policy makers, researchers, and health activists are looking for ways to fight hunger and malnutrition in the country. As they shift their focus from calorie intake to nutrition, neglected foods such as pulses (the dried, edible seeds of legumes) are gaining attention. Pulses for Nutrition in India: Changing Patterns from Farm to Fork explores the numerous benefits of a diet that incorporates pulses. Pulses, including pigeonpeas, lentils, and chickpeas, are less expensive than meat and are excellent sources of protein. In India, people consume pulses and other legumes for protein intake. Pulses also benefit the ecosystem. Among protein-rich foods, pulses have the lowest carbon and water footprints. Pulses also improve soil health by naturally balancing atmospheric nitrogen in the soil; thus, growing pulses reduces the need for nitrogenous fertilizer. Pulses for Nutrition in India: Changing Patterns from Farm to Fork looks at the country’s pulses sector in light of agricultural systems, climate change, irrigation design, and how policies (including the Green Revolution) have evolved over time. To understand how pulses can help fulfill the objectives of India’s food policies, experts explore the role that pulse production plays in global trade; the changing demand for pulses in India since the 1960s; the possibility of improving pulse yields with better technology to compete with cereals; and the long-term health benefits of greater reliance on pulses. The analyses in Pulses for Nutrition in India: Changing Patterns from Farm to Fork contribute to the emerging literature on pulses and will aid policy makers in finding ways to feed and nourish a growing population.

Future Foods

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Future Foods: Global Trends, Opportunities, and Sustainability Challenges highlights trends and sustainability challenges along the entire agri-food supply chain. Using an interdisciplinary approach, this book addresses innovations, technological developments, state-of-the-art based research, value chain analysis, and a summary of future sustainability challenges. The book is written for food scientists, researchers, engineers, producers, and policy makers and will be a welcomed reference. Provides practical solutions for overcoming recurring sustainability challenges along the entire agri-food supply chain Highlights potential industrial opportunities and supports circular economy concepts Proposes novel concepts to address various sustainability challenges that can affect and have an impact on the future generations

The Indian Oilseed Complex

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Oilcrops complex – Policy changes and industry measures/ Filière oléagineuses - Évolution des politiques et des mesures sectorielles/Sector oleaginosas: cambios de políticas y de medidas del sector industrial

Book Description

The 2020 compendium offers an overview of salient government policies and related private sector measures concerning global and national markets for oilcrops and derived products. Its purpose is to facilitate the work of policy makers, market experts, analysts and other interested stakeholders by providing a short, concise overview of policy developments relevant to the sector. Detailed news items are presented in tabular form (in English only), preceeded by a brief discussion of the key policy trends observed in the year under review. Le recueil de 2020 propose une vue d’ensemble des principales politiques publiques et mesures connexes prises par le secteur privé concernant les marchés mondiaux et nationaux des cultures oléagineuses et de leurs produits dérivés. Il vise à faciliter le travail des décideurs, des experts du marché, des analystes et autres parties intéressées, en leur fournissant une vue d’ensemble, brève et concise, de l'évolution des politiques pertinentes pour le secteur. Les nouvelles politiques et mesures sont présentées de manière détaillée sous forme de tableau (en anglais seulement), précédées d'une brève présentation des principales tendances en matière de politique observées au cours de l'année considérée.El compendio de 2020 ofrece un panorama general de las principales políticas gubernamentales y las medidas conexas del sector privado relativas a los mercados mundiales y nacionales de cultivos oleaginosos y productos derivados. Su finalidad es facilitar la labor de los responsables de las políticas, los expertos en mercados, los analistas y otras partes interesadas, proporcionando una visión general breve y concisa de las novedades en materia de políticas pertinentes al sector. Las noticias detalladas se presentan en forma de cuadros (en inglés únicamente), precedidas de un breve examen de las principales tendencias de políticas observadas en el año objeto de estudio.