Precedent in International Arbitration

Book Description

IAI Series No. 5 The International Arbitration Institute (IAI) series on international arbitration is a new periodic series of publications that will focus on cutting edge issues and developments in international arbitration. About the IAI: The International Arbitration Institute (IAI), an organization created under the auspices of the Comite Francais de l'Arbitrage (CFA), was created to promote exchanges international arbitration. The IAI is designed to promote exchanges on current issues in the field of international commercial arbitration. Its activities include the regular organization of international conferences, colloquiums, as well as conducting various research projects. About the book: Arbitrators routinely refer in their decisions to awards rendered by other arbitral tribunals that deal with the same issues. However natural it may seem to arbitrators and to parties who will refer to arbitral precedents in an attempt to support their position, such an approach raises many practical and theoretical questions: Is there such a thing as arbitral precedent? What weight should arbitrators give to decisions previously rendered by other arbitral tribunals? Can arbitral "case law" exist without consistency? Does such consistency exist? Is it necessary or simply desirable? What is the respective weight to be given to arbitral and national case law when arbitrators have to decide a case in accordance with a given law? These are some of the questions that this book explores, in the context of both international commercial arbitration and investment arbitration.

Judicial Precedent and Arbitration--are Arbitrators Bound by Judicial Precedent?

Book Description

One of the cornerstones of arbitration is the finality of arbitral awards. Saving rare exceptions, arbitral awards cannot be subject to challenges based on the arbitrator's errors of law. Furthermore, there is no hierarchy between arbitral tribunals and judicial courts, nor are arbitrators part of any judicial system. Thus, if arbitrators are not part of any hierarchical scheme and if there is no challenge or appeal available against their errors of law, how could one say that arbitrators have a duty to follow judicial precedents? Besides, when individuals agree to solve their disputes outside the judicial arena, should they expect a private arbitrator to abide by the same standards of a system they have just avoided? Is the choice for arbitration not a choice for an entirely different legal system, unbound by the so-called judge-made law? This book attempts to answer those questions by presenting a comprehensive guide to the relation between judicial precedents and arbitration in the United States, the United Kingdom and in Brazil, as well as in international arbitration as a whole. In its second edition, the book offers an Appendix on Chinese Guiding Cases and Arbitration.

International Procedure in Interstate Litigation and Arbitration

Book Description

The settlement of interstate disputes through recourse to courts and tribunals has grown gradually over the years, not only through the creation of new mechanisms to that effect, but also by using existing courts and tribunals. How these different international dispute settlement mechanisms operate in theory and practice is the subject of this comparative analysis by academic and practicing lawyers. The book takes stock of the procedure applicable in various interstate dispute settlement bodies, including international and regional courts and tribunals, and arbitration. This comparative view is essential to a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the various procedural rules and regulations and the practical operation of international litigation. This book is aimed not only at scholars, but also at the courts and tribunals themselves, assisting them in revising their procedures, and at States and organisations developing future international legal mechanisms.

Bias Challenges in International Commercial Arbitration

Book Description

Shows how 'dirty' challenge tactics are made viable primarily by the prevalence of a judicially derived test for bias which focuses on appearances, rather than facts and He argues that the most commonly used test of bias, the 'reasonable apprehension' test, makes it easy to allege a lack of impartiality and independence.

International Investment Law

Book Description

Transnational investment involves a variety of actors (States, public and private legal entities, and natural persons) whose relationships are governed by rules and legal instruments belonging to different legal systems. This book provides a systematic study of the sources of rights and obligations in the field of transnational investment, and their coordination and interaction. It focuses primarily on the network of over 3,000 Bilateral Investment Treaties, international investment contracts, customary international law, the main multilateral treaties, national legislation, international case law and general principles of law. The book, firmly based on State practice, arbitral awards and national decisions, is indispensable to fully appraise the nature and content of the claims of private investors as well as to identify the law applicable in investment arbitration.

Handbook of ICC Arbitration

Book Description

Handbook of ICC Arbitration provides expert analysis of the whole process of using and adhering to the ICC Arbitration Rules. It examines close up the diverse issues that can occur during an arbitration and hosts essential information related to arbitration on an international level with reference to published and unpublished awards and procedural orders, as well as to many decisions of national courts.

Establishing Judicial Authority in International Economic Law

Book Description

This book discusses how international judicial authority is established and managed in key fields of international economic law. Its unique legal-centric approach sees the consolidation of judicial authority as a universal trend and its broad international appeal makes it essential reading for researchers, practitioners and students alike.

Towards Consistency in International Investment Jurisprudence

Book Description

Investor-State arbitration is currently a much-debated topic, both within the legal community and in the public at large. In Towards Consistency in International Investment Jurisprudence, Katharina Diel-Gligor addresses the alleged proliferation of inconsistent decision-making in this field – one of the main points of concern raised in the ongoing discussions. After exploring whether such criticism is appropriate at all, she goes on to examine the different causes, forms, and manifestations of the inconsistencies that exist through a detailed analysis of ICSID arbitration. The author then canvasses possible approaches to reform and concludes that an ICSID preliminary ruling system – the practicalities of which are set out in the study – is a suitable means for enhancing consistency in investment arbitration and moving towards a jurisprudence constante.

Arbitration Clauses for International Contracts - 2nd Edition

Book Description

"This book, by a leading international arbitration practitioner, offers suggested language for every option that a drafter of an international arbitration clause may need. Following a succinct assessment of the choice between arbitration and litigation and commentary on the choices among arbitration fora and formats, the author presents an accessible how-to for drafting. While other works offer theory and a smattering of drafting tips, there is no other comprehensive collection of workable language, presented accessibly with easy-to-reference appendices. This book will be a standard reference for both in-house counsel and outside practitioners. This book provides, in an accessible format, clauses that address all the significant issues that contracting parties face, and in any event should consider, when they decide to draft a dispute resolution clause for an international contract. Those who wish immediate access to suggested language may turn directly to the Appendices. Those who wish to understand the analysis that leads to the suggested language should read the text."--Publisher's website.