Public-Private Partnerships for Sustainable Development

Book Description

Voluntary sustainability standards (VSS) and other private governance instruments (e.g., Fair Trade, Forest Stewardship Council, Fair Wear Foundation, GLOBALGAP) are increasingly regulating global production processes and economic activities. VSS verify the compliance of products or production processes with sustainability standards. The importance of voluntary sustainability standards is now widely recognized. After being operational for more than two decades, they have established themselves as private governance instruments. This recognition is also exemplified by their integration in public regulatory approaches. Governments and international organizations are partnering with voluntary sustainability standards to pursue sustainable development policies. We witness the integration of VSS in the regulatory approaches of local and national governments in countries around the world, the integration of VSS in trade policies, the emergence of public–private initiatives to govern global supply chains, and the inclusion of private initiatives in experimentalist governance regimes. This Special Issue seeks to bring together research on the interface between private and public governance. We welcome contributions which analyze specific case studies on the emergence and development of these private–public interactions, the design of public–private governance, the effectiveness of these governance arrangements, and critical perspectives on the possibilities and limitations of such public–private forms of governance. We welcome multi-disciplinary perspectives including contributions from economics, political science, law, sociology, geography, and anthropology. Papers selected for this Special Issue are subject to a peer review procedure with the aim of rapid and wide dissemination of research results, developments, and applications.

The Emerald Handbook of Public-Private Partnerships in Developing and Emerging Economies

Book Description

This Handbook aims to support policy-makers, national governments, national and regional public administrations, PPP officers, practitioners and academia in the design, implementation and assessment of appropriate responses to foster PPPs' uptake in the context of developing and emerging economies.

Public Private Partnerships in the Water Sector

Book Description

Public sector funding and resources are often inadequate to meet increasing demands for investment and effective management, and a growing case history shows increasing involvement by the private sector in provision of infrastructure and services through PPP arrangements. The objective of this book is to determine, and make recommendations on, means of optimizing the use of Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in development of infrastructure whilst ensuring the sustainable long term provision of water and waste water services. The focus is on providing detailed recommendations on contractual issues and contract structures to achieve this objective. Public Private Partnerships in the Water Sector - Innovation and Financial Sustainability: Identifies what is needed to establish effective and sustainable water and wastewater service reform when using a PPP arrangement, and importantly how those issues can be addressed contractually. Provides specific recommendations of a comprehensive and detailed approach to contract drafting to ensure effective, sustainable and long term provision of water and wastewater services, including an approach for adaptation of public procurement procedures for PPP arrangements. Recommends a proposed approach to dealing with the influence of imperfect or unavailable data on the long term effectiveness or sustainability. This is a practical and pragmatic book in which the authors share their considerable experience on devising and implementing PPPs in the water sector. It is aimed primarily at practitioners working with developing countries but its recommendations will also be suitable for application in developed countries. It is also a useful reference for postgraduates and academics studying infrastructure development. See also: Public and Private Participation in the Water and Wastewater Sector - Developing Sustainable Legal Mechanisms, Cledan Mandri-Perrott, 2009 Private Sector Participation in Water Infrastructure, Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), 2009.

Public-private Partnerships

Book Description

This book aims to discover the conditions under which public private partnerships may provide a viable alternative to the provision of public services and infrastructures by the state, while achieving efficient, sustainable, peaceful, and equitable development in four transition countries: China, Poland, Russia and Ukraine.

Cost and EU Public Procurement Law

Book Description

Public institutions, companies and governments in the EU and around the world are increasingly engaging in sustainable public procurement – a broad concept that must consider the three pillars of economic equality, social welfare and public health and environmental responsibility when designing public tenders and finalizing government contracts. This book contributes to the development of life-cycle criteria tools and methodologies for public procurement in the EU. It collects both sector-crossing contributions analysing the most relevant theoretical and legal aspects, including both EU law and contract theory, and sector-specific contributions relating to some of the most important sustainable goods and services markets. The book starts with a chapter that discusses the different approaches to including sustainability considerations in buying decisions by both private and public purchasers, and then goes on to examine the EU law on LCC and how it is implemented in different Member States. These chapters address the challenges in balancing economic and sustainability objectives under EU internal market law. One chapter develops the analysis with specific reference to public-private partnership. Another chapter elaborates how multi-stakeholders’ cooperation is necessary to develop LCC, based on a case study of a lighting services procurement. Three sector-specific studies relating to social housing, textile and clothing and IT close the book. With contributors from a range of backgrounds including law, business, management, engineering and policy development, this interdisciplinary book provides the first comprehensive study on LCC within the framework of EU public procurement law.

Public-Private Partnerships and Concessions in the EU

Book Description

In view of the fact that public infrastructure, health and other services are being more consistently delivered through Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and concessions; this timely book explores these complex contractual arrangements involving cooperation between public and private sectors. It considers that PPPs have become increasingly prevalent following the financial crisis and examines the applicable legal regimes that are still, to a large extent, unclear to many.

Public and Private Participation in the Water and Wastewater Sector

Book Description

Public and Private Participation in the Water and Wastewater Sector provides practical guidance on applying Public Private Partnership structures within the constraints of European legislation, with examples on how to ensure consistency with EU procurement, competition law and the Water Framework Directive. It reconciles the need for adequate regulation within the context of a monopoly provision of service – a major concern of the European competition policy. The purpose of this book is to provide practical guidance on how to introduce a Public Private Partnership (PPP) as a strategy towards helping meet the demands for massive capital investments and improved management and performance in the water and wastewater sector. The introduction of PPPs within a European context needs to be assessed against compliance with basic EU law principles related to Competition and the Water Framework Directive. International legal structures in the management, distribution and treatment of water are discussed. There is a brief overview of the present realities of European integration, the political and legal aspects involved in the water sector and two cases in which a viable solution was reached and which form the basis of this research. The book examines the general principles of EU law in terms of competition and procurement and how other directives have an impact on PPP. It then assesses the specific rules applicable to PPP in the EU context, and their implications in designing water PPPs. The book concludes with a review of two case studies (the City of Sofia, Bulgaria and the City of Tallinn, Estonia) that show how the Public Private Partnership structure chosen provides a sound legal basis and a viable way to achieve compliance with Community law and the Water Framework Directive, thus assisting the process of accession to the EU for each country. Public and Private Participation in the Water and Wastewater Sector: Developing Sustainable Legal Mechanisms is principally aimed at supporting municipal, provincial, and central governments and other policy makers seeking to improve water services. It is a must read for policymakers and practitioners seeking to navigate through the intricacies of EU legislation and the complexities of public private partnerships. The principles addressed in this book will also be useful outside the European context. See also: Private Sector Participation in Water Infrastructure, Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), 2009; Public Private Partnerships in the Water Sector, Innovation and Financial Sustainability, Cledan Mandri-Perrott and David Stiggers, 2012

Public Private Partnerships

Book Description

This insightful book critically examines the phenomenon of public private partnerships through a global, theoretical, lens. It considers the reasons for merging private entities and public administration, as well as the processes and consequences of doing so. The benefits for the community as well as the radical changes in the principles and modalities of administrative activity are theorized and discussed.

Private Institutions and Global Governance

Book Description

This book analyses the recent emergence of transnational forms of environmental regulation within the larger conceptual context of global governance research and institutional theory. Increasingly, private policies at the transnational level complement, and in some cases even replace, public interventions. The author takes a deep and broad look at the phenomenon to account for both the emergence and the influence of private institutions in global governance and sustainability. Focusing on the empirical arenas of sustainable forestry and corporate environmental reporting and management, Philipp Pattberg examines why and how private forms of policy-making emerge at the transnational level and how their impacts can be analysed. The study makes a threefold contribution to current debates; firstly, it provides a novel theoretical perspective on the phenomenon of private governance in global sustainability politics. Secondly, it offers a fresh conceptualisation of global governance as a meta-theory in the social sciences. And finally, it provides detailed insights into the empirical landscape of private governance in the areas of global forestry and corporate environmental reporting. This book bridges disciplinary boundaries by providing a detailed account of recent developments in global business regulation as an important aspect of the current sustainability debate. As such it will appeal to a wide audience of both academics and researchers in the fields of environmental policy, public sector economics, international relations and global environmental and sustainability politics in particular. It will also be of interest to practitioners involved in private rule-making and sustainable development.