Nordic Radioecology

Book Description

The present treatise is the final milestone in the radioecology programme, RAD, carried out from 1990 to 1993 under the Nordic Committee for Nuclear Safety Research, NKS. The book, one of the few in its field to have achieved international publication, is centred on the contamination of Nordic environments with radionuclides from the Chernobyl accident. It contains 30 contributions mainly describing the flow of radiocaesium through aquatic, agricultural, forest, and alpine ecosystems, as well as quality assurance and doses to man. A series of original papers on various aspects of Nordic post-Chernobyl radioecology by leading Nordic scientists is also included, along with terms & units definitions, indexes, and an executive summary. The volume will be invaluable to all scientists and professionals in radioecology, radiation protection, trace element cycling and environmental contamination. It will also be relevant to general evironmental management/human contamination/civil defence officials.

Freshwater and Estuarine Radioecology

Book Description

Hardbound. The Chernobyl accident drew attention to the difficulties of understanding the dynamics of radionuclide transport through the environment using older methods developed after the pseudo steady state pollution resulting after the weapons testing fallout. More recent approaches, which are reported in this book, have incorporated both the dynamic aspects highlighted by the pulse Chernobyl input and the importance of improvement in models that can be brought about by constraining parameters on the basis of a knowledge of the fundamental physics, chemistry, biology and ecology of the ecosystems involved. The papers within this volume include hydrodynamic models of suspended solids transport, ion exchange interpretation of radionuclide sorption: approaches applying a knowledge of membrane transport kinetics to the uptake of radionuclides by biota; the effects of different ecological niches on the relative uptake of radionuclides by different species;

Radioecology: Lectures In Environmental Radioactivity

Book Description

These lectures presented by experts from the Nordic countries are collected with the purpose of education in the field of environmental radioactivity. The book may be used in university courses on, eg., health physics and environmental science. Administrators and managers of environmental programmes may also find useful background information.The book covers all important aspects of environmental radioactivity such as source terms, atmospheric transport, processes in aquatic and terrestrial systems, radiochemistry and measurement techniques, radioactivity in man, modeling and assessment of absorbed doses.The Nordic Committee for Nuclear Safety Research, NKS, organises joint research programmes such as the above lectures to strive for a better understanding in the Nordic countries of factors influencing nuclear safety, radiation protection and emergency provisions.

The Pollution Biology of Aquatic Oligochaetes

Book Description

In aquatic ecosystems, the oligochaetes are often a major component of the community. Their relevance in sediment quality assessment is largely related to their benthic and detritivorous life habit. In this book, we aim to present the state of the art of Pollution Biology using oligochaete worms in laboratory and field studies. Future research will require the combination of a variety of methodological approaches and the integration of the resulting information, avoiding fragmented and often conflicting visions of the relationships of the species with their environment. Current approaches to ecotoxicology and bioaccumulation using ecological risk assessment provide the opportunity to relate community studies with probability of effects. This book addresses three main themes: Ecological and Field Studies using the composition and structure of oligochaete communities, Toxicology and Laboratory Studies, and Bioaccumulation and Trophic Transfer Studies. Two appendices list values of toxicological parameters (LC50, EC50) and several bioaccumulation variables (bioaccumulation factors, biological half-life, toxicokinetic coefficients, and critical body residues) for different oligochaete species. Additional information is provided on Methodological Issues and on the Taxonomy of several oligochaete families, with information on the most recent taxonomic debates. Each chapter includes a critical view, based on the authors’ experience, of a number of current issues which have been raised in the literature.