Community Recreation Programs

Book Description

Presents the results of a survey of Works Progress Administration recreation program winter activities, conducted during the week ending February 18, 1939.

Social Casework

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Summer Recreation

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Staff Research Report

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An Analytical Study of the Recreation Program of the Dallas County Juvenile Home Dallas, Texas

Book Description

"It has been the purpose of this study to make an analysis of the recreational program at the Dallas County Juvenile Home ... certain conclusions concerning the recreational program have been reached. 1. The principles upon which the recreational program is based are lin line with the recommendations of the National Recreation Association. 2. In practice, recreation in the Dallas County Juvenile Home has not reached maximum efficiency. 3. The program is built largely to fill the needs of the majority of the boys who are detained at the home. 4. The program has been modified in some cases to meet the needs of the individual groups. 5. The recreation program serves as a means for the boys to express themselves; therefore, the supervisors and the case workers are able to establish better rapport with each boy. 5. The better rapport with each boy enables the case worker to determine the proper placement of the boy. 7. Through the efforts of recreation many personality adjustments have been made. 8. The study shows that the majority or 51 percent of the boys chose yard play as a first choice of activities offered at the home. 9. Because of the maintained interest of the entire staff to find and improve the defects of the program, recreation facilities have been expanded. 10. Inadequate funds limit the full use of the factilities at the home."--Leaf 67.