Recycled Pulsars

Book Description

We present the results of a large-area survey for millisecond pulsars (MSPs) at moderately high galactic latitudes with the 64 m Parkes radio telescope, along with follow-up timing and optical studies of the newly-discovered pulsars and several others. Major results include the first precise measurement of the mass of a fully recycled pulsar and measurement of orbital period decay in a double neutron star binary system allowing a test of general relativity along with improved measurements of the neutron star masses. In a survey of approx. 4,150 square degrees, we discovered 26 previously unknown pulsars, including 7 "recycled" millisecond or binary pulsars. Several of these recycled pulsars are particularly interesting: PSR J1528-3146 is in a circular orbit with a companion of at least 0.94 solar masses; it is a member of the recently recognized class of intermediate mass binary pulsar (IMBP) systems with massive white dwarf companions. We have detected optical counterparts for this and one other IMBP system; taken together with optical detections and non-detections of several similar systems, our results indicate that the characteristic age consistently overestimates the time since the end of mass accretion in these recycled systems. This result implies that the pulsar spin period at the end of the accretion phase is not dramatically shorter than the observed period as is generally assumed. PSR J1600-3053 is among the best high-precision timing pulsars known and should be very useful as part of an ensemble of pulsars used to detect very low frequency gravitational waves. PSR J1738+0333 has an optical counterpart which, although not yet well-studied, has already allowed a preliminary measurement of the system's mass ratio. The most significant discovery of this survey is PSR J1909-3744, a 2.95 ms pulsar in an extremely circular 1.5 d orbit with a low-mass white dwarf companion. Though this system is a fairly typical low-mass binary pulsar (LMBP) system, it has several exceptional qualities: an extremely narrow pulse profile and stable rotation have enabled the most precise long-term timing ever reported, and a nearly edge-on orbit gives rise to a strong Shapiro delay signature in the pulse timing data which has allowed the most precise measurement of the mass of a millisecond pulsar: 1.438 ± 0.024 solar masses. Our accurate parallax distance measurement, d = 1.14 +0.08 / -0.07 kpc, combined with the mass of the optically-detected companion, 0.2038 ± 0.022 solar masses, will provide an important calibration for white dwarf models relevant to other LMBP companions. We have measured the decay of the binary period of the double neutron star system B2127+11C in the globular cluster M15. This has allowed an improved measurement of the mass of the pulsar, 1.3584 ± 0.0097 solar masses, and companion, 1.3544 ± 0.0097 solar masses, as well as a test of general relativity at the 3% level. We find that the proper motions of this pulsar as well as B2127+11A and B2127+11B are consistent with each other and with one published measurement of the cluster proper motion. We have discovered three binary millisecond pulsars in the globular cluster M62 using the 100-m Green Bank Telescope (GBT). These pulsars are the first objects discovered with the GBT. We briefly describe a wide-bandwidth coherent dedispersion backend used for some of the high precision pulsar timing observations presented here.

X-Ray Binaries and Recycled Pulsars

Book Description

Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on X-Ray Binaries and the Formation of Binary and Millisecond Radio Pulsars, Santa Barbara, CA, U.S.A., Januari 21-25, 1991

Rotation and Accretion Powered Pulsars

Book Description

This book is an introduction to pulsars, a key area in high energy astrophysics with continuing potential for fundamental discoveries. Throughout the book runs the unifying thread of the evolutionary link between rotation-powered pulsars and accretion-powered pulsars ? a milestone of modern astrophysics. Early textbooks on pulsars dealt almost entirely with rotation-powered ones, while accounts of pulsars in volumes on X-ray binaries focused almost exclusively on accretion-powered ones. This is the first textbook to treat these two kinds of pulsars simultaneously with equal importance, stressing the fact that both are rotating, magnetic neutron stars, operating under different conditions during different parts of their lives. It describes the observational properties of both kinds of pulsars, summarizes our physical understanding of these properties, and pays detailed attention to the physics of superdense matter which neutron stars are composed of, as well as to the superfluidity which is expected to occur in neutron stars. Evolution from rotation-power to accretion-power, and vice versa, are carefully described. The effects of the strong magnetic fields of neutron stars on themselves, their emission properties, and their environments are discussed, as are the origin and evolution of such magnetic fields. Also treated is the superbly accurate verification of Einstein's theory of general relativity through timing studies of binary pulsars, which led to the award of the Nobel Prize to Hulse and Taylor in 1993. On each topic, the book starts with simple, basic physical concepts, and builds up the exposition to the point where the latest and most exciting developments become accessible to the reader.

High Time-Resolution Astrophysics

Book Description

"This is a basic introduction to the physics of compact objects in the context of High Time Resolution Astrophysics (HTRA)"--

Supernovae And Stellar Evolution - Proceedings Of The School And Workshop

Book Description

The papers in this volume present a recent survey of important results in the field of supernovae and pulsars. The review articles are likely to prove valuable because of their pedagogical nature to students and other entrants in the field. For researchers already working in this field, observational results and the details of theoretical investigations presented systematically are likely to stimulate further debates regarding classification of supernovae types Ia Ib and II and their progenitors and their relationship. New results are presented.

Neutron Stars and Their Birth Events

Book Description

This volume is the documentation of the second Course on 'Neutron Stars, Active Galactic Nuclei and Jets', held at Erice in September 1988. This second Course was devoted to our knowledge about neutron-star sources. The poster spoke of: pulsars, accreting X-ray sources and jet englnes, perhaps also UHE pulsars, X ra~' bursters and black-hole Neutron stars have even been proposed as the primary cosmic-ray boosters. Most of theil' properties are stil1 controversial, such as their birth mechanism (neutrino versus magnetic piston), internal structure (neutrons, quarks, strange particles), magnetic, thermal and spin histories, wind generation (hydrogen versus pair plasma, radiation versus centrifugal pressure), magnetospheric structure and accretion modes (along field lines versus quasi-Keplerian). The listed controversies have largely survived through the Course and entered into the proceedings. Several lecturers speak of 'magnetic-field decay' in neutron stars, of the 'recycling' of old pulsars, and of 'accretion-induced collapse' of white dwarfs as though such processes were textbook knowledge. Terms and abbreviations like RPSR (=recycled pulsar), spinup line, AIC, and ADC (=accretion disk corona) help to foster the assumptions. It is not clear to me at this time whether any of these notions has an application to reality.

Physics of Relativistic Objects in Compact Binaries: from Birth to Coalescence

Book Description

A very attractive feature of the theory of general relativity is that it is a perfectexampleofa“falsi?able”theory:notunableparameterispresentinthe theory and therefore even a single experiment incompatible with a prediction of the theory would immediately lead to its inevitable rejection, at least in the physical regime of application of the aforementioned experiment. This fact provides additional scienti?c value to one of the boldest and most fascinating achievements of the human intellect ever, and motivates a wealth of e?orts in designing and implementing tests aimed at the falsi?cation of the theory. The ?rst historical test on the theory has been the de?ection of light gr- ing the solar surface (Eddington 1919): the compatibility of the theory with this ?rst experiment together with its ability to explain the magnitude of the perihelion advance of Mercury contributed strongly to boost acceptance and worldwideknowledge.However,technologicallimitations preventedphysicists from setting up more constraining tests for several decades after the formu- tion of the theory. In fact, a relevant problem with experimental general r- ativity is that the predicted deviations from the Newtonian theory of gravity areverysmallwhentheexperimentsarecarriedoutinterrestriallaboratories.


Book Description

Handbook of Pulsar Astronomy

Book Description

This 2004 book provides a concise description of pulsar research, presenting key techniques, background information and results.