Redefining the Supreme Court's Role

Book Description

Discusses the workload crisis of the United States Supreme Court and argues t the role of the Court should be as manager of the national lawmaking process

The Role of the Supreme Court in American Government

Book Description

"Consists ... of the four Chichele lectures delivered at Oxford University under the auspices of All Souls College early in 1975"--Preface

The Supreme Court and the Judicial Function

Book Description

The papers in this collection are drawn from the annual The Supreme Court Review, which, since its inception in 1960, has been regarded by such legal scholars as Robert F. Drinnan, S. J., as "An indispensable, universally quoted work of the highest scholarship regarding the world's most influential tribunal." Now some of the most important contributions to the Review have been brought together in paperback editions that focus on issues that are becoming increasingly relevant to the ordinary citizen's daily life.

Redefining Federalism

Book Description

If federalism is about protecting the states, why not listen to them? In the last decade, the Supreme Court has reworked significant areas of constitutional law with the professed purpose of protecting the dignity and authority of the states, while frequently disregarding the states'' views as to what federalism is all about. The Court, according to the states, is protecting federalism too much and too little. Too much, in striking down federal law where even the states recognize that a federal role is necessary to address a national problem. Too little, in inappropriately limiting state experimentation. By listening more carefully to the States, the Supreme Court could transform its federalism jurisprudence from a source of criticism and polarization to a doctrine that should win broad support from across the political spectrum. In this important book, six distinguished authors redefine federalism and reaffirm Justice Louis Brandeis's vision of states and localities as the laboratories of democracy.

Redefining the First Freedom

Book Description

For over two hundred years, the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution has prevented government from establishing an official religion and from supporting or inhibiting privately held religious beliefs. Nonetheless, agreement over the proper constitutional boundaries separating religion from the state remains elusive. In this timely book, Ivers demonstrates that recent trends emerging in the Supreme Court point toward a weakening of the constitutional protections extended to religious minorities and a widening breach in the wall separating church and state. In the last decade, Ronald Reagan, who openly expressed his contempt for the Court's religious clause decisions, appointed justices who shared his view that majorities should have greater control over questions involving the place of religion in public life. This pattern has been continued by George Bush's appointments to the Court. In rigorous and comprehensive terms, Ivers examines the profound changes hi the church-state jurisprudence of the Supreme Court. Rather than viewing law and politics hi mutually exclusive terms, the author explains how this Court's drastic departure from established precedent is not value-neutral as claimed but represents a carefully crafted political jurisprudence designed to advance the interests of majoritarian religion. In case after case, Professor Ivers illustrates that the Court has abandoned its role as a countermajoritarian institution, a posture that has had, and will continue to have, grave consequences for religious minorities not well positioned hi legislative bodies. Brilliantly argued and written hi a lucid accessible manner, "Redefining the First Freedom "will appeal to constitutional scholars, political scientists, and civil rights activists. It will Inject new vigor into the debate over the Court's role as guarantor of individual rights, the meaning of the First Amendment religion clauses, and the appropriate relationship between religion and government.

The Bill of Rights

Book Description

With a foreword by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg of the U.S. Supreme Court. An Engaging, Accessible Guide to the Bill of Rights for Everyday Citizens. In The Bill of Rights: A User's Guide, award-winning author and constitutional scholar Linda R. Monk explores the remarkable history of the Bill of Rights amendment by amendment, the Supreme Court's interpretation of each right, and the power of citizens to enforce those rights. Stories of the ordinary people who made the Bill of Rights come alive are featured throughout. These include Fannie Lou Hamer, a Mississippi sharecropper who became a national civil rights leader; Clarence Earl Gideon, a prisoner whose handwritten petition to the Supreme Court expanded the right to counsel; Mary Beth Tinker, a 13-year-old whose protest of the Vietnam War established free speech rights for students; Michael Hardwick, a bartender who fought for privacy after police entered his bedroom unlawfully; Suzette Kelo, a nurse who opposed the city's takeover of her working-class neighborhood; and Simon Tam, a millennial whose 10-year trademark battle for his band "The Slants" ended in a unanimous Supreme Court victory. Such people prove that, in the words of Judge Learned Hand, "Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court, can save it." Exploring the history, scope, and meaning of the first ten amendments-as well as the Fourteenth Amendment, which nationalized them and extended new rights of equality to all-The Bill of Rights: A User's Guide is a powerful examination of the values that define American life and the tools that every citizen needs.

Judicial Review and the National Political Process

Book Description

As constitutional scholar John Nowak noted when the book was first released, "Professor Choper's Judicial Review and the National Political Process is mandatory reading for anyone seriously attempting to study our constitutional system of government. It is an important assessment of the democratic process and the theoretical and practical role of the Supreme Court." That view is no less true today, as borne out by the countless citations to this landmark work over the decades, including scores in the last few years alone. It is simply part of the foundational canon of constitutional law and political theory, an essential part of the library of scholars, students, and educated readers interested in considering the hard choices inherent in what the courts should decide and how they should decide them.

Online Courts and the Future of Justice

Book Description

In this book Richard Susskind, a pioneer of rethinking law for the digital age confronts the challenges facing our legal system and the potential for technology to bring much needed change. Drawing on years of experience leading the discussion on conceiving and delivering online justice, Susskind here charts and develops the public debate.

High Courts and Economic Governance in Argentina and Brazil

Book Description

This study analyzes how elected leaders and high courts in Argentina and Brazil interact over economic governance.

The Agenda

Book Description

From 2011, when Republicans gained control of the House of Representatives, until the present, Congress enacted hardly any major legislation outside of the tax law President Trump signed in 2017. In the same period, the Supreme Court dismantled much of America's campaign finance law, severely weakened the Voting Rights Act, permitted states to opt-out of the Affordable Care Act's Medicaid expansion, weakened laws protecting against age discimination and sexual and racial harassment, and held that every state must permit same-sex couples to marry. This powerful unelected body, now controlled by six very conservative Republicans, has and will become the locus of policymaking in the United States. Ian Millhiser, Vox's Supreme Court correspondent, tells the story of what those six justices are likely to do with their power. It is true that the right to abortion is in its final days, as is affirmative action. But Millhiser shows that it is in the most arcane decisions that the Court will fundamentally reshape America, transforming it into something far less democratic, by attacking voting rights, dismantling and vetoing the federal administrative state, ignoring the separation of church and state, and putting corporations above the law. The Agenda exposes a radically altered Supreme Court whose powers extend far beyond transforming any individual right--its agenda is to shape the very nature of America's government, redefining who gets to have legal rights, who is beyond the reach of the law, and who chooses the people who make our laws.