Reframing Berlin

Book Description

A study of the ways Berlin has been depicted in cinema and the ways its architectural transformations inform our understanding of the city and its memories. Concerned with the connection between the built environment and the passage of time, Reframing Berlin uses film locations in the city to reveal the influence that urban transformation has on memory-making. Covering the city's history since the beginning of cinema, the book proposes the term urban strategy to understand the range of consequential actions taken by politicians, developers, and other powerful figures to shape the nature and future of buildings, streets, and districts. Organizing these strategies from demolition to memorialization, the authors study the ways these actions forget or recall aspects of place. Using cinematic representations of Berlin as an audiovisual archive, the study details how the city has adjusted to its traumatic twentieth-century history through architectural transformations. Two dissimilar case studies frame each strategy, indicating that an approach that works for one building may not be sufficient for another.

Reframing Migration, Diversity and the Arts

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This book offers a compelling study of contemporary developments in European migration studies and the representation of migration in the arts and cultural institutions. It introduces scholars and students to the new concept of ‘postmigration’, offering a review of the origin of the concept (in Berlin) and how it has taken on a variety of meanings and works in different ways within different national, cultural and disciplinary contexts. The authors explore postmigrant theory in relation to the visual arts, theater, film and literature as well as the representation of migration and cultural diversity in cultural institutions, offering case studies of postmigrant analyses of contemporary works of art from Europe (mainly Denmark, Germany and Great Britain).


Book Description

For Stuart Shanker, the possibility of a truly just and free society begins with how we see and nurture our children. Shanker is renowned for using cutting-edge neuroscience to help children feel happy and think clearly by better regulating themselves. In his new book, Reframed, Shanker explores self-regulation in wider, social terms. Whereas his two previous books, Calm, Alert, and Learning and Self-Reg, were written for educators and parents, Reframed, the final book in the trilogy, unpacks the unique science and conceptual practices that are the very lifeblood of Self-Reg, making it an accessible read for new Self-Reggers. Reframed is grounded in the three basic principles of Shanker Self-Reg®: - There is no such thing as a bad, lazy, or stupid kid. - All people can learn to self-regulate in ways that promote rather than constrict growth. - There is no such thing as a "fixed outcome": trajectories can always be changed, at any point in the lifespan, if only we have the right knowledge and tools. Only a society that embraces these principles and strives to practice them, argues Shanker, can become a truly just society. The paradigm revolution presented in Reframed not only helps us understand the harrowing time we are living through, but inspires a profound sense of hope for the future. Shanker shows us how to build a compassionate society, one mind at a time.

Reframing Organizations

Book Description

In this third edition of their best-selling classic, authors Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal explain the powerful tool of "reframing." The authors have distilled the organizational literature into a comprehensive approach for looking at situations from more than one angle. Their four frames view organizations as factories, families, jungles, and theaters or temples: The Structural Frame: how to organize and structure groups and teams to get results The Human Resource Frame: how to tailor organizations to satisfy human needs, improve human resource management, and build positive interpersonal and group dynamics The Political Frame: how to cope with power and conflict, build coalitions, hone political skills, and deal with internal and external politics The Symbolic Frame: how to shape a culture that gives purpose and meaning to work, stage organizational drama for internal and external audiences, and build team spirit through ritual, ceremony, and story

Reframing Discussions

Book Description

Recitations and discussions are two types of interactions which have long been of interest to researchers who study classroom discourse in secondary English and Social Studies. According to research, teachers control the discourse during recitations through "inauthentic" questions requiring pre-specified answers. In contrast, discussions involve shared control and include "authentic" questions allowing multiple interpretations. This research has described recitations and discussions as opposites. Moreover, recitations and discussions have primarily been distinguished by who speaks and how many answers are possible. In defining these interactions in terms of stable categories and a multiplicity of voices and interpretations, little attention has been paid to dynamic relationships created through discourse during these interactions: If recitations appear to be so persistent, how might they be "reframed" as discussions through negotiation of the roles, relationships, and responses that are possible and appropriate in an interaction? If discussions involve not only expressing multiple opinions but also engaging with texts and responding to others' perspectives, how do speakers relate their experiences to the topic and build on others' contributions? My dissertation addressed discussions in terms of dynamic, discursive relationships through sociolinguistic discourse analysis of field notes, class transcripts, written reflections, and interviews on 28 lessons over one year in an urban 10th grade English class, a suburban 9th grade Social Studies class, and a rural 12th grade Composition class. Based on this research, I make the following claims. Recitations and discussions are not stable discourse patterns determined by individual speakers or individual turns in conversation. In contrast with prior English and Social Studies education research, the teacher's intended purpose did not necessarily determine the nature of the interaction, and inauthentic/authentic questions were not necessarily indicators of recitations/discussions. Rather, the discourse seemed to depend on how the interactional frame could be (re)negotiated among teacher and students. Recitations were reframed as discussions by relating students to the topic through "animation" and by relating different opinions to each other via "double voicing." "Animation" that cast students as figures in a historical/literary event reframed recitations as discussions by describing the topic as one with which students could identify. This finding adds to English and Social Studies education research on how envisionment of story worlds can increase students' comprehension/engagement and on how imagining themselves into events can increase students' empathy/authority. "Double voicing" students' comments reframed recitations as discussions by repeating what others had said in ways that provoked debate. This finding adds to English and Social Studies education research on how asking questions about what others have just said can contribute to discussion and on how interpretive questions encourage debate. Discussions can depend on the framing of other classroom interactions. Activities that preceded and followed discussions, in these data, shaped the frame for discussions. The framing of similar activities among teacher and students during previous classes shaped the frame for discussions. Repeated renegotiation of the frame led to emergence of genres, or types, of discussions. [The dissertation citations contained here are published with the permission of ProQuest llc. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page:].

Freedom from Fear

Book Description

"A new history of liberalism which argues that liberalism has been predicated on definite morality and should be viewed as an attempt to encompass both fear and hope. Liberalism, argues Alan Kahan, is the search for a society in which people need not be afraid. Freedom from fear is the most basic freedom. If we are afraid, we are not free. These insights, found in Montesquieu and Judith Shklar, are the foundation of liberalism. What liberals fear has changed over time (revolution, reaction, totalitarianism, religious fanaticism, poverty, and now populism) but the great majority of liberal thinkers have relied on three pillars to ward off their fears and to limit the concentrated power that causes fear: freedom, markets, and morals, or, to put it another way, politics, economics, and religion or morality. Most liberal thinkers emphasize one or two pillars more than another, but it is typical of liberalism down to the Second World War to rely on all three, although there were always minority voices who preferred to stand on only one leg. After WWII, "thin" procedural/market liberals, who wanted to strip any moral or religious basis or purpose from liberalism, dominated "thick" liberal moralists, who thought liberalism needed a moral basis and/or goal. It is the political contention of this book that liberalism is most convincing as program, language, and social analysis when it relies on all three pillars, and that the relative weakness of liberalism at the end of the twentieth century had much to do with neglect of the moral pillar of liberalism. Its historical contention is that for much of the past two centuries it did rely on all three pillars. But Kahan also argues that liberalism is not only a party of fear. It is also a party of hope, or the party of progress. Many of the contradictions typical of liberalism derive from the seemingly contradictory effort to encompass both hope and fear. If in case of conflict fear often trumps hope for liberals (loss aversion applies in politics as much as in economics), and utopia is subject to indefinite postponement, progress in personal autonomy and development has always been at the heart of liberalism. Liberals typically support their hopes on the same three pillars of freedom, markets, and morals which they use to ward off their fears. Nevertheless, in one respect those historians and political theorists who identify liberalism with laissez-faire economics are not wrong. It is characteristic of liberalism then that it bases its hopes not on the state but on civil society, which for liberals is the common source of a free politics, a free market, and of morals. Alan S. Kahan is Professor of History at the Université de Versailles. His previous books include Tocqueville, Democracy, and Religion: Checks and Balances for Democratic Souls (Oxford 2015), Alexis de Tocqueville (Continuum Books) and Mind vs Money: The War Between Intellectuals and Capitalism (Transaction Publishing, 2010)"--

Framing Attention

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Strategic Reframing

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This book provides clear information and guidance on how to do scenario planning to support strategy and public policy. The book describes the Oxford Scenario Planning Approach (OSPA), an intellectually rigorous and practical methodolgy.

Owen Barfield’s Poetic Philosophy

Book Description

The first book to offer an overview, at once introductory and comprehensive, of the philosophical thought of Owen Barfield, sometimes known as the “first and last Inkling” and as the “British Heidegger.” Beginning by placing Barfield's early poetics in the context of the critical hurly-burly of modernist London of the 1920s, Owen Barfield's Poetic Philosophy: Meaning and Imagination shows how Barfield's subsequent development of a philosophy of history, metaphysics, and ethics culminates in his development of a poetic cosmology. Hipolito situates Barfield's poetic philosophy in relation to his significant contemporaries (and predecessors) including T.S. Eliot, D.H. Lawrence, I.A. Richards, Jean Paul Sartre, Martin Heidegger and Ernst Cassirer, bringing to light for the first time many important aspects of Barfield's thought. The book concludes with an analysis of the Burgeon trilogy, in which Barfield recapitulates the themes and arguments of his poetic philosophy by exemplifying them in three genre-defying works of fiction. Structured chronologically and giving a systematic examination of Barfield's thought, Owen Barfield's Poetic Philosophy paints a much-needed picture of a major thinker and poet, who was entirely engaged with his times and who remains crucially relevant to our own.

Reframing Information Architecture

Book Description

Information architecture has changed dramatically since the mid-1990s and earlier conceptions of the world and the internet being different and separate have given way to a much more complex scenario in the present day. In the post-digital world that we now inhabit the digital and the physical blend easily and our activities and usage of information takes place through multiple contexts and via multiple devices and unstable, emergent choreographies. Information architecture now is steadily growing into a channel- or medium-specific multi-disciplinary framework, with contributions coming from architecture, urban planning, design and systems thinking, cognitive science, new media, anthropology. All these have been heavily reshaping the practice: conversations about labelling, websites, and hierarchies are replaced by conversations about sense-making, place-making, design, architecture, cross media, complexity, embodied cognition and their application to the architecture of information spaces as places we live in in an increasingly large part of our lives. Via narratives, frameworks, references, approaches and case-studies this book explores these changes and offers a way to reconceptualize the shifting role and nature of information architecture where information permeates digital and physical space, users are producers and products are increasingly becoming complex cross-channel or multi-channel services.