Assessment of Resident Canada Goose Management in Kansas

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Resident Canada geese (Branta canadensis, geese nesting in the conterminous United States) was one of the many wildlife species declining by the early 1900s due to large-scale human disturbance (e.g., overharvest and habitat destruction). After decades without recognized breeding populations, many thought resident Canada geese were extinct in Kansas and the rest of the United States. Today, certain populations of resident Canada geese are so abundant they can be a nuisance; especially during spring breeding season. Resident Canada geese provide intrinsic value to Kansans as well as economic value through hunting licenses, travel, lodging, and taxes leveed on guns and ammunition. My goal was to address information gaps necessary to make science-based management decisions for resident Canada geese in Kansas. My objective for the first chapter was to determine the effect of translocation on urban-banded nuisance geese. My objective for the second chapter was to assess potential changes to the statewide spring breeding population survey for nesting geese in Kansas, to reduce bias and variation while maintaining or reducing survey cost. My objective for the third chapter was to determine the effect of latitude on age-class specific recovery patterns for resident Canada geese in the eastern tier of the Central Flyway. I estimated survival and recovery probabilities from hunter-harvested band recoveries for normal and translocated (i.e., urban geese relocated to rural areas) resident Canada geese. Annual survival differed between normal (S ̂ = 0.761, 95% CI 0.734-0.785) and translocated (S ̂ = 0.598, 95% CI 0.528-0.665) geese. Recovery probability also differed between normal and translocated adults (normal wild f ̂ = 0.074, 95% CI = 0.069-0.078; translocated f ̂ = 0.138, 95% CI = 0.120-0.158) and juveniles (normal wild f ̂ = 0.067, 95% CI = 0.059-0.075; translocated f ̂ = 0.250, 95% CI = 0.199-0.310). Recovery probability did not differ between status in the sub-adult age class (normal wild f ̂ = 0.126, 95% CI = 0.115-0.137; translocated f ̂ = 0.090, 95% CI = 0.055-0.144). Since 2014, Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks has used fixed-wing aircraft to survey 160 1-mi2 plots in 2 landcover strata (80 high and 80 medium strata) based on expected abundance of breeding Canada geese. I used survey data from 2019 to estimate change in bias of potential plot reallocation scenarios focusing on inter-plot count variation. I simulated design scenarios by reallocating plots in groups of 10 (e.g., 90 medium, 70 high). I simulated each scenario 100 times and calculated density and associated standard deviation, 90% confidence intervals, and coefficient of variation (CV) for each iteration. The top-ranked survey design based on the greatest reduction in bias predicted reallocating 40 medium stratum plots to the high strata would be the most effective method to increase statistical power and reduce coefficient of variation. Finally, I investigated the effects of banding latitude (i.e., banding state) and age-class on geospatial recovery patterns of resident Canada geese in the eastern-tier states of the Central Flyway, 2012-2019. I used optimized hot spot analyses and inverse distance weighting to measure how recoveries of sub-adult and adult geese differed spatially as insight into latitudinal effects of molt migration. Sub-adult geese from southern-banding states were recovered disproportionately at more northerly latitudes than sub-adult geese from northern banding states. Adult geese were disproportionately recovered in their respective banding state. These results will be used to inform the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks revision of the state resident Canada goose management plan.

Urban Wildlife Management

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Winner of the 2018 TWS Wildlife Publication Awards in the authored book category Urban development is one of the leading worldwide threats to conserving biodiversity. In the near future, wildlife management in urban landscapes will be a prominent issue for wildlife professionals. This new edition of Urban Wildlife Management continues the work of its predecessors by providing a comprehensive examination of the issues that increase the need for urban wildlife management, exploring the changing dynamics of the field while giving historical perspectives and looking at current trends and future directions. The book examines a range of topics on human interactions with wildlife in urbanized environments. It focuses not only on ecological matters but also on political, economic, and societal issues that must be addressed for successful management planning. This edition features an entirely new section on urban wildlife species, including chapters on urban communities, herpetofauna, birds, ungulates, mammals, carnivores, and feral and introduced species. The third edition features Five new chapters 12 updated chapters Four new case studies Seven new appendices and species profiles 90 new figures A comprehensive analysis of terrestrial vertebrate locations by state and urban observations Each chapter opens with a set of key concepts which are then examined in the following discussions. Suggested learning experiences to enhance knowledge conclude each chapter. The species profiles cover not only data about the animal concerned but also detail significant current management issues related to the species. An updated and expanded teaching tool, Urban Wildlife Management, Third Edition identifies the challenges and opportunities facing wildlife in urban communities as well as factors that promote or threaten their presence. It gives both students and professionals a solid grounding in the required fundamental ecological principles for understanding the effects of human-made environments on wildlife.

Space-use and Movement of Canada Geese in Response to Hunting Pressure and Anthropogenic Land Use

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The North American landscape has changed drastically over the last century through the conversion of wetlands, grasslands, and forests to intensive agriculture and urban development to meet human needs. Increased human use of the landscape affects wildlife's access to resources, behavior, and survival. Understanding wildlife behavior in relation to direct and indirect anthropogenic disturbance is necessary to develop appropriate and effective land use policies, management regulations, and conservation plans. The direct effects of anthropogenic disturbance can result from human recreation activities, such as ecotourism, wherein species tend to increase vigilance, stress hormones, and flight distance when humans are present. Anthropogenic disturbance affects wildlife indirectly through land conversion, which can disconnect habitats, thwart dispersal, and limit population size and range. However, some species have managed to thrive in human-dominated landscapes, like waterfowl that take advantage of fallow croplands and turfgrass monocultures for reliable food sources. For prey species, predation avoidance exerts a strong influence on behavior and space use. The landscape of fear describes an individual's cognitive map that incorporates perceived cyclical temporal and spatial variations in predation risk across the landscape. Further, the predation risk allocation hypothesis suggests that animals allocate feeding and anti-predator efforts variably in response to predation risk, trading-off between foraging and vigilance behavior based on perceived risk. Prey species may also perceive some sources of anthropogenic disturbance as a component of the landscape of fear. For example, a grouse species in Europe (Tetrao urogallus) exhibited decreased activity in suitable habitats with higher levels of recreation. For game species, hunters are part of an animal's landscape of fear. Hunting pressure has direct impacts on individuals through harvest and may have indirect impacts on behavior, such as changes in movement rates, habitat preference, and decreased foraging efficiency that reduces body condition. Hunting-related changes in activity and space-use patterns have been documented in a variety of species and environmental settings. In ungulate populations, researchers have observed hunting-related increases in movement rates with no corresponding changes in habitat selection, and it has been suggested that the magnitude of response is related to variation in exposure to risk. Many waterfowl species have also demonstrated measurable but inconsistent changes in landscape use and activity in response to hunting. For example, studies showed that hunting, whether from fixed (e.g., stationary blind) or mobile (e.g., boat) points prompted waterfowl to leave a site immediately but did not decrease overall abundance at the site. Providing waterfowl with access to undisturbed refuges has been identified as an effective management tool to buffer the effects of anthropogenic disturbance, and waterfowl have been shown to move to refuges during the hunting season. Waterfowl's response to anthropogenic disturbance, including hunting, has been studied across a wide range of species and regions, often using direct observation or low-frequency tracking, which has limited the scope of inference. However, management of waterfowl remains a key focus of many hunter-affiliated conservation organizations and government agencies, and additional research using modern techniques is necessary for effective population management. Importantly, despite hunter retention and recruitment decreasing in recent decades, hunting remains a primary source of funding for state and federal wildlife conservation and management programs. In Pennsylvania, hunting-related purchases contribute one billion dollars to gross domestic product annually. Goose hunting in Pennsylvania accounts for a large portion of goose hunting in the eastern U.S. Geese (Anser spp and Branta spp.) harvested in Pennsylvania comprise approximately 20% of geese harvested within the Atlantic Flyway. The Pennsylvania Game Commission operates Wildlife Management Areas, which are specifically managed to create hunting opportunities and increase game species by providing quality breeding and foraging habitat and undisturbed areas of refuge. Two management-related goals of this study were to understand how resident Canada geese (Branta canadensis) move across the landscape during the hunting season and which habitat characteristics support nesting and foraging year-round, which can guide management decisions that maximize both goose abundance and hunting opportunities. Further, we aimed to expand our understanding of the landscape of fear by evaluating how this game species navigates the trade-off between threats and resources during the hunting season. By fitting resource selection functions and hidden Markov models to analyze fine-scale telemetry data from non-migratory geese that use carefully managed hunting areas, we will improve our understanding of Canada goose movement and habitat use with respect to hunting disturbance. The results will not only provide information about effective population management, but also provide insights into behavioral adaptations for predator avoidance.

Kansas Fish and Game

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