Report on the Progress of Recovery Strategy Implementation for the Paxton Lake, Enos Lake, and Vananda Creek Stickleback Species Pairs (Gasterosteus Aculeatus) in Canada for the Period 2007-2015

Book Description

"This report documents the progress of Recovery Strategy implementation for the Paxton Lake, Enos Lake, and Vananda Creek Stickleback Species Pairs. It summarizes progress that Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and other interested parties have made towards achieving the goal and objectives set out in the Recovery Strategy, including: conducting new research and monitoring activities (including advancing studies to support the identification of critical habitat); and completing management activities that help Canadians reduce impacts on, and better understand threats to, the Paxton Lake, Enos Lake, and Vananda Creek Stickleback Species Pairs"--Executive summary.

Recovery Strategy for the Misty Lake Sticklebacks (Gasterosteus Aculeatus) in Canada

Book Description

This Recovery Strategy for Misty Lake Sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) includes the following population and distribution objectives: (1) maintain, or where possible increase, abundance of each population (inlet, lake, outlet) relative to the 2016 observed population sizes; and (2) to maintain the current spatial distribution of each population (inlet, lake, outlet) and maintain the two distinct forms by preventing an increase in hybridization that could lead to the collapse of the species pair into a hybrid swarm. As well, broad strategies and approaches necessary to address threats to the recovery of Misty Lake Sticklebacks are identified. Activities may be added, adapted and revised as new information is gathered.--Document.

Report on the Progress of Recovery Strategy Implementation for the Lake Chubsucker (Erimyzon Sucetta) in Canada for the Period 2010-2015

Book Description

"The Lake Chubsucker was initially listed as Threatened in 2003 under the Species at Risk Act (SARA) and was reclassified to Endangered in 2011. The Recovery Strategy for the Lake Chubsucker (Erimyzon sucetta) in Canada was finalized and published on the Species at Risk Public Registry in 2010, before the species was uplisted in 2011. The main threats identified for the Lake Chubsucker include: wetland habitat loss; siltation and turbidity; and, nutrient loading. Additional contributing threats include: channelization/altered water flow; invasive species; incidental harvest; changes to trophic dynamics; barriers to movement; and, climate change. The population and distribution objectives for the Lake Chubsucker are to maintain current distributions and densities of known extant populations in the Old Ausable Channel (OAC), L Lake, Lake St. Clair (Walpole Island, St. Clair National Wildlife Area [NWA]), Lake Erie (Point Pelee National Park, Rondeau Bay, Long Point Bay, Big Creek NWA), and the upper Niagara River (Lyons Creek)"--Executive summary, p. ii.