Rescued from Hell

Book Description

One man's journey into a ten year living nightmare and his astonishing true story of return. Was it an insane delusion or a Satanic deception? This is a tale both incredible and terrible, yet studded with life affirming humor and hope-filled insights into the spiritual realities that surround us.From the first chapter: "...It was then that god showed up. The divine being that had come into my off-campus farm house at Duke one and a half years earlier now reappeared. Then it had been bathed in shimmering light, filled with promise. Now it simply was there. More real than the floor and walls. More real than me. I could sense it with every fiber of my being, but I couldn't see it. Yet, its presence was in this moment more complete than any of the encounters I had had with it since its first appearance. I knew full well its past displeasure with me and shrank inwardly at realizing that it knew also how ignobly I had failed once again to find the way to rise into its higher life..." So began the Descent. Throughout history untold millions have tragically tumbled down the rabbit hole of insanity into the unsearchable depths of a shattered mind. Few have ever returned to tell about it. Part comical romp through the countercultural landscape of the '60s, part expos� of the "dark side of the force," Rescued from Hell is a cross between "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" and Dante's "Inferno." It is the bizarre tale of an unsuspecting spiritual voyager caught in a spider web of New Age "spirituality" and cocooned in a terrifying, soul-destroying nether land that lasted for a decade. Was it an insane delusion or a satanic deception? It is simply too incredible to have been imagined...

Escape from Hell

Book Description

Allan Carpenter escaped from hell once but remained haunted by what he saw and endured. He has now returned, on a mission to liberate those souls unfairly tortured and confined. Partnering with the legendary poet and suicide, Sylvia Plath, Carpenter is a modern-day Christ who intends to harrow hell and free the damned. But now that he's returned to this Dantesque Inferno, can he ever again leave? At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Rescued from Hell

Book Description

Stairway to Hell

Book Description

Did you hear about 17-year-old Kelsey Megliola? It happened early on a Sunday morning in July, 2013. One minute Kelsey was walking down a deserted country road in rural Michigan around 2 a.m., thinking her whole life was ahead of her. The next minute she lay dead in the highway, hit by a 19-year-old drunk driver. A neighbor said a party had taken place late Saturday night in the woods. Empty beer cans still littered the grass. Teenagers like Kelsey are being destroyed in record numbers. Street drugs Prescription drugs Alcoholism STDs Crime Deadly video games Cyber bullying Pornography Shootings Peer pressure AIDS The occult. They are all taking a heavy toll. And let's not forget teen killers like car crashes, accidents, and suicides. All of this destruction should not surprise us. Young people are being brainwashed by an evil world system and primed for ruin from a very young age. Sadly, by the time many parents discover there's a problem, it's often too late. THERE IS HOPE After working with troubled teens for over six years, Rick Jones learned the basic methods the devil's world system is using to wipe out teens by the millions. Because he saw so many teenage lives miraculously transformed, he felt compelled to record all the most important details of what brought about these transformations. In a compassionate, yet honest and straightforward way, this book "speaks their language," and grabs their attention and clearly show them the one and only way to escape the stairway to hell, and live a blessed and productive life. After they finish this short, easy-reading book, teens will look at life through different eyes, and have seriously changed attitudes. And best of all, they will know the real cause of their problems... and the solution too. With over 100,000 copies in print, many teens have been rescued after reading this timeless book. If you want to equip your teenagers for what they will face in this world, you must take action now. Give them a book that will equip them to sidestep all the land mines on the stairway to hell. You can be guaranteed they won't get this information in public school. And sadly, many who do go to church aren't getting it there either. Where else will they get this life-saving information, if not from you?

Rescued from Hell

Book Description

Welcome reader friend to this book Rescued from Hell, God will inspire and build your life to be a better Christian.when you read it you will notice the wonderful love of God for human beings, and you will be inspired to move forward, you will also find how God makes what was not to what is.finally you will find testimonies of people who read this book and were motivated to move forward.God bless you.

Whatever Happened to Hell?

Book Description

An outstanding, and sobering, volume from John Blanchard. Many would air-brush hell out of all thought today - or at least play down its horror and duration. Dr J.I. Packer says in the Foreword that he "gratefully commends [the book] and hopes it will be widely read." The need is no less now, and Dr Blanchard's approach of helping confused Christians as well as targeting complacent unbelievers is as fresh as ever. This new edition has been revised and now includes the ESV as the main source of Scripture quotations. Nobody can think seriously about hell and remain emotionally and psychologically unaffected. The idea that after a few years of life on earth an untold number of human beings, many of whom would be thought of as decent, law-abiding citizens, will spend eternity in indescribable agony and exposed to God's relentless anger is overwhelming. Reaction to the paralysing prospect of everlasting punishment varies from those who dismiss the whole idea because they reject the authority of Scripture to those who seek to soften its impact by reducing hell to manageable proportions. What does happen after death? What if the traditional pictures of hell as a place of endless punishment and suffering are true? What if millions of ordinary men and woman are on their way there? What if we are? And if so, is there any way in which we can avoid hell or evade it? These are vitally important questions and this book sets out to find answers to them.

Hell Is So Green

Book Description

Lt. William Diebold served in the Army's Air Transport Command in the China-Burma-India theater of World War II and never fired a weapon in battle. Like many men who flew the Hump, he never saw on-the-ground combat, but he fought bravely by saving lives. Flyers who crossed the eastern Himalayas to keep the allied armies in China supplied with food, fuel, and weapons against Japan—preventing it from concentrating its power in the Pacific—often flew in zero-visibility, sometimes crashing into mountains or falling from the sky from Japanese Zero attacks. Those pilots who survived, Bill Diebold rescued. In Hell Is So Green, Diebold vividly describes the heat and stink of the jungle; the vermin, lice, and leeches; the towering mountains and roaring rivers. Rich with war slang, wisecracks, and old-fashioned phrases, his story reverberates with authenticity and represents the stories of many men that have never been told. After the author's early death, the manuscript was put away in an attic—until now. Here, from the shadows of that attic, comes a compelling story of courage under fire and heroism for the ages.

Rescued from HELL

Book Description

This is a woman's fiction. The author takes you on a dramatic journey of a young woman separated from her family. What turned out to be a simple evening out to dinner, turned into an experience she felt was the closest thing to HELL.

Jota Cardona ( Ex Narco Rescued from Hell )

Book Description

As a leading media ministry, with a global reach, we're committed to creating Christian content that changes the people who change the world.

Escape from Hell's Corner

Book Description

Gangs of bloodthirsty and ruthless outlaws terrorized the American Southwest before and after Mexico ceded the land now called Texas. One such pack of thirty or forty cutthroats had what they thought was a perfectly impregnable hideout until a trio of U.S. Marshals was given the mission of bringing them to justice. These marshals were no barroom toughs, they'd been brought up church-going citizens, and all three had been schooled in the art of self-defense and survival. The leader of this outlaw gang made a fatal mistake when he ordered a rancher's beautiful virgin daughter kidnapped. His gunmen terrorized this beautiful maiden with a rattlesnake while threatening her with a life of abuse and humiliation at the hands of the outlaw boss. The boss of this lawless low-life gang of killers took great pride in using his blacksnake whip to maintain his unshakeable hold on his captives and even on the outlaws if they displeased him. He and his gang killed for the thrill of watching the innocent die. Members of this gang would lead the marshals on a chase throughout the Southwest and across the Rio Grande into Mexico, leaving a bloody trail of robbery and death.