Book Description

Révélez votre Nature

Book Description

Vous êtes sensible à l'avenir de la planète et voulez vivre une vie pleine de sens, de joie, en accord avec la Nature ? Vous traversez une étape délicate et aspirez au changement ? Vous souhaitez vous libérer des normes imposées par la pression sociale et prendre sans réserve votre responsabilité personnelle ? A notre petite échelle, contribuer à bâtir un monde meilleur est possible ! Partant de la connaissance de soi pour mener à une transition et de véritables choix de vie, le propos de ce livre permet de révéler nos aspirations profondes et d’identifier les freins et les habitudes qui empêchent leur expression. Avec l'aide d'éclairages en neurosciences et de très nombreux exercices pratiques, il nous conduit sur le chemin qui mène de la conscience à l’action. Il offre des solutions pour mieux gérer nos émotions et nos relations sociales. Et nous permet de trouver notre ancrage, notre juste place, en nous-mêmes, auprès des autres, en connexion avec la Nature. Un parcours initiatique qui allie les trois écologies (intérieure, relationnelle, environnementale) pour retrouver élan et enthousiasme et révéler le meilleur de chacun au service du bien commun.

Nature Mandalas

Book Description

Powerful spiritual symbols in art and in meditation, these circular patterns celebrate the beauty of nature in a dazzling colouring book from artist Melpomeni Chatzipanagiotou. These intricate mandalas fuse lovingly-crafted shapes and symbols with striking wild imagery from across the globe. Visit life under the sea, on land and in the sky, bringing your own choice of colour as you go. Melpomeni Chatzipanagiotou previously created Circle of Life, which explored the rhythms and riches of the natural world.

Montaigne and Bayle

Book Description

It is traditional in the literature on Pierre Bayle to make some refer ene e to iVlontaigne as one of the masters of skepticism in whose tracks he follows, albeit hardly so eloselyas Charron had. Time and again critics feel the need to mention Montaigne and Bayle in the same context, sometimes to contrast their brands of Pyrrhonism, more often to explain similarities in their ideas and methods, which have frequent ly been regarded as important steps in the gradual evolution of un Christian, even anti-Christian, thought. Their names were already associated during Bayle's life, for example, in the mediocre work by Dom Alexis Gaudin, La Distinction et la Nature du Bien et du MaI, Traite ou l'on combat l'erreur des Manicheens, les sentimens de Jvfontaigne & de Charron, & ceux de J. Vfonsieur Bayle. In the nineteen th century, the author of the Dictionnaire historique et critique wa~ generally elassified as a skeptic; and his name was inevi tably linked with the essayist's. In his Port-Royal, Sainte-Beuve pictured Bayle as one of the avowed skeptics in Montaigne's funeral cortege and spoke of both men as "d'autant pIus fourbes qu'ils ne le sont pas toujours." His later works show that he revised his opinion on each somewhat, l but in this he was unusual for his century.

Nature Mandalas Coloring Book

Book Description

This captivating coloring book will take you on a journey through our fascinating natural world. This dazzling adult coloring book from artist Melpomeni Chatzipanagiotou fuses traditional mandala patterns with the natural world to produce designs that are full of life and wonder. Wildlife such as deer, tigers, and exotic birds form the centerpiece of many designs, which are surrounded by leaves, flowers, and vines in full-page illustrations that are a joy to color in and display. As you color in these lovingly illustrated mandalas, you’ll be drawn into the beauty of nature and transported to an array of exotic habitats.

The Return of Scepticism

Book Description

This collection of articles (the Vercelli conference proceedings) places the theme of scepticism within its philosophical tradition. It explores the English philosophical thinkers, the French context, as well as major Italian figures and Spanish culture. It pays special attention to the relationships between history of philosophical ideas and the problems rising from the history of sciences (medicine, physics, linguistics, historical scholarship) in the 17th and the18th centuries.

Circle of Life

Book Description

This captivating colouring book will take you on a journey through the fascinating natural world, celebrating the rhythms of our wild planet with stunning circular artworks.

Esprits modernes

Book Description