Foreign Trade of India, 1947-2007, Trends, Policies, and Prospects

Book Description

Over the last 60 years, India's foreign trade has undergone a complete change in terms of composition and direction. The exports cover a wide range of traditional and non-traditional items while imports consist mainly of capital goods, petroleum products, raw materials, and chemicals to meet the ever-increasing needs of a developing and diversifying economy. In recognition of the growing importance of the foreign trade in driving the economy, this book describes and examines changes in the pattern of India's foreign trade since Independence in 1947, with focus on post-1991 developments. The book addresses issues related to trade policy, export strategy, tariff policy, current account dynamics, exchange rate management, foreign exchange reserves, capital account liberalization, external debt and aid, foreign investments (both direct and portfolio), and the WTO.

Foreign Trade of India

Book Description

The world's economy has changed rapidly, in both the horizontal and vertical spectrum. These changes clearly demonstrate that no nation can isolate itself completely from the rest of the world and survive. Additionally, the recent explosion of information technology has generated new waves of dynamism and has virtually reduced the entire world into a global village. International trade is considered a catalyst agent for sustaining and accelerating economic growth. All the factors of production are not adequately available in a single country. Hence, countries engage in international trade, mitigating the disadvantages of disproportionate geographical distribution of productive resources. International trade decidedly increases the exchangeable value of possessions, means of enjoyment, and wealth of the countries concerned. For about 40 years, foreign trade in India suffered from strict bureaucratic and discretionary controls. However, beginning in 1991, the government of India introduced a series of reforms to liberalize and globalize the economy. The major changes to trade policy in the post-1991 period have included: simplification of procedures, removal of quantitative restrictions, substantial reduction in the tariff rates, liberal inflows of private capital, shift towards market-determined exchange rate, focus on export growth, and entering into regional trade agreements. In view of the growing importance of foreign trade in India's economy, this book provides a comprehensive description and analysis of post-1991 developments in the country's foreign trade.

Foreign Trade Policy and Trends in India

Book Description

In recognition of the growing importance of foreign trade in the Indian economy, this book provides a comprehensive description and analysis of post-Independence developments in India's foreign trade and allied sectors with focus on post-1991 period. The book covers the following specific topics: Changing Pattern of International Trade; Pre- and Post-Independence Developments in India's Foreign Trade; Compositional and Directional Shifts in Exports from India; Compositional and Policy Shifts in Imports into India; Foreign Trade Policy in Recent Years; Rationalisation, Simplification and Moderation of Customs Tariff Regime; Current Account Convertibility and Flows; Capital Account Convertibility and Flows; Exchange Rate Determination and Management; Foreign Exchange Reserves; External Debt and Aid; Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Foreign Portfolio Investment. The book provides special coverage to the following topics: (a) Globalisation and International Trade, (b) Global Economic Crisis and International Trade, (c) India's Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs), (d) World Trade Organisation (WTO) and India's Foreign Trade and (e) Global Economic Crisis and the Indian Economy.

Indian Economy

Book Description

1.Economic Development : Meaning, Measurement, Indicators and Determinants,2. Underdeveloped (Developing) Economy—Concept of Underdevelopment, 3. Human Development, 4. Indian Economy on the Eve of Independence (Colonial Economy), 5. Structure and Basic Features of Indian Economy, 6. Evaluation of India’s Economic Planning, 7. Import Substituting Industrialisation, 8. Economic Reforms in India : Liberalisation, Privatisation & Globalisation, Demonetisation and GST, 9. Growth, Development and Structural Change in India, 10. Various Means of Transport : Road, Rail, Water and Air, 11. Changes in Policy Perspective in the Role of Institutional Framework After 1991, 12. Economic Growth and Distribution in India, 13. Problems of Poverty in India, 14. Unemployment in India, Nature, Extent and Employment Policy, 15.Economic Development and Environment, 16.Agriculture Growth and Performance in India, 17. Land Tenure and Reforms : Agricultural Holding and Consolidation, 18. Plans and Agriculture Development : Green Revolution, 19. Technological Change and Development in Agriculture (Agriculture Mechanisation), 20. Agricultural Price Policy, 21. Food Problem, Food Policy, Public Distribution System and Food Security, 22. Prominent Large Scale Industries of India—Cotton Textile, Jute, Sugar, Iron and Steel and Cement, 23. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in India, 24. Foreign Trade of India, 25. India and the World Trade Organisation (WTO), 26. Role of Foreign Direct Investment in India.

Foreign Trade, Export-Import Policy and Regional Trade Agreements of India

Book Description

For about 40 years (1950-90), foreign trade of India suffered from strict bureaucratic and discretionary controls. Similarly, foreign exchange transactions were tightly controlled by the Government and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). From Independence in 1947 till mid-1990s, India, with some exceptions, always faced deficit in its balance of payments, i.e. value of imports always exceeded the value of exports. Exports remained relatively sluggish owing to lack of exportable surplus, competition in the international market, inflation at home, and increasing protectionist policies of the developed countries. Beginning 1991, the Government of India introduced a series of reforms to liberalise and globalise the Indian economy. Indias approach to openness has been cautious, contingent on achieving certain preconditions to ensure an orderly process of liberalisation and ensuring macroeconomic stability. The broad approach to reforms in the foreign trade sector was laid out in the Report of the High Level Committee on Balance of Payments (Chairman: C. Rangarajan), 1993. The major trade policy changes in the post-1991 period have included (a) simplification of procedures, (b) removal of quantitative restrictions, (c) substantial reduction in the tariff rates, (d) moving towards current account convertibility, (e) liberal inflows of private capital, (f) shift towards market-determined exchange rate, (g) gradual liberalisation of restrictions on outflows, (h) focus on export growth and (i) attracting non-debt creating capital flows. In recognition of the growing importance of foreign trade in the Indian economy, this book provides a comprehensive description and analysis of post-Independence developments in Indias foreign trade and allied sectors with focus on post-1991 period. The book contains 19 chapters which are categorized into the following six theme parts: Part I: International Trade: Theoretical Settings and Emerging Pattern. Part II: Indias Foreign Trade Policy and Developments. Part III: Indias Exports, Imports, Customs Tariff, and Special Economic Zones (SEZs). Part IV: Exchange Rate and Convertibility. Part V: Foreign Debt, Aid and Investment. Part VI: WTO and Indias Regional Trade Agreements. Besides, there are the following 3 appendices: Appendix 1: Text of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP), August 27, 2009 to March 31, 2014. Appendix 2: Group of Twenty (G-20). Appendix 3: E-commerce. Other features of the book include □ Year-wise Review of Developments in Indias Foreign Trade: 1947-48 to 2011-12 □ Glossary of Trade-related Terms □ Time-series Statistics of Indias Foreign Trade □ Bibliography □ Index.

Liberalisation and Globalisation of Indian Economy

Book Description

Six Years Have Passed Since The Fast Process Of Liberalisation And Globalisation Was Started In India In July 1991. The Book Examines The Achievements And Failures Of The Process Of Economic Reforms During This Period. It Makes Useful Suggestions To Make The Economic Reforms More Successful And Human. The Role Which The State Has To Play In Accelerating The Process Of Economic Development And In Lessening Social Tensions Involved In Rapid Economic Reforms Has Been Clearly Laid Down In Detail.The Book Studies The Experience Of Economic Reforms In Other Countries And The Lessons Which India Can Draw From That. It Also Examines The Role Which Multinationals Can Play In The Economic Development Of The Country.The Book Analyses The Impact Of Economic Reforms On The Agricultural Economy And The Cottage And Small Scale Sector. It Emphasises The Need For Greater Attention To These Sectors On Which Depends The Well Being Of An Overwhelming Portion Of The Population.A Host Of Issues Concerning The Process Of Liberalisation And Globalisation Have Been Examined By Fortyseven Economists Spread Over The Entire Country.The First Volume Was Published In 1995 And The Response Of Readers Was So Heavy That It Had To Be Reprinted Again. The Encouraging Response To The First Volume Has Led To The Publication Of The Second Volume.

Liberalisation of the Indian economy

Book Description

Inhaltsangabe:Abstract: With the onset of reforms to liberalise the Indian economy in July of 1991, a new chapter has dawned for India and her billion plus population. This period of economic transition has had a tremendous impact on the overall economic development of almost all major sectors of the economy, and its effects over the last decade can hardly be overlooked. Besides, it also marks the advent of the real integration of the Indian economy into the global economy. This era of reforms has also ushered in a remarkable change in the Indian mindset, as it deviates from the traditional values held since Independence in 1947, such as self reliance and socialistic policies of economic development, which mainly due to the inward looking restrictive form of governance, resulted in the isolation, overall backwardness and inefficiency of the economy, amongst a host of other problems. This, despite the fact that India has always had the potential to be on the fast track to prosperity. Now that India is in the process of restructuring her economy, with aspirations of elevating herself from her present desolate position in the world, the need to speed up her economic development is even more imperative. And having witnessed the positive role that Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has played in the rapid economic growth of most of the Southeast Asian countries and most notably China, India has embarked on an ambitious plan to emulate the successes of her neighbours to the east and is trying to sell herself as a safe and profitable destination for FDI. The main objective of this thesis is to show whether India is really that attractive as a host to FDI and whether she is likely to succeed in her endeavour to be able to use FDI as a tool to accelerate her economic growth. In order to achieve this task, starting with the liberalisation process, there will be a brief description of the economic development of India since Independence and its role in leading to the dire economic situation, which ultimately culminated in the initiation of reforms to open up the economy to foreign investors and competition, whereby the reforms relating, directly and indirectly, to FDI will be closely described. Then there will be a brief explanation of the theoretical background of FDI, i.e. what it exactly means and the driving forces behind it, whereby concentrating mainly on the eclectic theory and then applying it to the prevailing situation in India by concentrating [...]