Root Connections in the Torah

Book Description

Lashon hakodesh is not just any language, it is the language with which Hashem created reality. The 22 letters of the aleph beis are the building blocks of the world. Each dibur (utterence) created devarim (things). Furthermore, a word in lashon hakodesh describes the essence of the thing. Each letter has its own innate meaning. Roots are formed through the combination of letters, and they teach us depths we often don't realize exist. What is the connection between Shalach (send) and Shulchan (table)? Dibur (speech) and Midbar (desert)? Or Boker (morning) and Bikur Cholim (visiting the sick)? Beginning with simple questions like these, we learn deep wisdom. This is the language of G-d, the Holy Tongue. It is the bridge which He uses to communicate to us His inner world - the world of His mind and thoughts, so to speak. When understood, Hebrew roots describe the essence of the ideas being discussed - and the essence of life. This original and impressive work explores Hebrew, and takes the reader on an absorbing journey by examining the inter-relationships between family roots, comparing words and unearthing their deeper meanings. In understanding these words, we come to understand ourselves.

Inside the Torah

Book Description

God gave the Torah to Moses and our ancestors at Mount Sinai thousands of years ago, and we’ve been studying it ever since. Rabbi Charna S. Klein continues the tradition in this scholarly work, interpreting the Torah’s fifty-four chapters in Inside the Torah. Klein presents interpretations from ancient Sages to modern commentators and adds original rabbinic interpretations on important topics such as creation, evolution, societal development, gender, sexual diversity, and more. The author also applies scientific lenses, including cultural, archeological, physical and medical anthropology to explicate hidden meanings in the Biblical text. Meant for Jews and non-Jews, the book is a significant contribution on the interpretation of the Torah from the perspectives of Chassidus and the Jewish mystical tradition of Kabbalah, its concepts, structures, and meaning. Rabbi Klein encourages the Jewish people as inheritors of the Mosaic tradition to connect with God and repair ourselves and the world. Awaken, know, delve deep and reach high to make yourself a vessel for good.

Torah Connections

Book Description

The Torah

Book Description

As a chapter-by-chapter introduction to the Torah (the Pentateuch, or the first five books of the Bible), this work provides an excellent source for interfaith study of the Five Books of Moses; it provides a wealth of representative examples of the Torah in the Christian scriptures and in the rabbinic teachings of the midrash and the Talmud. There are sections on the Torah as a source of inspiration, its place in the ritual and prayer life of the synagogue, the term "Old Testament," and how the divisions of the Hebrew Bible compare to standard Christian editions of the Bible. In addition, major chapters are devoted to Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Each of these chapters is subdivided into the following sections: An introductory overview including diverse highlights of the particular book, A literal chapter-by-chapter description of the book, Representative quotations of that particular book within the Christian scriptures, Representative quotations of that particular book within the rich teachings of rabbinic literature; and finally, A special section of text study with notes for suggested readings. Other topics include a brief historical overview of the biblical period, the place of women in the Bible, who wrote the Torah, the development of Jewish law, the Torah in Jewish life, the Torah in Christian life, and what the Torah says about life today. Book jacket.

Torah, Light and Healing

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Benner's Commentary on the Torah

Book Description

Mr. Benner shares his over 20 years of research and studies of the Torah. This work explains the linguistic and cultural background of many verses, topics, names and words in the Torah. When the Torah is understood from the perspective of an Ancient Hebrew, rather from a Modern Westerner, the text comes to life and new revelations are discovered throughout the text.

Trees, Earth, and Torah

Book Description

Draws from biblical, rabbinical, medieval, and modern sources that address the significance and historical development of the holiday, offers several examples of a Seder tu B'Shvat, includes mystical writings along with Zionist and eco Jewish piec.

Torah Ethics of Interpersonal Relationships

Book Description

"Using Midrashic and Talmudic texts, Rabbi Hilsenrath provides thoughts and perspectives that offer guidance and direction to many of life's perplexing interpersonal challenges. His application of rabbinic texts, based on verses in Genesis and Exodus, is refreshing and insightful. Parents raising a family, adult children dealing with aging parents, spouses, and community leaders will find this book a powerful source of spiritual guidance and sage counsel"--

Why I Left the Hebrew Roots Movement

Book Description

For two years, I was a part of a rising new movement among Christians known as the "Hebrew Roots Movement." This religion places an emphasis on keeping the Torah and going back to the alleged Hebraic roots of Christianity. My whole life centered around the idea that Christianity had been corrupted with paganism, and that these doctrines were the truth. However, in June 2018, after hearing the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, I believed on Jesus Christ and was saved. I left the Hebrew Roots movement, and through a thorough study of the Bible, realized that my cherished beliefs of the past were lies and false doctrine. In this book I take you through my personal journey into and out of the Hebrew Roots movement, and provide a detailed refutation of the core beliefs and practices of this faith, using the scriptures. Check out my Youtube channel, Mr. Tall23, where I make videos frequently on theology.

In Pursuit of Peace

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