Rural Energy and the Third World

Book Description

Monograph including a substantial literature survey of ruralenergy problems in developing countries - examines social research issues concerned with understanding energy needs and power demand, methodologys for further research and surveys, etc., and discusses processes of technological change appropriate for rural areas, incl. Technological self reliance. Bibliographys pp. 78 to 209 and references.

Book Description

Rural Energy in Developing Countries

Book Description

Abstract The energy problems of the developing world are both serious and widespread. Lack of access to sufficient and sustainable supplies of energy affects as much as 90% of the population of many developing countries. Some 2 billion people are without electricity; a similar number remain dependent on fuels such as animal dung, crop residues, wood, and charcoal to cook their daily meals. Without efficient, clean energy, people are undermined in their efforts to engage effectively in productive activities or to improve their quality of life. Developing countries are facing two crucial-and related-problems in the energy sector. The first is the widespread inefficient production and use of traditional energy sources, such as fuelwood and agricultural residues, which pose economic, environmental, and health threats. The second is the highly uneven distribution and use of modern energy sources, such as electricity, petroleum products, and liquefied or compressed natural gas, which pose important issues of economics, equity, and quality of life. To address these problems, this paper evaluates some successful programs and recommends that governments support market-oriented approaches that make the energy market equally accessible and attractive to local investors, communities, and consumers. Such approaches ideally improve access to energy for rural and poor people by revising energy pricing and by making the first costs of the transition to modern and more sustainable uses of energy more affordable.

Rural Energy To Meet Development Needs

Book Description

This volume had its origin at a conference held in 1978 at the East- West Center that considered the short- and long-term energy problems of the Asia-Pacific region. That group of national energy policymakers, scientists, and technologists agreed that providing adequate energy for the rural areas of the developing countries looms large as one of the more critical problems of the region. Encouraged by this consensus, the East-West Resource Systems Institute obtained a grant from the Agency for International Development for the purpose of initiating a collaborative, multi-country study of rural energy problems. The National Research Council of Thailand and the East-West Center agreed to work closely together as twin foci for the coordination of the effort.

World at the Crossroads

Book Description

Thirty years ago the Russell-Einstein Manifesto warned humanity that our survival is imperilled by the risk of nuclear war.In the spirit of that Manifesto, we now call on all scientists to expand our concerns to a broader set of interrelated dangers: destruction of the environment on a global scale, and denial of basis needs for a growing majority of humankind. The Dagomys Declaration (1988) of the Pugwash Council. Originally published in 1994

Rural Electrification For Development

Book Description

The purpose of this volume is to explain more specifically how rural electrification could be most effectively used to help the numerous and disadvantaged rural masses of the third world move away from their subsistence type of existence. and significantly improve their quality of life in the coming decades. Electric power is a vital engine for growth. not only in. This book was written while the author was living and working in Sri Lanka. An attempt is made here to provide a comprehensive and balanced treatment of rural electrification and associated topics. in the context of development.