Sahel social cohesion research in Burkina Faso and Niger: Research Brief

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The World Food Programme (WFP) supports communities to mitigate the impact of and build resilience to natural and human-made shocks and stressors that contribute to food insecurity and destabilize people’s livelihoods. WFP’s interventions, therefore, aim to equip communities with the knowledge, skills, and tools to avert or mitigate the impact of cyclical natural events such as droughts and floods through asset and capacity building in affected communities. In the Sahelian areas of Burkina Faso and Niger (as part of a broader regional program also covering Chad, Mali, and Mauritania), WFP promotes climate-resilient agricultural infrastructure and systems to help address issues of land degradation, deforestation, dwindling pasturelands, and depletion of water sources, which all trigger competition for productive resources and migration of people and livestock into better-resourced areas. The interventions also aim to address the impacts of violent conflict from within and outside communities in the Sahelian belt of the two countries, especially those related to extremist groups operating in the area. Though primarily designed to increase community assets for productive purposes, WFP’s support for the rehabilitation of lands, construction of water-harvesting and retention structures, reforestation and protection of farmlands and pastures, and soil fertility improvement interventions also aims to increase the availability of, reduce intergroup competition for, and ensure equitable access to these resources. In this way, WFP hopes to reduce conflicts over community resources. The use of participatory and collaborative processes for mobilizing and engaging communities should also contribute to increased dialogue within and between different communities and promote peaceful coexistence among the different groups. In particular, the requirement of collaborative approaches to development of communal assets is intended to create spaces of encounter and dialogue that could ease tensions, promote equity in the distribution and use of the created assets, and build relationships among various stakeholders and community groups to ensure that actions for resilience building have the support of government, development partners, and other decision-makers at several administrative levels.

Sahel social cohesion research in Burkina Faso and Niger: Working Paper

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Intervention Context: WFP’s activities in Burkina Faso and Niger focus on fragile agrarian communities in the Sahel, where cyclical floods and droughts combine with decreasing soil fertility and increasing desertification, among other challenges, to aggravate food and livelihood insecurity. Increased competition for land for food crops and pastures as well as water for domestic, productive, and livestock use, intensify conflicts over ownership and usage rights for land and the commons such as forests. in particular, this competition has heightened conflicts between farmers and herders. Layered on these localized conflicts are recent increases in human safety and security concerns related to the spread of attacks by violent extremist groups across the eastern flanks of both countries. The increasing frequency and intensity of these attacks have led to the loss of lives, property, and the displacement of large groups of people. The attendant deepening of food, livelihood, and human insecurities has contributed to a rural exodus of men and women to cities and other economic enclaves in search of alternate sources of food and income. The arrival of displaced persons fleeing the attacks has increased pressure on already limited food stocks and other assets of host communities. COVID-19 added another layer of vulnerability. In addition to the disease burden, lockdowns and restrictions on the movement of persons affected the ability of communities to travel to engage in nonfarm economic activities for supplementary income and food. This greatly affected the food and livelihood security systems of the populations in these already impoverished and fragile communities.

West African Studies An Atlas of the Sahara-Sahel Geography, Economics and Security

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This book explains the structure and geographical and organisational mobility of criminal and migratory movements in the Sahara and the Sahel with a view to helping establish better development strategies for the region.

The State of Peacebuilding in Africa

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This open access book on the state of peacebuilding in Africa brings together the work of distinguished scholars, practitioners, and decision makers to reflect on key experiences and lessons learned in peacebuilding in Africa over the past half century. The core themes addressed by the contributors include conflict prevention, mediation, and management; post-conflict reconstruction, justice and Disarmament Demobilization and Reintegration; the role of women, religion, humanitarianism, grassroots organizations, and early warning systems; and the impact of global, regional, and continental bodies. The book's thematic chapters are complemented by six country/region case studies: The Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Sudan/South Sudan, Mozambique and the Sahel/Mali. Each chapter concludes with a set of key lessons learned that could be used to inform the building of a more sustainable peace in Africa. The State of Peacebuilding in Africa was born out of the activities of the Southern Voices Network for Peacebuilding (SVNP), a Carnegie-funded, continent-wide network of African organizations that works with the Wilson Center to bring African knowledge and perspectives to U.S., African, and international policy on peacebuilding in Africa. The research for this book was made possible by a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York.

Islam and Muslim Life in West Africa

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The book offers an examination of issues, institutions and actors that have become central to Muslim life in the region. Focusing on leadership, authority, law, gender, media, aesthetics, radicalization and cooperation, it offers insights into processes that reshape power structures and the experience of being Muslim. It makes room for perspectives from the region in an academic world shaped by scholarship mostly from Europe and America.

Space, Place and Identity

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Known as highly mobile cattle nomads, the Wodaabe in Niger are today increasingly engaged in a transformation process towards a more diversified livelihood based primarily on agro-pastoralism and urban work migration. This book examines recent transformations in spatial patterns, notably in the context of urban migration and in processes of sedentarization in rural proto-villages. The book analyses the consequences that the recent change entails for social group formation and collective identification, and how this impacts integration into wider society amid the structures of the modern nation state.

Political violence in the G5 Sahel Countries (2018-2023): An application of ACLED’s conflict index methodology

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Over the past decade, the G5 Sahel countries (Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, and Chad) have seen their security situation substantially worsen, following a combination of political instability, jihadist insurgencies and the proliferation of local militias. To better capture the multifaceted nature of conflict and political violence in the G5 Sahel region, this study applies the conflict index methodology developed by the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) to the second-level administrative entities within each country between 2018 and 2023. The outcome of this temporally and spatially refined conflict profile is projected in several tables, graphs and maps, which indicate: (i) that political violence has intensified over the period considered; (ii) that most of the conflict events were concentrated in the tri state border area of Liptako-Gourma; and (iii) that political violence is far from uniform across its underlying dimensions, suggesting that different strategies might be needed to restore security. In methodological terms and using the results from the temporal analysis, this study also introduces a distinction between protracted and transient forms of political violence, which provides additional insight to the index dimensions of deadliness, danger, diffusion, and fragmentation.

The intersection between socioeconomic conditions and youth radicalisation – Implications for programming in the G5 Sahel countries

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This FAO-ODI study provides an evidence-based analysis of the drivers of youth radicalisation in the Sahel and distils what this means for programming which aims to address that concern. Resources have been invested into trying to address the underlying drivers of youth radicalisation, often through programming under the labels of Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) or Prevention of Violent Extremism (PVE). Such approaches tend to categorise ‘at risk’ individuals based on certain socio-economic profiles. In particular, connecting both poverty and unemployment to radicalisation has been a popular assumption among policymakers, based on arguments that poverty and unemployment both generate grievance-based motivations and lower the opportunity cost for engaging in political violence. In response, P/CVE programming often includes the provision of economic alternatives and skills-based training in a bid to dissuade young people from joining armed groups. The findings of this study challenge this framing. Based on a review of over 50 studies on radicalisation in the Sahel and the evidence from P/CVE programming implemented in the region, it has been assessed that the drivers of radicalisation in the region are geographically specific and therefore need to be considered spatially, rather than aiming to produce a ‘typical’ profile of youth that are vulnerable to radicalisation. This report aims not only to uncover how socio-economic conditions interact with political dynamics to produce environments conducive to youth radicalisation, but also to provide recommendations on how regional employment programmes can be tailored so that they contribute towards reducing radicalisation.


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In Africa, progress can be seen across the board. But the important question is whether this so-called progress is sustainable. The continent is a powder keg: the powder is demographics and unemployment the detonator. By 2050, the number of young people of working age in Africa is expected to be three times that of China’s. But will there be enough jobs for them? What is troubling for the continent is even more dramatic for the Sahel, a huge region of about 100 million inhabitants where insecurity is spreading like a bushfire. Despite major differences in geography and culture, there are huge similarities between the Sahel and Afghanistan: a demographic impasse, stagnating agriculture, widespread rural misery, high unemployment, deep ethnic and religious fault lines, weak states, regional instability, drug trafficking, and the spread of radical Islam. And unfortunately the same recipes that failed in Afghanistan are being rolled out in the Sahel. Are we headed to a ‘Sahelistan’ and to an ‘Africanistan’? Serge Michailof helps us find the answer to this important question.