Schlieren Studies of Compressibility Effects on Dynamic Stall of Transiently Pitching Airfoils

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Compressibility effects on the flowfield of an airfoil executing rapid transient pitching motion from 0-60 deg over a wide range of Mach numbers and pitching rates were studied using a stroboscopic schlieren flow visualization technique. The studies have led to the first direct experimental documentation of multiple shocks on the airfoil upper surface flow for certain conditions. Also, at low Mach numbers, additional coherent vortical structures were found to be present along with the dynamic stall vortex, whereas at higher Mach numbers the flow was dominated by a single vortex. The delineating Mach number for significant compressibility effects was 0.3 and the dynamic stall process was accelerated by increasing the Mach number above that value. Increasing the pitch rate monotonically delayed stall to angles of attack as large as 27 deg.

Compressibility Effects on Dynamic Stall of Airfoils Undergoing Rapid Transient Pitching Motion

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The research was carried out in the Compressible Dynamic Stall Facility, CDSF, at the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory (FML) of NASA Ames Research Center. The facility can produce realistic nondimensional pitch rates experienced by fighter aircraft, which on model scale could be as high as 3600/sec. Nonintrusive optical techniques were used for the measurements. The highlight of the effort was the development of a new real time interferometry method known as Point Diffraction Interferometry - PDI, for use in unsteady separated flows. This can yield instantaneous flow density information (and hence pressure distributions in isentropic flows) over the airfoil. A key finding is that the dynamic stall vortex forms just as the airfoil leading edge separation bubble opens-up. A major result is the observation and quantification of multiple shocks over the airfoil near the leading edge. A quantitative analysis of the PDI images shows that pitching airfoils produce larger suction peaks than steady airfoils at the same Mach number prior to stall. The peak suction level reached just before stall develops is the same at all unsteady rates and decreases with increase in Mach number. The suction is lost once the dynamic stall vortex or vortical structure begins to convect. Based on the knowledge gained from this preliminary analysis of the data, efforts to control dynamic stall were initiated. The focus of this work was to arrive at a dynamically changing leading edge shape that produces only 'acceptable' airfoil pressure distributions over a large angle of attack range. Chandrasekhara, M. S. and Platzer, M. F. Ames Research Center AF-AFOSR-0012-90; AF-AFOSR-0007-91; AF-AFOSR-0004-92; AF PROJ. 2307...

A Study of Compressibility Effects on Dynamic Stall of Rapidly Pitching Airfoils

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Results of recent experimental studies into the effect of compressibility on dynamic stall of oscillating airfoils are reviewed. Stroboscopic schlieren images of the strongly unsteady flow field are presented, showing the development of the dynamic stall vortex. and its progression down the airfoil. The effect of varying free-stream Mach number, and frequency of oscillation of the airfoil are demonstrated, and examples of local supersonic flow are presented including the presence of a shock near the leading edge of the airfoil.

Rush, Olive

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The folder may include clippings, announcements, small exhibition catalogs, and other ephemeral items.

Research in Progress

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Transition Effects on Compressible Dynamic Stall of Transiently Pitching Airfoils

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Experimental results and analysis of the effects of boundary layer tripping on dynamic stall of a transiently pitching airfoil are presented. At low Mach numbers, the tripped airfoil exhibits qualitative similarity with the behavior of the untripped airfoil. However, the local supersonic flow at Mach numbers greater than 0.3 is significantly modified by the trip leading to vastly different shock/boundary layer interactions, dynamic stall onset and vortex formation angles. The formation of the laminar separation bubble is found to have a favorable influence in delaying dynamic stall on the untripped airfoil flow. In both Mach number regimes, the tripped flow actually stalls at slightly lower angles of attack. Further experimentation with three trips on an oscillating airfoil showed that the dynamic stall process is very sensitive to the state of the turbulence in the boundary layer. This sensitivity points to a need for finer turbulence modeling techniques for use in dynamic stall computations.

Control of Unsteady Separated Flow Associated with the Dynamic Stall of Airfoils

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The two principal objectives of this research were to achieve an improved understanding of the mechanisms involved in the onset and development of dynamic stall under compressible flow conditions, and to investigate the feasibility of employing adaptive airfoil geometry as an active flow control device in the dynamic stall engine. Presented here are the results of a quantitative (PDI) study of the compressibility effects on dynamic stall over the transiently pitching airfoil, as well as a discussion of a preliminary technique developed to measure the deformation produced by the adaptive geometry control device, and bench test results obtained using an airfoil equipped with the device. Wilder, Michael C. Unspecified Center NCC2-637...

A Fundamental Study of Compressibility Effects on Dynamic Stall of Fixed and Adaptive Airfoils

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A three year research effort on 'A Fundamental Study of Compressibility Effects on Dynamic Stall of Fixed and Adaptive Airfoils' was initiated in 1994. The research led to an understanding of: some of the key mechanisms of compressible dynamic stall including when the flow over the airfoil is transonic; the Reynolds number effects which strongly after the detailed flow physics making extension of laboratory results to full-scale conditions extremely challenging, and the role of transition and a need to model it properly in computations. Further, the results demonstrated the major role of the airfoil leading edge curvature in producing the flow gradients that are responsible for dynamic stall onset, which enabled the development of a dynamically developing leading edge (DDLE) airfoil for effective flow control by modifying the vorticity field in the flow. The significant results of the effort are summarized in this report.