Sex Chromosomes and Sex-Linked Genes

Book Description

Natural selection operates among individual organisms which differ in their genetic constitution. The degree of hereditary variability within a species is greatly enhanced by cross-fertilization. Indeed, the mechanism of sexual reproduction occurred very early in evolution, for it is seen today even in bacteria. In Escherichia coli, fertilization occurs by passage of the single chromosome from the male into the female bacterium (LEDERBERG, 1959). In multicellular organisms, the separation of germ from soma, and the production of haploid gametes became mandatory. The gametes were of two types. One, extremely mobile, was designed to seek out and penetrate the other, which loaded with nutrients, received the mobile gamete and intiated the development of a new individual. The foundation for true bisexuality was thus laid. In the primitive state of bisexuality, whether an individual is to be a sperm-producing male or an egg-producing female appears to be decided rather haphazardly. In the worm, Banelia viridis, the minute males are parasites in the female. Larvae that become attached to the proboscis of an adult female become males, while unattached larvae sink to the bottom and become females (BALTZER, 1935). The more sophisticated state of bisexuality was initiated by setting aside a particular pair of chromosomes for specialization and making either the male or the female a heterogametic sex. Sex chromosomes as we know them were thus born.

Exploring the Biological Contributions to Human Health

Book Description

It's obvious why only men develop prostate cancer and why only women get ovarian cancer. But it is not obvious why women are more likely to recover language ability after a stroke than men or why women are more apt to develop autoimmune diseases such as lupus. Sex differences in health throughout the lifespan have been documented. Exploring the Biological Contributions to Human Health begins to snap the pieces of the puzzle into place so that this knowledge can be used to improve health for both sexes. From behavior and cognition to metabolism and response to chemicals and infectious organisms, this book explores the health impact of sex (being male or female, according to reproductive organs and chromosomes) and gender (one's sense of self as male or female in society). Exploring the Biological Contributions to Human Health discusses basic biochemical differences in the cells of males and females and health variability between the sexes from conception throughout life. The book identifies key research needs and opportunities and addresses barriers to research. Exploring the Biological Contributions to Human Health will be important to health policy makers, basic, applied, and clinical researchers, educators, providers, and journalists-while being very accessible to interested lay readers.

Chromosomes Today

Book Description

Chromosomes Today volume 14 records the plenary proceedings of the 14th International Chromosome Conference, presenting an overview of the current concerns in plant, animal and human cytogenetics. This volume provides up-to-date information regarding relevant aspects on structure, function and evolution of chromosomes, meiosis, sex chromosomes, and cancer cytogenetics. It contains invited contributions from some of the world's leading experts in the field.

The Origins of Genome Architecture

Book Description

The availability of genomic blueprints for hundreds of species has led to a transformation in biology, encouraging the proliferation of adaptive arguments for the evolution of genomic features. This text explains why the details matter and presents a framework for how the architectural diversity of eukaryotic genomes and genes came to arise.

Sex Chromosomes and Sex-determining Genes

Book Description

The emphasis throughout is on the genetic determinants of sex. The major issues addressed are sex chromosome differentiation, X-chromosome inactivation and the role of the Y-linked gene SRY in gonad differentiation. A combination of authoritative reviews and original articles drawn from experiment and observation on a variety of systems is complemented by the editors thoughtful introductions. 'Sex is compelling in its benefits, elegant in its conception, startling in its manifestations.' So begins this timely and thoughtful review of the most fascinating property of life. For centuries we have puzzled over the differences between males and females but only recently have we begun to understand the genetic switches that trigger the dramatic differences in form and function between the sexes. This book brings together contributions from many of the scientists who have been responsible for recent stunning advances in our understanding of sex determination and sexual differentiation. The editors have