Spotted Sucker (Minytrema Melanops).

Book Description

COSEWIC Status Appraisal Summary on the Spotted Sucker Minytrema melanops in Canada SPECIAL CONCERN 2014 COSEWIC status appraisal summaries are working documents used in assigning the status of wildlife species suspected of being at risk in Canada. [...] The index of area occupancy since 2003 is about the same as in the 10 years prior to the last status report, but is lower than the historical range (Figures 2, 3, 4). [...] The Lake Erie subpopulations (western basin, central basin) have been sampled regularly using the same effort and gear as in the previous 10 years, but two of the Essex County subpopulations (Cedar Creek, Pike Creek) have not been well sampled in the vicinity of the historical records in the last 10 years. [...] There has been no change in the severity of fragmentation of populations - the Canadian population is not fragmented. [...] In Lake Erie, the fish community is sampled annually through the Partnership gill net survey (OMNRF and Ontario Commercial Fisheries' Association) and the Interagency trawling survey in the western basin (OMNRF and Ohio Division of Wildlife).

Updated Status Report on the Spotted Sucker, Minytrema Melanops, in Canada

Book Description

The spotted sucker, Minytrema melanops, is a medium sized catostomid fish that ranges through much of central and eastern North America but is rare in Canada, known only from the drainages of Lake Erie and Lake St. Clair. This report summarizes new information on the species in Canada following its assignment as a vulnerable species in 1983. Information is included on the fish's geographic distribution, protection status, and population size and trends. Concludes with an evaluation of the future of the species in Canada. A list of collection localities is appended.