State Practice Regarding State Immunities/La Pratique des Etats concernant les Immunités des Etats

Book Description

This book is the result of the Council of Europe Pilot Project on State Practice Regarding State Immunities carried out under the auspices of the Committee of Legal Advisers on Public International Law (CAHDI) since 2002. It presents and analyses the material submitted by 27 Member States and one Observer State of the Council of Europe, including decisions of national courts, relevant legislation and other documents. The analytical report was undertaken by the Department of European, International and Comparative Law of the University of Vienna, the British Institute of International and Comparative Law and the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva. It compares State practice with the relevant articles of the UN Convention, the European Convention on State Immunity and the draft articles prepared by academic institutions. It is the first in depth-analysis of European State practice in the field of State immunity. Such a broad analysis is essential, in particular for the ascertainment of customary international law. This book is addressed to officials, practitioners engaged in business relations with foreign States, and academics. Ce livre est le résultat du Projet Pilote du Conseil de l’Europe sur la Pratique des Etats concernant les immunités des Etats réalisé sous les auspices du Comité des Conseillers Juridiques sur le Droit International Public (CAHDI) depuis 2002. Il présente et analyse la documentation fournie par 28 Etats membres et un Etat observateur du Conseil de l’Europe, y compris des décisions des juridictions nationales, la législation pertinente et d’autres documents. Le rapport analytique a été élaboré par le Département de droit européen, international et comparé de l’Université de Vienne, l’Institut britannique de Droit International et Comparé et l’Institut des Hautes Etudes Internationales, Genève. Il compare la pratique des Etats avec les articles pertinents de la Convention des Nations Unies, de la Convention européenne sur l’immunité des Etats et les projets d’articles préparés par les institutions académiques. C’est la première analyse approfondie de la pratique des Etats européens en matière d’immunité des Etats. Une analyse aussi large est indispensable notamment en vue de l’identification du droit international coutumier. Ce livre s’adresse aux fonctionnaires, aux praticiens entretenant des relations d’affaires avec des Etats étrangers, et aux universitaires.

The United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property

Book Description

State immunity, the idea that a state, including its individual organs, officials and other emanations, may not be proceeded against in the courts of another state in certain instances, has long been and remains a source of international controversy. Although customary international law no longer recognizes the absolute immunity of states from foreign judicial process, the evolution of the contemporary notion of restrictive state immunity over the past fifty years has been an uncoordinated and contested process, leading to disputes between states. The adoption, in 2004, of the United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property has significantly contributed to reaching consensus among states on this fundamental question of international law. This book provides article-by-article commentary on the text of the Convention, complemented by a small number of cross-cutting chapters highlighting general issues beyond the scope of any single provision, such as the theoretical underpinnings of state immunity, the distinction between immunity from suit and immunity from execution, the process leading to the adoption of the Convention, and the general understanding that the Convention does not extend to criminal matters. It presents a systematic analysis of the Convention, taking into account its drafting history, relevant state practice (including the considerable number of national statutes and judicial decisions on state immunity), and any international judicial or arbitral decisions on point.

The Reception of International Law in the European Court of Human Rights

Book Description

The growing number of international courts and tribunals and their bourgeoning case law have fuelled concerns about the fragmentation of international law. This arises as a consequence of both the specialized regimes these courts create and the multiple ways in which they may interpret international law emanating from other sources. This book considers this issue by examining the busiest and arguably most successful international court, the European Court of Human Rights. More specifically, it focuses on the jurisprudence of the Court and its predecessor, the European Commission of Human Rights, covering a range of special human rights regimes, treaty law, and the case law of the International Court of Justice. The author assesses whether the Court has been able to adopt a coherent, comprehensive approach to the interpretation and evaluation of international law and thus the extent to which it has been able to contribute to the development and coherence of international law.

Immunities in the Age of Global Constitutionalism

Book Description

The law of immunity of states, of international organisations, and of public officials is one of the most important and most controversial topics of international law. The book consists of five parts: ‘State Immunity – National Practice’; State Immunity before the ICJ – The case Germany v Italy; ‘Commercial Activities and State Immunity’; ‘Immunity and Impunity’; and ‘Immunities of International Organisations’. Although immunities are in principle firmly anchored in international law, their precise legal implications are often unclear. The book takes up a number of new trends and challenges in this field and assesses them within the framework of global constitutionalism and multilevel governance. Contains chapters in both English and French.

The Position of Heads of State and Senior Officials in International Law

Book Description

A comprehensive and in-depth study of the legal position in international law of heads of state, heads of government and other senior state officials, this book analyses relevant treaties, case law, and custom to set out the law in this area and provide practical guidance.

The International Law Commission 1999-2009

Book Description

This book contains the work of the United Nations International Law Commission (ILC) during the period 1999-2009, brining up to date the three-volume series on the work of the Commission edited by Sir Arthur Watts. Each text is accompanied by an introduction, a concise description of the negotiation process and a carefully selected bibliography.

International Law between Universalism and Fragmentation

Book Description

This Festschrift is published on the occasion of Gerhard Hafner’s 65th birthday and his retirement as a professor at the University of Vienna. It assembles a great number of renowned friends and colleagues in international law honouring Gerhard Hafner’s outstanding career as scholar, diplomat, legal adviser and arbitrator. The diversity of areas selected for this Festschrift reflects the generalist approach of Gerhard Hafner towards international law. Among the topics on which his contribution was particularly influential are the fragmentation of international law, the law of State immunity and international criminal law, which feature prominently in the Festschrift. Other areas covered are the theory of international law (including sources), basic principles of international law, codification of international law, subjects of international law, international dispute settlement, the law of the sea and international environmental law, human rights and humanitarian law and the law of the European Union.

The Law of State Immunity

Book Description

The doctrine of state immunity bars a national court from adjudicating or enforcing claims against foreign states. This doctrine, the foundation for high-profile national and international decisions such as those in the Pinochet case and the Arrest Warrant cases, has always been controversial. The reasons for the controversy are many and varied. Some argue that state immunity paves the way for state violations of human rights. Others argue that the customary basis for the doctrine is not a sufficient basis for regulation and that codification is the way forward. Furthermore, it can be argued that even when judgments are made in national courts against other states, the doctrine makes enforcement of these decisions impossible. This fully restructured new edition provides a detailed analysis of these issues in a more clear and accessible manner. It provides a nuanced assessment of the development of the doctrine of state immunity, including a general comprehensive overview of the plea of immunity of a foreign state, its characteristics, and its operation as a bar to proceedings in national courts of another state. It includes a coherent history and justification of the plea of state immunity, demonstrating its development from the absolute to the restrictive phase, arguing that state immunity can now be seen to be developing into a third phase which uses immunity allocate adjudicative and enforcement jurisdictions between the foreign and the territorial states. The United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of states and their Property is thoroughly assessed. Through a detailed examination of the sources of law and of English and US case law, and a comparative analysis of other types of immunity, the authors explore both the law as it stands, and what it could and should be in years to come.

The International Legal Order in the XXIst Century / L’ordre juridique international au XXIeme siècle / El órden jurídico internacional en el siglo XXI

Book Description

This collection of essays celebrating the work of Professor Marcelo Kohen brings together the leading scholars and practitioners of public international law from different continents and generations to explore some of the most challenging issues of contemporary international law. The volume is a testimony of esteem and friendship from colleagues and former students, and it covers a vast expanse, reflecting the width and diversity of Professor Kohen’s own contribution. Written in English, French and Spanish, the essays in this volume will appeal to a broad public of academics, practitioners and students of international law from around the world.

Status of Forces: Criminal Jurisdiction over Military Personnel Abroad

Book Description

This book brings into focus the legal status of armed forced on foreign territory within, inter alia, the context of multi-national exercises and a variety of so-called crisis management operations. When it comes to criminal offences committed by military personnel while abroad it is important to know whether such offences fall under the criminal jurisdiction of the Sending State or that of the Host State. The book analyses this question from two different perspectives, namely traditional public international law and military operational law. Taking his readership through two hundred years of international practice the author arrives at the current practice of laying down the status of forces deployed abroad in so-called Status of Forces Agreements (SOFAs). Having looked at SOFAs from the two different law perspectives the author proposes the development of a “Status of Forces Compendium” to serve as a kind of guideline for future SOFAs. The author’s intention in proposing this idea is to instigate further discussion on the subject in public international law and criminal law circles and among armed forces’ legal advisors. Joop Voetelink is an Associate Professor of Military Law at the Netherlands Defence Academy.