Statistical Methods and Modeling and Safety Data, Analysis, and Evaluation

Book Description

Covers empirical approaches to outlier detection in intelligent transportation systems data, modeling of traffic crash-flow relationships for intersections, profiling of high-frequency accident locations by use of association rules, analysis of rollovers and injuries with sport utility vehicles, and automated accident detection at intersections via digital audio signal processing.

Advanced Statistical Modeling of the Frequency and Severity of Traffic Crashes on Rural Highways

Book Description

The primary objective of practitioners working on traffic safety is to reduce the number and severity of crashes. The Highway Safety Manual (HSM) provides practitioners with analytical tools and techniques to estimate the expected crash frequency and severity with the aim to identify and evaluate safety countermeasures. Expected crash frequency can be estimated using Safety Performance Functions (SPFs) provided in Part C of the HSM. The HSM provides simple SPFs which are developed using the most frequently used crash counts model, the negative binomial regression model. The rural nature of Wyoming highways coupled with the mountainous terrain (i.e., challenging roadway geometry) make the HSM basic SPFs unsuitable to determine crash contributing factors for Wyoming conditions. In this regard, the objective of this study is to implement advanced statistical methods such as the different functional forms of Negative Binomial, and Bayesian approach, to develop crash prediction models, investigate crash contributing factors, and determine the impact of safety countermeasures. Bayesian statistics in combination with the power of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling techniques provide frameworks to model small sample datasets and complex models at the same time, where the traditional Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) based methods tend to fail. As such, a novel No-U-Turn Sampler for Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (NUTS HMC) sampling technique in a Bayesian framework was utilized to investigate the crash frequency, injury severity of crashes on the interstate freeways and some rural highways in Wyoming. The Poisson and the Negative Binomial (NB) models are the most commonly used regression models in traffic safety analysis. The advantage of the NB model can be further enhanced by providing different functional forms of the variance and the dispersion structure. The NB-2 is the most common form of the NB model, typically used in developing safety performance functions (SPFs) largely due to the mean-variance quadratic relationship. However, studies in the literature have shown that the mean-variance relationship could be unrestrained. Another introduced formulation of the NB model is NB-1, which assumes that there is a constant ratio linking the mean and the variance of the crash frequencies. A more general type of the NB model is the NB-P model, which does not constrain the mean-variance relationship. Thus, leveraging the power of this unrestrained mean-variance relationship, more accurate safety models could be developed, and these would lead to more accurate estimation of crash risk and benefits of potential solutions. This study will help practitioners to implement advanced methodologies to solve traffic safety problems of rural highways that have plagued the researchers for a long time now. The methodologies proposed in this study will help practitioners to replace the outdated and inefficient traditional models and obtain more accurate traffic safety models to predict crashes and the resulting crash injury severity. Moreover, this research quantified the safety effectiveness of some unique countermeasures on rural highways.

Highway and Traffic Safety

Book Description

Transportation Research Record contains the following papers: Method for identifying factors contributing to driver-injury severity in traffic crashes (Chen, WH and Jovanis, PP); Crash- and injury-outcome multipliers (Kim, K); Guidelines for identification of hazardous highway curves (Persaud, B, Retting, RA and Lyon, C); Tools to identify safety issues for a corridor safety-improvement program (Breyer, JP); Prediction of risk of wet-pavement accidents : fuzzy logic model (Xiao, J, Kulakowski, BT and El-Gindy, M); Analysis of accident-reduction factors on California state highways (Hanley, KE, Gibby, AR and Ferrara, T); Injury effects of rollovers and events sequence in single-vehicle crashes (Krull, KA, Khattack, AJ and Council, FM); Analytical modeling of driver-guidance schemes with flow variability considerations (Kaysi, I and Ail, NH); Evaluating the effectiveness of Norway's speak out! road safety campaign : The logic of causal inference in road safety evaluation studies (Elvik, R); Effect of speed, flow, and geometric characteristics on crash frequency for two-lane highways (Garber, NJ and Ehrhart, AA); Development of a relational accident database management system for Mexican federal roads (Mendoza, A, Uribe, A, Gil, GZ and Mayoral, E); Estimating traffic accident rates while accounting for traffic-volume estimation error : a Gibbs sampling approach (Davis, GA); Accident prediction models with and without trend : application of the generalized estimating equations procedure (Lord, D and Persaud, BN); Examination of methods that adjust observed traffic volumes on a network (Kikuchi, S, Miljkovic, D and van Zuylen, HJ); Day-to-day travel-time trends and travel-time prediction form loop-detector data (Kwon, JK, Coifman, B and Bickel, P); Heuristic vehicle classification using inductive signatures on freeways (Sun, C and Ritchie, SG).

Statistical Methods in Highway Safety Analysis

Book Description

TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Synthesis 295: Statistical Methods in Highway Safety Analysis focus on the type of safety analysis required to support traditional engineering functions, such as the identification of hazardous locations and the development and evaluation of countermeasures. Analyses related specifically to driver and vehicle safety are not covered, but some statistical methods used in these areas are of relevance and are summarized where appropriate.

Statistical Methods

Book Description

This Transportation Research Record contains 28 papers dealing with statistical methods in highway safety research; highway safety data, analysis, and evaluation; occupant protection; and systematic reviews and meta-analysis. The papers address such topics as risk and crash prediction models, crashes on freeways and at signalized intersections, multivehicle crash prediction, speed and safety, red light running crashes, freeway lane closures, ramp design, accident exposure, rumble strip benefits, collisions with median trees, intersection safety, accident reconstruction, safety effects of speed limit changes, geometric design and head-on crashes, deer-vehicle crashes, sport utility vehicle rollover, vehicle occupancy and crash risk, a logit model for studying injury severity, abdominal injuries in rail passengers, healthy transport policies, and meta-analysis.

Exploration of Advances in Statistical Methodologies for Crash Count and Severity Prediction Models

Book Description

This report first describes the use of different copula based models to simultaneously estimate the two crash indicators: injury severity and vehicle damage. The Gaussian copula model outperforms the other copula based model specifications (i.e. Gaussian, Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern (FGM), Frank, Clayton, Joe and Gumbel copula models), and the results indicate that injury severity and vehicle damage are highly correlated, and the correlations between injury severity and vehicle damage varied with different crash characteristics including manners of collision and collision types. This study indicates that the copula-based model can be considered to get a more accurate model structure when simultaneously estimating injury severity and vehicle damage in crash severity analyses. The second part of this report describes estimation of cluster based SPFs for local road intersections and segments in Connecticut using socio-economic and network topological data instead of traffic counts as exposure. The number of intersections and the total local roadway length were appropriate to be used as exposure in the intersection and segment SPFs, respectively. Models including total population, retail and non-retail employment and average household income are found to be the best both on the basis of model fit and out of sample prediction. The third part of this report describes estimation of crashes by both crash type and crash severity on rural two-lane highways, using the Multivariate Poisson Lognormal (MVPLN) model. The crash type and crash severity counts are significantly correlated; the standard errors of covariates in the MVPLN model are slightly lower than the other two univariate crash prediction models (i.e. Negative Binomial model and Univariate Poisson Lognormal model) when the covariates are statistically significant; and the MVPLN model outperforms the UPLN and NB models in crash count prediction accuracy. This study indicates that when simultaneously predicting crash counts by crash type and crash severity for rural two-lane highways, the MVPLN model should be considered to avoid estimation error and to account for the potential correlations among crash type counts and crash severity counts.

Highway Safety Analytics and Modeling

Book Description

Highway Safety Analytics and Modeling comprehensively covers the key elements needed to make effective transportation engineering and policy decisions based on highway safety data analysis in a single. reference. The book includes all aspects of the decision-making process, from collecting and assembling data to developing models and evaluating analysis results. It discusses the challenges of working with crash and naturalistic data, identifies problems and proposes well-researched methods to solve them. Finally, the book examines the nuances associated with safety data analysis and shows how to best use the information to develop countermeasures, policies, and programs to reduce the frequency and severity of traffic crashes. Complements the Highway Safety Manual by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Provides examples and case studies for most models and methods Includes learning aids such as online data, examples and solutions to problems

Modeling Multilevel Data in Traffic Safety

Book Description

Background: In the study of traffic system safety, statistical models have been broadly applied to establish the relationships between the traffic crash occurrence and various risk factors. Most of the existing methods, such as the generalised linear regression models, assume that each observation (e.g. a crash or a vehicle involvement) in the estimation procedure corresponds to an individual situation. Hence, the residuals from the models exhibit independence. Problem: However, this "independence" assumption may often not hold true since multilevel data structures exist extensively because of the data collection and clustering process. Disregarding the possible within-group correlations may lead to production of models with unreliable parameter estimates and statistical inferences. Method: Following a literature review of crash prediction models, this book proposes a 5 T-level hierarchy, viz. (Geographic region level -- Traffic site level -- Traffic crash level -- Driver-vehicle unit level -- Vehicle-occupant level) Time level, to establish a general form of multilevel data structure in traffic safety analysis. To model properly the potential between-group heterogeneity due to the multilevel data structure, a framework of hierarchical models that explicitly specify multilevel structure and correctly yield parameter estimates is employed. Bayesian inference using Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is developed to calibrate the proposed hierarchical models. Two Bayesian measures, viz. the Deviance Information Criterion and Cross-Validation Predictive Densities, are adapted to establish the model suitability. Illustrations: The proposed method is illustrated using two case studies in Singapore: 1) a crash-frequency prediction model which takes into account Traffic site level and Time level; 2) a crash-severity prediction model which takes into account Traffic crash level and Driver-vehicle unit level. Conclusion: Comparing the predictive abilities of the proposed models against those of traditional methods, the study demonstrates the importance of accounting for the within-group correlations and illustrates the flexibilities and effectiveness of the Bayesian hierarchical approach in modelling multilevel structure of traffic safety data.