Stewardship-based Economics

Book Description

Ownership-based economics has led to the rapid development and apparent universal success of the market economy. It is a system built on the deception of resource availability, ill-defined profit, and misled by the idea that an invisible hand can be an equitable system of distribution. It has resulted in a high living standard for a few select individuals, but at the expense of mankind and nature, ultimately culminating in the development of human conflict. This is a book with a blueprint for the twenty-first century, proposing a two-fold approach to easing the pressure on both the human race and the world we live in. It calls for a change of mindset from ownership to stewardship and a shift of responsibility to the corporate entities as a sub-system of the market economy.

Stewardship Economy 1: private property without private ownership

Book Description

We need a different way of doing things. We need an economy that makes things fairer and more equal. We need economic systems that flourish within our environmental limits and mechanisms that prioritise sustainability. We need radical ideas. And, most importantly, we need ways to turn those ideas into a reality. Stewardship Economy explores how reimagining our relationship with land and the natural environment could address some of the critical challenges facing our local and global communities. It proposes a new way of viewing rights to land and other natural resources, something its author, Julian Pratt, calls stewardship. Under stewardship, similar to the current system, people have exclusive right to use the land. But in return for this right they have a duty of care for the land. They also have a duty to compensate others in the community who are excluded from using the land. This compensation is paid as a stewardship fee. A steward also has full ownership, in the traditional sense, of any buildings on the land. The system is based on the principle that everyone is entitled to an equal share of the wealth that is created by natural resources. The stewardship fee (land value tax) is gathered by governments and used in a combination of three ways (i) in place of conventional taxes, (ii) to fund public services and (iii) redistributed through the provision of a universal income. The stewardship book series sets out the moral and economic arguments for stewardship as well as demonstrating how it would work in practice and how transition to a full stewardship economy could happen. The first book in the series provides a summary of the proposal. The subsequent books provide further justification for the arguments made and the technical detail. Julian Pratt researched the history and the economics of the ideas set out here over many years. As a young doctor, he worked in Africa where he was deeply affected by the disease and preventable deaths he was witnessing. He realised that unequal distribution of agricultural land and the related poverty were key causes. Looking for solutions, he became interested in 18th and 19th century radical thinkers such as Thomas Spence, Thomas Paine and Henry George and saw how some of what they proposed could address economic inequality. Through this enquiry Julian became committed to a radical rethink of the economic system and saw a form of land tax as a fundamental part of this. Julian first released Stewardship Economy in 2011 and he continued to develop the ideas until his death in 2018. Over the last few years authors and commentators from different perspectives have proposed various aspects of what Julian brings together in a unifying whole. His work is being republished now because his ideas are more relevant than ever for the global challenges of the 2020s.

Stewardship Economy 4: The economy, wealth and universal income

Book Description

The economy, wealth and universal income focuses on the impact of stewardship on the national and global economy, how the distribution of wealth would be changed and the impact of a Universal Income

Stewardship Economy 3: Land, environment and climate

Book Description

Land, environment and climate explores how a stewardship economy would transform the way we use land, provide housing and develop our cities. It goes on to consider how stewardship would help address pressing environmental and climate concerns.

Stewardship Economy 5: Efficient, fair taxes and the role of the state

Book Description

Efficient, fair taxes and the role of the state describes the some of the adverse effects of of our current system of taxation and considers the role of the state in a stewardship economy.

Stewardship Economy 6: Property rights

Book Description

Julian Pratt (1948 -2018) worked as a doctor in rural South Africa in 1975 and observed the factors contributing to the pattern of disease. He realised how the grossly unequal distribution of land for agriculture was having a devastating impact on people’s health and nutrition, the consequences of poverty and the need for migrant labour. As a result, he became passionate about land reform and pursued this interest for the next 40 years. He researched, proposed and campaigned for a radical approach to the market economy, one which would replace private ownership of land with a system he described as stewardship. Following his time in Africa, Julian became a GP in Sheffield. Increasingly interested in systems of care, in 1993 he moved to the King’s Fund in London, a health policy think tank. He wrote a book which reflected on the emerging model of general practice, Practitioners and Practices: A Conflict of Values? (1995). And with colleagues there he developed a “whole systems” approach to improving healthcare which drew on complexity theory and viewed organisations as living systems - described in Working Whole Systems: Putting Theory into Practice in Organisations (1999). In 2011 he published Stewardship Economy, private property without private ownership. The book sets out his vision for stewardship, a new type of property right for land and other natural resources. Under stewardship, those using land, ‘stewards’, have exclusive rights to use the land and, in return, they pay a stewardship fee (land value tax). These fees would, in time, replace other taxes to fund public services and a universal basic income. From 2011 -18 he researched the detailed work that formed the subsequent books, published in 2021.

Stewardship Economy 2: Valuing land and managing transition

Book Description

Valuing land and managing transition sets out in some detail how to establish the market rent of land and how to make the transition from an ownership to a stewardship economy. It also considers how the revenue from stewardship fees might be distributed.

Stewardship Economy 7: Series bibliography and further economics

Book Description

Some economics explained, economic terms and bibliography. This book provides an introduction for the 'Stewardship Economy' series to some key economic concepts for the non-specialist and lists the references, as far as they are available.

Water Stewardship and Business Value

Book Description

The tangible value of increased water efficiency, reuse and recycling and improved social license to operate are moving more companies to adopt water stewardship strategies. This book frames an expanded strategy for water stewardship and business value creation, including brand value, that benefits a range of stakeholders including consumers, customers, investors and employees. The book shows that until recently the linkage between full business value and water stewardship has been missing from the corporate agenda. This linkage and value creation from a leading water strategy is increasingly important to socially responsible investors and "aspirationals" who value companies that have a social mission or focus to their overall business strategy. In general the largest portion of a company’s market capitalization is intangible value and understanding how a water strategy contributes to this intangible value is essential. The authors include cases studies and a framework or path forward to guide companies as they seek to build leading water strategy that goes beyond water stewardship to drive full business value from this investment. The book establishes the linkages and value from an integrated water and business strategy and an approach for companies to follow.

Financial Stewardship

Book Description

Best-selling author Andrew Wommack shares his personal story of when he was young and strapped financially. God taught him how to have abundance in the area of finances. Andrew discusses the influence of money in our lives and how it is very real. He teaches that Jesus taught more about managing resources than He did on prayer or even faith. He exposes the manipulation that sometimes goes on with Christian ministers and how you can be immune from it. Andrew Wommack's message is clear that even though there are abuses in the body of Christ regarding money, that you can still benefit from the truths in God s Word about finances. He believes that by fixing your heart that you deal with the root cause of financial situations and then money will take care of itself. Once your heart is right, using wisdom in how you spend your money comes naturally.