Straight to the Heart of Solomon

Book Description

Life only works God’s way. That’s what Solomon teaches us in the book of Proverbs. Our love lives will only work God’s way too, as Solomon celebrates in his risqué Song of Songs. Sadly, Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes in his old age as a record of what happened to him when he failed to follow his own advice. He warns us from experience that life really does only work God’s way. God inspired the Bible for a reason. He wants you read it and let it change your life. If you are willing to take this challenge seriously, then you will love Phil Moore’s devotional commentaries. Their bite-sized chapters are punchy and relevant, yet crammed with fascinating scholarship. Welcome to a new way of reading the Bible. Welcome to the Straight to the Heart series.

Straight to the Heart of 1 and 2 Chronicles

Book Description

1 and 2 Chronicles are the final books of the Hebrew Old Testament. They are more than mere history. They are a God-inspired sermon which explains what God has done, what God is doing and what God is planning to do. They reveal the secrets of spiritual revival in every generation and they fix our eyes on the Messiah. Written centuries before his coming, these two books proclaim a timeless message of hope to the world. It's all about Jesus, the true Son of David, who is the only true Saviour of the world.

Straight to the Heart of 1 and 2 Kings

Book Description

These books were written at a moment of great crisis and confusion for the Jewish nation. They were written to reveal to them the story behind the story. The great disaster that has befallen God’s people has come from God’s own hand. So will restoration – both for them and for the Church today – if God’s people respond to the message of 1&2 Kings. God inspired the Bible for a reason. He wants you read it and let it change your life. If you are willing to take this challenge seriously, then you will love Phil Moore’s devotional commentaries. Their bite-sized chapters are punchy and relevant, yet crammed with fascinating scholarship. Welcome to a new way of reading the Bible. Welcome to the Straight to the Heart series.

Straight to the Heart of Acts

Book Description

A new series of devotional commentaries enabling people to get to grips with the Bible one bite at a time. Focusing on key sections, Phil Moore gives a useful introduction to each book of the Bible. There will be 25 volumes in all, each containing approximately 60 readings. The tone is light and the text is full of useful application, making it a great resource for daily devotions. It is backed by substantial scholarship for those who want more. Matthew - 978 1 85424 988 3 Revelation - 978 1 85424 990 6

Straight to the Heart of Matthew

Book Description

This is the first in a series of devotional commentaries, which allow people to get to grips with each book of the Bible one bite at a time. Phil Moore will not cover the whole of each book, but rather focuses on key sections which together form a useful introduction. There will be 25 volumes in all: each contains about 60 readings, but this may vary from book to book. Although the tone is light, the text is full of useful application and backed by substantial scholarship. Acts - 978 1 85424 989 0 Revelation - 978 1 85424 990 6

Straight to the Heart of 1&2 Samuel

Book Description

God is looking for the kind of person he can use. Thankfully, he isn't put off very easily in his search. When Samson failed, he found Samuel. When Saul failed, he found David. When David failed, he lovingly restored him and used him again. God is still looking for the kind of person he can use. This book will help you become the kind of person he is looking for. God inspired the Bible for a reason. He wants you read it and let it change your life. If you are willing to take this challenge seriously, then you will love Phil Moore’s devotional commentaries. Their bite-sized chapters are punchy and relevant, yet crammed with fascinating scholarship. Welcome to a new way of reading the Bible. Welcome to the Straight to the Heart series.

Straight to the Heart of Job

Book Description

The book of Job is one of the oldest surviving pieces of writing in human history. It also deals with two of the biggest questions that humans have asked throughout history - what is God like, and why does he allow such suffering in the world? Allow Phil to take you on a journey through the book of Job to discover insights that have shaped the way that people have viewed God and viewed humanity for over 3,000 years. God inspired the Bible for a reason. He wants you read it and let it change your life. If you are willing to take this challenge seriously, then you will love Phil Moore’s devotional commentaries. Their bite-sized chapters are punchy and relevant, yet crammed with fascinating scholarship. Welcome to a new way of reading the Bible. Welcome to the Straight to the Heart series.

Song of Solomon

Book Description

The Book of First Kings 4:32 says that Solomon wrote 1005 songs. A song is poetry like the Psalms that were sung to bring forth a message from God. God deemed this song important enough to keep it in His manual, the Bible. The Books of First and Second Samuel are the historical books of David, but His love and emotions for God were written in his Psalms. Likewise, the Book of Revelation is a historical book of the bride of Christ, but the Song of Solomon is the love and emotions of Christ and His bride. This book is being published at the same time as Revelation to be companion books with the same overview. God desired a people who would be adopted into His kingdom. Christ would redeem every person who would acknowledge the plan of God to become children of the Most High God. The Bible was inspired by God (2 Tim 3:16). The Book of Song of Solomon shows the love of the Lord Jesus to His bride, the Church, who is called Shulamite. Shulamite in Hebrew is the feminine noun for Solomon. Solomon in Hebrew is shalom meaning peace unto wholeness. This wholeness comes from a relationship with the Lord which is offered to everyone, male or female, Jewish or Gentile (non-Jewish). Do not think of Solomon in this book as the king, for he too is a believer in the Lord, so therefore He too can be the Shulamite. This is not a picture of Solomons love for a woman, but instead the story of how Solomon came to love the Lord and grow spiritually throughout His life. Both Books (Revelation and Song of Solomon) are actually a symbolic picture of the Ancient Jewish Wedding. The bride is the Church, and therefore, seen as female, yet we know that God is identified as being present in both male and female. Therefore, Solomon is writing as a believer growing in his walk with the Lord. Song of Solomon, like all books in the Old Testament, point to Jesus. It cant be about Solomon and his love for a woman; IT HAS TO BE ABOUT JESUS. Therefore, it shows how a believer grows in their relationship with Jesus. The Jewish wedding takes us from the first time we see Jesus in the spirit and are engaged (salvation) to the time we see Jesus face to face in marriage (our resurrection) to the time we return with Christ to rule and reign as His wife (Millennium) to the time we live in the new heaven and earth (eternity). The intention of this book is to experience in the spirit the life of the believer growing in our knowledge and relationship with Jesus Christ.

Visual Theology

Book Description

We live in a visual culture. Today, people increasingly rely upon visuals to help them understand new and difficult concepts. The rise and stunning popularity of the Internet infographic has given us a new way in which to convey data, concepts and ideas. But the visual portrayal of truth is not a novel idea. Indeed, God himself used visuals to teach truth to his people. The tabernacle of the Old Testament was a visual representation of man's distance from God and God's condescension to his people. Each part of the tabernacle was meant to display something of man's treason against God and God's kind response. Likewise, the sacraments of the New Testament are visual representations of man's sin and God's response. Even the cross was both reality and a visual demonstration. As teachers and lovers of sound theology, Challies and Byers have a deep desire to convey the concepts and principles of systematic theology in a fresh, beautiful and informative way. In this book, they have made the deepest truths of the Bible accessible in a way that can be seen and understood by a visual generation.

Straight to the Heart of Jeremiah and Ezekiel

Book Description

Jeremiah and Ezekiel are among the most neglected treasures of the Bible. They knew that what they said would be unpopular - both then and now - but they also knew that it was God's Word and the only remedy for the problems that were facing the people of God. As a result, Christians today can still discover what God says to a Church in trouble. The truth isn't always popular, but Jeremiah and Ezekiel show us that it's glorious. God inspired the Bible for a reason. He wants you read it and let it change your life. If you are willing to take this challenge seriously, then you will love Phil Moore’s devotional commentaries. Their bite-sized chapters are punchy and relevant, yet crammed with fascinating scholarship. Welcome to a new way of reading the Bible. Welcome to the Straight to the Heart series.