Gas Transport in Porous Media

Book Description

CLIFFORD K. HOAND STEPHEN W. WEBB Sandia National Laboratories, P. O. Box 5800, Albuquerque, NM 87185, USA Gas and vapor transport in porous media occur in a number of important applications includingdryingofindustrialandfoodproducts,oilandgasexploration,environm- tal remediation of contaminated sites, and carbon sequestration. Understanding the fundamental mechanisms and processes of gas and vapor transport in porous media allows models to be used to evaluate and optimize the performance and design of these systems. In this book, gas and vapor are distinguished by their available states at stan- ? dard temperature and pressure (20 C, 101 kPa). If the gas-phase constituent can also exist as a liquid phase at standard temperature and pressure (e. g. , water, ethanol, toluene, trichlorothylene), it is considered a vapor. If the gas-phase constituent is non-condensable at standard temperature and pressure (e. g. , oxygen, carbon di- ide, helium, hydrogen, propane), it is considered a gas. The distinction is important because different processes affect the transport and behavior of gases and vapors in porous media. For example, mechanisms specific to vapors include vapor-pressure lowering and enhanced vapor diffusion, which are caused by the presence of a g- phase constituent interacting with its liquid phase in an unsaturated porous media. In addition, the “heat-pipe” exploits isothermal latent heat exchange during evaporation and condensation to effectively transfer heat in designed and natural systems.

Diffusion in Gases and Porous Media

Book Description

The world we live in exhibits, on different scales, many phenomena related to the diffusion of gases. Among them are the movement of gases in earth strata, the aeration of soils, the drying of certain materials, some catalytic reactions, purification by adsorption, isotope separation, column chro matography, cooling of nuclear reactors, and the permeability of various packing materials. The evolution of the understanding of this subject has not always been straightforward and progressive-there has been much confusion and many doubts and misunderstandings, some of which remain to this day. The main reason for the difficulties in the development of this subject is, we now know, the lack of an understanding of the effects of walls on diffusing systems. Textbooks usually treat diffusion on two levels: at the physicochemi cal or molecular level, making use of the kinetic theory of gases (which while a very rigorous and well-founded theory nevertheless is valid only for systems without walls), or at the level of a transport phenomenon, a level geared toward applications. The influence of walls is usually disregarded or is treated very briefly (for example, by taking account of the Knudsen regime or by introducing a transition regime of limited validity) in a way unconnected with previous studies. As a consequence, the extensive, gener alized, and well-founded knowledge of systems without walls has often been applied without sound basis to real situations, i.e., to systems with walls.

Gas Transport in Porous Media

Book Description

This monograph gives an historical account of the development of the dusty-gas model for the description of gas transport in porous media, and describes the model and its applications in sufficient detail that it can be employed in engineering practice.

Porous Media Fluid Transport and Pore Structure

Book Description

Porous Media: Fluid Transport and Pore Structure presents relevant data on the role of pore structure in terms of transport phenomena in pore spaces. The information is then applied to the interpretation of various experiments and results of model calculations. This book emphasizes the discussion of ""flow through porous media"" in terms of interactions among the three main factors. These factors are transport phenomena, interfacial effects, and pore structure. An introductory chapter opens the text and presents some of the basic concepts and terms that will be encountered all throughout. Chapters 2 to 4 focus on the important foundations of the physical phenomena as applied in the pore space of porous media. These foundations are capillarity, pore structure, and single phase flow and diffusion. Chapters 5 to 7 discuss more in detail the different applications of pore structure to various operations and processes. Some of the concepts covered in this part of the book include flow and/or diffusion through a porous medium, simultaneous flow of immiscible fluids and immiscible displacement, and miscible displacement and hydrodynamic dispersion. This book is a good reference to students, scientists, and engineers in the field of chemistry, physics, and biology.

Mass Transfer Driven Evaporation From Capillary Porous Media

Book Description

Mass Transfer–Driven Evaporation from Capillary Porous Media offers a comprehensive review of mass transfer–driven drying processes in capillary porous media, including pore-scale and macro-scale experiments and models. It covers kinetics of drying of a single pore, pore-scale experiments and models, macro-scale experiments and models, and understanding of the continuum model from pore-scale studies. The book: Explains the detailed transport processes in porous media during drying. Introduces cutting-edge visualization experiments of drying in porous media. Describes the pore network models of drying in porous media. Discusses the continuum models of drying in porous media based on pore-scale studies. Points out future research opportunities. Aimed at researchers, students and practicing engineers, this work provides vital fundamental and applied information to those working in drying technology, food processes, applied energy, and mechanical and chemical engineering.

Porous Media

Book Description

This book examines the relationship between transport properties and pore structure of porous material. Models of pore structure are presented with a discussion of how such models can be used to predict the transport properties of porous media. Portions of the book are devoted to interpretations of experimental results in this area and directions for future research. Practical applications are given where applicable, and are expected to be useful for a large number of different fields, including reservoir engineering, geology, hydrogeology, soil science, chemical process engineering, biomedical engineering, fuel technology, hydrometallurgy, nuclear reactor technology, and materials science. Presents mechanisms of immiscible and miscible displacement (hydrodynamic dispersion) process in porous media Examines relationships between pore structure and fluid transport Considers approaches to enhanced oil recovery Explores network modeling and perolation theory

Two-phase Flow Dynamics

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