Subdivision Regulations, Horn Lake, Mississippi

Book Description

This ordinance establishes regulations governing the subdivision of land within the corporation limits of Horn lake, Mississippi. It provides for the procedure for administration of the regulations, establishment of plat [sic] requirements, minimum improvements within subdivisions, design standards, penalties for violations, and procedure for varying the regulations where strict adherence would cause undue hardship.

Zoning Ordinance, Horn Lake, Mississippi

Book Description

This ordinance establishes regulations governing the use of land within the corporation limits of Horn lake, Mississippi. These regulations are designed to implement the recommendations outlined in the land use plan for the city and to promote procedures for adoption, amendment, and enforcement.

Subdivision Regulations, City of Union, Newton and Neshoba Counties, State of Mississippi

Book Description

These Subdivision regulations have been prepared in conformance with the intent and recommendations of the recently completed Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. The regulations are set forth to provide for properly designed development and to provide assurance to both the people and the City that proper design and criteria will be followed in all future development.

Subdivision Regulations

Book Description