Teacher Attitudes Toward the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in the General Education Classroom

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With the implementation of IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) in 1975, educating students in the least restrictive environment has become common practice among schools. This leads to the inclusion of students with disabilities in the general education classroom. The following study evaluates the impact that inclusion has on general education teachers. 22 general education teachers were surveyed to determine how inclusion affects their attitude toward multiple variables, including stress level, planning time, enjoyment of teaching, and perceived value of students with special needs. The study found that the majority of teachers feel that students with disabilities are a valuable part of the classroom and are enjoyable to teach. The teachers feel that general education students learn better when students with disabilities are included in the classroom. However, having special needs students included in the classroom takes additional planning time and causes teachers to feel more stressed. Furthermore, the study compares the opinions of teachers with 1-10 years of teaching experience and teachers with 11 or more years of teaching experience. It is concluded that additional professional development opportunists and training should be given to general education teachers to help them successfully implement inclusion.

Teachers' Attitudes Toward the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in the General Education Classroom in a Rural School District

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According to the research, inclusion in the general education setting is valuable to the academic and social development of students with disabilities. Teachers play a significant role in the success of students with disabilities in this setting (Coombs-Richardson & Mead, 2001; Fuchs, 2010; Test et al., 2009). Research shows that teachers display positive and negative attitudes toward inclusion based on the severity of the disability category (Cook, 2001; Ernest & Rogers, 2009). The purpose of this study was to examine teachers' attitudes toward the inclusion of students with disabilities in the general education classroom in a rural school district. An ANOVA was run to analyze teachers' attitudes based on disability category and to determine if grade level taught by teachers acts as a moderator to their attitudes. Results revealed that students' disability categories had a significant impact on teachers' attitudes and that grade level taught acts as a moderator to teachers' attitudes toward inclusion. Limitations were discussed, and recommendations for practice, policy, and research were provided.

High School Teachers and Support Staff's Attitudes Toward Students with Disabilities in the Inclusive General Education Classroom

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Research has shown teachers' attitudes toward students with disabilities directly affect the students' performance in the general education classroom; however, more research is needed to determine what variables influence high school teacher and support staff attitudes. The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of high school general education teachers, special education teachers, and support staff toward students with disabilities in the general education classroom. The study examined multiple variables such as gender, race/ethnicity, teaching experience, educators' role, and school size; and the impact of professional development on their attitudes toward inclusion. This study used an explanatory sequential mixed-methods design. Data collection included the Inclusion Attitude Scale for High School Teachers (IASHST), developed by Ernst and Roger, and then focus groups for general education teachers, special education teachers, and support staff in order to triangulate the findings. The results of this study found that general education teachers may have a more negative attitude than special education teachers and support staff. However, it is important to note that members of each focus group described what they considered to be appropriate exceptions to including students with disabilities in the general education classroom.

Inclusive Education: Global Issues and Controversies

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This volume brings together some thought provoking discussions on inclusive education within the current education climate. Is inclusive education worth pursuing or is the fervour for its implementation subsiding as the realities of its challenges are understood?

Teaching Students with Special Needs in Inclusive Settings

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For undergraduate or graduate courses on Inclusion. Categorical inclusion text with keen insight on individual student needs. This highly praised text takes a categorical approach to covering the opportunities and challenges in creating inclusive classrooms for all students. IEP coverage, new material on Response to Intervention, chapters on both elementary and secondary classrooms as well as new features on differentiating instruction in both elementary and secondary classrooms provide the most coverage in the field of the instructional processes general education teachers will need to know.

Teacher Attitudes Toward Inclusion

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The purpose of the study was to examine the attitudes of general educators toward movement of students with special needs into general education classrooms. This study was conducted using a descriptive quantitative approach with a survey design. The total number of participants was 73 with a total return rate of 53%. Teachers were surveyed on their (a) attitudes towards students with disabilities in inclusive settings, (b) beliefs about professional roles and responsibilities, and (c) beliefs about the efficacy of inclusion. Time spent with special education teachers tended to increase teacher beliefs that students with mild to moderate disabilities can be more effectively educated in regular classrooms as opposed to special education classrooms. The vast majority of teachers responded positively to their roles and responsibilities with students with disabilities. General education teachers showed a positive belief in the efficacy of inclusion, as 80% indicated that they believed inclusion was effective due to the social skills that can be learned. Almost 20% of participants did not believe that students with mild or moderate disabilities should be educated in the general education classroom to the fullest extent possible. It is recommended that administrators address the attitudes of general education teachers. This could be done through in-service training, mentoring and allotting time to collaborate with special education teachers. More research should be done to determine reasons why teacher attitudes are negative, so that schools may work to maintain positive attitudes and successful inclusion programs.

Integrating Young Children with Disabilities Into Community Programs

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Explains how to apply the lessons and theories of the past 15 years to the actual practice of integrating young children with disabilities into the mainstream community. Chronicles and evaluates the various research projects, programs, and models that have been and are being used. For professionals, graduates, and administrators in education and sp.