The ABCs of Spiritual Growth

Book Description

The ABC's of Spiritual Growth is a step by step tutorial of how believers in God can develop a stronger and deeper relationship with Him. The secret is to understand some of the basic principles taught in the scriptures. Michael Vappie gives readers practical information to assist them on their path as they seek a higher understanding of life's journey. Readers develop an appreciation for discovering the essence of the true meaning of keywords in scripture and confidence in their relationship with God.

The Abc's of Christian Growth

Book Description

After the New Birth comes growth. If there is no growth, there is no life. To be in Christ means to be saved, converted, regenerated, sanctified, and continually growing in grace and knowledge. Christian growth is learning what God wants through his Word; doing what God wants; and living our lives through his love. The evidence of growth in grace and knowledge can be found in (1) an increase in love; (2) an increase in faith (3) an increase in respect for God's Word; and (4) an increase of the fruit of the Spirit. God wants us to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior. But how can we who are in Christ grow in a suitable and wholesome manner? In the ABC's of Christian Growth you will find guidelines for growth in the Christian's life. We will explore from A to Z some basic principles to embrace in the day to day walk with the Lord. When these ideologies are applied to the life of the believer, growth is inevitable.

ABCs for Christian Growth - Laying the Foundation

Book Description

Part One: The Assured Life * Preface * General Introduction: Why We All Need the ABCs * Introduction to the Truth of Assurance * Lesson 1: Assurance Regarding the Gospel * Lesson 2: Assurance of Salvation * Lesson 3: Assurance of Eternal Security * Lesson 4: Assurance of God?s Daily Provision * Lesson 5: Assurance of God?s Provision for Sin * Lesson 6: Assurance of God?s Guidance * Lesson 7: Assurance of Eternal RewardsPart Two: The Transformed Life * Preface * Lesson 1: Truths That Transform * Lesson 2: The Faith-Rest Life * Lesson 3: The Christ-Centered Life * Lesson 4: The Spirit-Filled Life (Part 1) * Lesson 5: The Spirit-Filled Life (Part 2) * Lesson 6: The Word-Filled Life * Lesson 7: The Prayer-Filled Life (Part 1) * Lesson 8: The Prayer-Filled Life (Part 2) * Lesson 9: The Devotional LifePart Three: The Multiplied Life * Preface * Lesson 1: The Stewardship of Time * Lesson 2: The Stewardship of Talents * Lesson 3: The Stewardship of God?s Truth * Lesson 4: The Stewardship of God?s Truth Through Evangelism (Part 1) * Lesson 5: The Stewardship of God?s Truth Through Evangelism (Part 2) * Lesson 6: The Stewardship of God?s Truth Through Evangelism (Part 3) * Lesson 7: The Stewardship of God?s Truth Through Evangelism (Part 4) * Lesson 8: The Stewardship of God?s Truth Through Discipleship * Lesson 9: The Stewardship of TreasuresAppendices * Appendix 1: Thoughts on Ezekiel 2:8; 3:1-3, 14 * Appendix 2: Exposition of Isaiah 55:1-3 * Appendix 3: Preparing to Truly Hear God?s Word * Appendix 4: The Believer and Daily Cleansing (John 13:1-17) * Appendix 5: An Overview of the Forgiveness of Believers * Appendix 6: Key Verses on the ?Daily? Emphasis of Scripture * Appendix 7: Seven Subtle Snares of Worldliness * Appendix 8: Soul Nourishment First by George Muller * Appendix 9: The Middle Voice of 1 Corinthians 13:8

The Abc's of Intuition & Spiritual Growth

Book Description

The ABC's of Intuition & Spiritual Growth speaks of transforming one's life with positive thinking, right attitude and understanding energy, vibration and the use of the Creator's "light." The book was inspired by the angels and ascended beings who watch over us and everyone reading it will receive a blessing and/or healing. Beginners on a path of self-mastery and enlightenment, as well as, seasoned spiritual/metaphysical aficianados will find something that will appeal. The words are kind, uplifting, empowering, with an occasional touch of humor. The visualizations and meditations in the book are guaranteed to transform the individual, if practiced regularly and with intention.

ABCs for Christian Growth

Book Description

A series of studies designed to communicate basic doctrines that are vital for Christians to help them get up and running in their new life in Christ (550 pages, paperback, ISBN: 0-7375-0013-1). Many new (as well as older) believers flounder in their Christian growth because they do not know these basic truths for walking with Christ through the Spirit of God and in the light of God's Word. The goal is to lay the foundation for a walk by faith that will help believers in Christ begin to experience the glorious transforming power of the saving life of Christ through the Spirit of God. These studies focus on what believers have in Christ, their new identity or position, and how this must form the foundation for faith, growth, and spiritual transformation through Christ's life being reproduced in their lives.

Spiritual Growth

Book Description

Being a child of God is not enough to possessing your possessions in this Kingdom. Yes! You are an authentic, bonafide child of God, but if you don't grow spiritually, you will still not possess your possessions. God who is a good Father has good plans for His children, but He cannot release them on them until they grow up spiritually. Luk 11:13 Possessions are for sons and not for babies even though babies are also legitimate children. Many children of God today are not possessing their rightful possessions because they are still children spiritually, even though they may be well advanced in age. In this book I showed you the dangers of not growing spiritually and also steps on how to grow spiritually. I put in so much prayer in writing this book, so I have no doubt in my heart that this book will change your spiritual life forever.

The Keys to Spiritual Growth

Book Description

John MacArthur explores a range of biblical passages to reveal the riches of God in Jesus Christ, riches that will help us continue to grow in faith and spirit.

ABCs of Christianity

Book Description

The ABCs of Christianity is a concise summary of the fundamental principles of the religion of Jesus, presented so today's generation will understand the Bible and experience the gift of knowing God. Yes, this is Grandma's religion. The underpinnings are the same rock solid concepts taught for 2,000 years. But this book is what texting is to ancient scrolls with each concept presented in concise, almost outline, form. Every doctrine is further referenced by Scripture, allowing readers to use the Bible translation of their choice-whether it be a leather-bound King James Version on onion-skin paper, a Biblical translation app, (on phone or tablet), or favorite spirituality Internet site. Stripped of anecdotes, wordsmithing, and other mechanics used to communicate biblical truth, this handbook is meant to serve all who wish to live in the now and experience the gift of actively knowing God.

Abc's of a Strong Spiritual Life

Book Description

The ABC's of a Strong Spiritual Life was created to help women draw ever closer to their Lord and Creator. This is the first of a two-book study which looks at basic aspects of our spiritual life and how to help it grow ever stronger. The ABC's of a Strong Spiritual Life can be used for individual or group study. This book features lessons and worksheets, as well as power verses to memorize, deeper study topics, and daily prayer and journal topics to reinforce each lesson. There is also an ABC's of a Stronger Spiritual Life Companion Journal available with this study. No matter where you find yourself in your own walk with God, there is always a chance to dig deeper into His Word and walk a little closer to the perfect example of His Son. May your journey to a stronger spiritual life be joyful!

The ABCs of Becoming a Christian: CSB

Book Description

The ABCs of Becoming a Christian: CSB(R) is a handy leaflet that provides helpful information about how to become a Christian. Hand them out to kids to encourage them to share their faith with others. Use with teachers before VBS for even more effective outreach. (Package of 25)