The Four Agreements

Book Description

Bestselling author don Miguel Ruiz reveals the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and create needless suffering. Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, The Four Agreements offer a powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives to a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love. • A New York Times bestseller for over 7 years • Over 5.2 million copies sold in the U.S. • Translated into 38 languages worldwide Don Miguel Ruiz’s book is a roadmap to enlightenment and freedom.” — Deepak Chopra, Author, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success “An inspiring book with many great lessons . . .” — Wayne Dyer, Author, Real Magic “In the tradition of Castaneda, Ruiz distills essential Toltec wisdom, expressing with clarity and impeccability what it means for men and women to live as peaceful warriors in the modern world.” — Dan Millman, Author, Way of the Peaceful Warrior

The Good Friday Agreement

Book Description

In April 1998, the Good Friday Agreement brought an end to the bloodshed that had engulfed Northern Ireland for thirty years. It was lauded worldwide as an example of an iconic peace process to which other divided societies should aspire. Today, the region has avoided returning to the bloodshed of the Troubles, but the peace that exists is deeply troubled and far from stable. The botched Parliament at Stormont lumbers from crisis to crisis and society remains deeply divided. At the time of writing, Sinn Féin and the DUP are refusing to share power and Northern Ireland faces direct rule from London. Meanwhile, Brexit poses a serious threat to the country's hard-won stability. Twenty years on from the historic accord, journalist Siobhán Fenton revisits the Good Friday Agreement, exploring its successes and failures, assessing the extent to which Northern Ireland has been able to move on from the Troubles, and analysing the recent collapse of power-sharing at Stormont. This remarkable book re-evaluates the legacy of the Good Friday Agreement and asks what needs to change to create a healthy and functional politics in Northern Ireland.


Book Description

From USA Today Bestselling Romance Author S. E. Lund, Book 3 in the Unrestrained Series: Newly engaged, Drake and Kate start their life together in Nairobi, Kenya, where Drake is teaching and working as a surgeon to help out an old friend. Before they can even get settled in their new home, they are faced with challenges to their view of themselves and their relationship. Will their love survive? Unrestrained is the third book in the bestselling trilogy in which the intense and passionate relationship between Drake and Kate unfolds as they search for their happy ever after.

The Agreement

Book Description

Lauren McBride returns to the Circle M ranch as a beautiful, confident woman, certain of her own mind. The last thing she would tolerate was a marriage of convenience, arranged by her father. Garret Lassiter had broken her heart once before. Now, only a declaration of everlasting love would convince her to become his bride.

The Fifth Agreement

Book Description

In The Four Agreements, a New York Times bestseller for over 7 years, Ruiz revealed how the process of our education, or “domestication,” can make us forget the wisdom we were born with. Throughout our lives, we make many agreements that go against ourselves and create needless suffering. The Four Agreements help us to break these self-limiting agreements and replace them with agreements that bring us personal freedom, happiness, and love. In The Fifth Agreement, don Miguel Ruiz joins his son don Jose Ruiz to offer a fresh perspective on The Four Agreements, and a powerful new agreement for transforming our lives into our personal heaven. The Fifth Agreement takes us to a deeper level of awareness of the power of the Self, and returns us to the authenticity we were born with. In this compelling sequel to the book that has changed the lives of millions of people around the world, we are reminded of the greatest gift we can give ourselves: the freedom to be who we really are.

The Agreement

Book Description

Kate McDermott is a good girl who has done everything she can to please her very powerful and domineering father -- a Justice on New York's Supreme Court with hopes for political office. When she decides to write an article about BDSM in popular culture, she tells herself it's just research and nothing personal for she can't afford to become the target of gossip or scandal. She hopes that the carefully worded agreement she writes up will keep her relationship with the Dominant she will interview strictly professional. Then 'Master D' - Drake Morgan - walks into the interview and Kate is mortified for not only is he gorgeous, he's the son of her father's best and oldest friend… Billionaire Drake Morgan, MD, bass player, philanthropist – Dominant. Known as Master 'D' in Manhattan's BDSM Community, Drake must keep the kinky side of his life secret to protect his very successful career as a neurosurgeon. After a heartbreaking divorce, Drake doesn't do girlfriends, he doesn’t do sleepovers, and he certainly doesn't do breakfast in bed the morning after. He keeps everything in his well-ordered life separate and under his firm control. Then Kate McDermott crosses his path and screws everything up. Now, nothing is neat and tidy anymore, and no longer under control for Drake is smitten and things are going to get messy… From USA Today Bestselling Romance author S. E. Lund comes a story of two people who find themselves in each other's arms. The Agreement will stay with you long after you read the final page

The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)

Book Description

On July 1, 2020, after much expectation and delay, the new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)—a greatly revised version of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) of 1994—came into effect. This timely book by the author of the preeminent guide to NAFTA and an active participant and private sector advocate in the USMCA negotiation and legislative process provides a chapter-by-chapter analysis of the new agreement, clearly describing what has changed from the earlier agreement and what is new. After a concise but expertly calibrated summary of NAFTA, the author proceeds systematically through a practical analysis of each USMCA provision, emphasizing such crucial new elements as the following: new rules on intellectual property rights; stricter rules of origin within the automotive industry; major reforms in Mexican labor laws and their enforceability; opening of Canada’s agricultural and dairy sector to more U.S. competition; entirely new chapter on digital trade; new dispute mechanisms; requirement of an increased minimum wage in auto plants; and a new chapter on environmental standards. Changes in such important aspects of trade as textiles and apparel, ownership of hydrocarbons, cross-border trade in services, and anticorruption measures are also fully described. The USMCA is a response to a United States initiative to renegotiate NAFTA. As a key regional trade agreement with vast global ramifications, familiarity with its content and rules is essential for all business, legal, policymaking, and academic parties concerned with international trade. This useful practical guide will be a welcome addition to private and corporate libraries, including corporate counsel, customs brokers, freight forwarders, logistics and import-export managers, government officials, and academics who need a thorough understanding of the new agreement.

The Law of Agreement

Book Description

No matter who you are or what you believe, you have the power to manifest what you want in life—a dream job, wealth, love, and health. In this concise and fascinating book, Tony Burroughs shows readers how to work with the Law of Agreement to change old beliefs about money, relationships, and health issues that are holding them back. He shares stories from his years of working with people from all over the world who are practicing living intentionally bringing into their lives that which serves the higher good and discarding the rest. The Law of Agreement says that as we lend our agreement to any belief, we reinforce it and make it stronger. Alternatively, as we refrain from lending our agreement to an idea that isn’t likely to give us the results we’re looking for, we dilute it and weaken its power over us and over everyone else simultaneously. Burroughs offers examples and stories that show how the Law of Agreement and its partner, the Law of Adversity, work simultaneously. What happens when we don’t get what we want? What is the opportunity in adversity? The Law of Agreement shows how adversity can lift us up and out of our routines and help us to reach deep inside ourselves for answers to life’s hardest questions. Full of real-life stories, examples, and solutions, The Law of Agreement is a practical and world changing book.

The Transfer Agreement

Book Description

The Transfer Agreement is Edwin Black's compelling, award-winning story of a negotiated arrangement in 1933 between Zionist organizations and the Nazis to transfer some 50,000 Jews, and $100 million of their assets, to Jewish Palestine in exchange for stopping the worldwide Jewish-led boycott threatening to topple the Hitler regime in its first year. 25th Anniversary Edition.

The Agreement

Book Description

Now, more than ever before, humanity is awakening to the sovereign inherent power of Source. Something is stirring within the heart of humanity, an inner knowing that is being felt, but not yet understood. For many awakening humans, the question becomes "What is this I am sensing, and how do I express it into the external world?"The wisdom contained within this book invites you to discover your truth in an entirely new way. Not through through a requirement for devotion or ritual, or with structures of belief - but rather by stepping beyond the scaffolding that has maintained your sense of reality.Not an inert volume of knowledge, but a living, vibrating entity that continues to reveal itself with every engagement, The Agreement is both a principle and a living essence. Discover the power of Agreement within the five pillars of your human experience, and ignite your inherent capacity to create a new reality. Agreement is the key to unlocking your limitation for experience. Create beyond the mechanics of third dimensional law and reality. Agreement is the key to your freedom.Rebecca Dawson is an international teacher and author who has been sharing channeled wisdom for over 25 years, delivering current leading edge information about humanity's paradigm shift to multidimensional experience, the mechanics of reality, and the human blueprint. Together with aspects of Source known as 'The Masters', Rebecca offers knowledge and perspectives that usher humanity into a new era of consciousness.