The Christian's Unity with Christ

Book Description

This book digs deeply into the Christian's walk of grace. We look into the grace of God. You will get to understand the Christian's relationship to the law! You will understand that Christ's redemption unites the Christian with Christ! That Christ's unity with the Christian is entirely the grace of God! God will increase your faith in Christ and your dependency on Christ. Every Christian's relationship with Christ is through Christ's substitutional death on the cross along with his resurrection. Yet, some Christians will live in a spiritual desert the remainder of their life! There is hope! God has made the Christian's relationship with Christ to be the strongest and most glorious relationship known to humanity! Make the Scriptures in this book a continual part of your daily devotions and experience God working in you daily! He loves to study the Bible He preached live on radio, and then recorded the program on reel-to-reel tape, cassettes tapes and now records on CD'S. Jim entered the ministry in 1974. His radio program Reality In Jesus began airing on a local radio station since 1976. In 1999, the program began airing on international shortwave radio stations. Reality In Jesus continues on the air today. Jim likes woodworking, horseback riding, walking on mountain trails. He is married to the love of his live for thirty-two years. The desire of his heart is to grow in Jesus Christ and the Bible. We have one son Dwain. His wife, IRENE MCCOY

Unity in the Faith

Book Description

Churches all over the world work to spread the gospel of Christ, but this work is done in many different ways by many different denominations. Jesus and Paul were quite clear that the church of God was to be in total unityespecially with regard to the teachings of the gospel. So how do we bring the many denominations into a unity that will enhance a genuine team effort to present the true gospel to the world? In Unity in the Faith, author Bradford Mark Rosenquist shows why church unity across all denominations is an absolutely necessary work that must be accomplished for gospel success. First outlining what church unity is and what has been a historical obstacle to this unity, Rosenquist goes on to show how integral unity is to the gospel message of Christ. In the end, Unity in the Faith provides both an analysis of unity as well as a roadmap that Christians and church leaders can use to promote true unity in their congregations. It takes a cooperative effort to reach the world with the truth about Jesus and the kingdom of God. The universal body of Christ must therefore overcome the current disunity so that as one we can live up to Christs admonition to go into all the world and preach the gospel.

Thank You. I’m Sorry. Tell Me More.

Book Description

Practice the three simple phrases that heal relationships, strengthen connection, and change the world. We all believe that saying, “Thank you,” “I’m sorry,” and “Tell me more” will help us become better people, friends, partners, employees, neighbors, and global citizens. And yet, having been brought up on rugged individualism, we often slip into self-centeredness and a corresponding sense of entitlement. We have lost the ability to speak with gentleness toward one another. We have replaced kind words that connect us to one another with ones that divide, isolate, and hurt. Everywhere we turn there is deep conflict. In this simple yet profound book, clinical psychologist Rod Wilson introduces us to the sacredness of these familiar but forgotten sayings. What impact do these sayings have on our relationships? When we say, “Thank you,” we acknowledge the way others impact us. When we say, “I’m sorry,” we acknowledge the way we impact others. When we say, “Tell me more,” we acknowledge the way we impact each other. Try it. Read this book and be encouraged and equipped to deliver kindness in your speech. As you engage with these three phrases more thoughtfully and speak them more frequently, you will enjoy a life full of deeper friendships and joy.

Tear Down These Walls

Book Description

"I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message. I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one--as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me" (John 17:20-21, NLT). For most Christians these words of Jesus seem like an unreachable ideal. Or they promise spiritual unity without a visible demonstration between real people. Some even read these words with a sense of fear seeing this text used for a compromise agenda. How should we understand this prayer offered for all who follow Jesus? What if Jesus really intended for the world to "believe" the gospel on the basis of looking at Christians who live deep unity in a shared relationship with him? What if there is way of understanding what Jesus desired so that we can begin anew to tear down the many walls of division that keep the world from seeing God's love in us? Is our oneness much bigger and deeper than we could imagine? John Armstrong has devoted three decades to the work of Christian unity. His story and ministry have encouraged many around the world and now they are reflected in this memoir of a life devoted to unity.

Ecumenism Means You, Too

Book Description

By all accounts, the modern ecumenical movement is not moving much these days. Despite dramatic breakthroughs in the past few decades, the quest for a visibly united church--in which there is common confession of the apostolic faith, full Eucharistic communion, and mutual recognition of members and ministers--now meets with indifference by many, impatience by some, and outright hostility by others. In part, this is because the movement has not given enough attention to grassroots ecumenical engagement. This book is written to convince ordinary Christians, especially young Christian adults, that they too have a stake in the future of the ecumenical movement as its most indispensable participants. Ecumenism Means You, Too draws on the music of Irish rock band U2 to cast artistic light on various aspects of the quest for Christian unity. Whether one is a U2 fan or not, and whether one thinks the ecumenical movement is a good thing or a bad thing for the church, everyone who reads this book will learn something about the Christian theological framework apart from which neither the modern ecumenical movement nor the meaning of U2's music can be understood. The book includes an annotated bibliography of resources for ecumenical engagement and a glossary of key ecumenical terms for readers who want to learn more about the Christian practice of seeking the unity of the church.

Unity It's Every Christian's Call

Book Description

“God’s dynamics for unity in His Church is revealed in this wonderful book, UNITY It’s Every Christian’s Call. No matter how bad you or someone else may have caused division in the Church, or in your relationships outside of it, this book shows you how to get back to God and reconcile all your relationships. I highly recommend this book.” –Pastor Stan Nixon, Hartselle, Alabama “UNITY It’s Every Christian’s Call fully illustrates how the power of unity between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit should function throughout the body of Christ. Kevin masterfully pulls together all the aspects of biblical unity that are needed to bring souls into the kingdom. I highly recommend this book to anyone who’s interested in fulfilling God’s plan for their life.” –Terrence Kinney, Former pastor-Better Life Community Church, Cottondale Texas “The pursuit of unity has exploded worldwide...Thank the Lord for Kevin Almond’s clear call for genuine Christian unity available only as we humble ourselves in pursuit of the fullness of Truth only found in Christ alone. To that cause Kevin has given his life.” –Charles Crismier, Attorney and Author Founder – SAVE AMERICA Ministries Radio Host – VIEWPOINT “I’ve known Kevin for over 30 yrs. He’ll help other churches any way he can to bring unity in the body of Christ. I’ve witnessed this time and time again...UNITY It’s Every Christian’s Call is a good book. Kevin breaks it down real simple to understand.” –Pastor Hank Parker, Grace Alive Outreach Church Midlothian VA. “There is much to glean from Kevin’s book, starting with the Introduction...Many in today’s “Church” believe that “unity in the Church” means compromising what God says with what “culture” says. This book stays focused on what the Bible says, not what the world says. UNITY It’s Every Christian’s Call is great for an in-home or Bible study group.” –Donald N. Blake, Chairman and President Virginia Christian Alliance

You are Loved In Christ

Book Description

In You are loved In Christ: Unity Amongst Christians Tijuana L. Canders takes readers on a journey of unconditional love, forgiveness, faith, and unity amongst Christians and how to communicate with neighboring communities who are different in religion, ethnicity or heritage than their own. You are loved In Christ: Unity Amongst Christians delivers a message of hope to the Church and communities to stand together in unity and negate strife for One Common Goal, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Tijuana L. Canders is a Free-Lance writer for Relationships, Graduate of Mid-America Christian University for the Behavioral Sciences and Ethics, Entrepreneur, and Homeschool Educater. She currently lives in Marietta, Georgia with her family

Disunity in Christ

Book Description

Despite Jesus' prayer that all Christians "be one," divisions have been epidemic in the body of Christ. Though we may think we know why this happens, Christena Cleveland says we probably don't. Learn the hidden reasons behind conflict and divisions, the unseen dynamics at work that tend to separate us from others. Here are the tools we need to build bridges.

~You Are Loved in Christ: Unity Amongst Christians

Book Description

In ~You are loved In Christ: Unity Amongst Christians Tijuana L. Canders takes readers on a journey of unconditional love, forgiveness, faith, and unity amongst Christians and how to communicate with neighboring communities who are different in religion, ethnicity or heritage than their own. Tijuana L. Canders content develops and evolves relationships of communities differences, sameness, and togetherness catalyzing through guidance communities abilities to communicate with effectiveness and understand theoretically thus socially a variety of culture, ethnicity, creed, color, and origin. Canders provides readers with a four-part fifteen chapter text, including discussion questions to engage the reader, small groups, and communities on the subjects of the History of the Church, Unity, Diversity, Unconditional Love, Altruism and Self-Efficacy, Reconciliation, and Standing In faith. ~You are loved In Christ: Unity Amongst Christians delivers a message of hope to the Church and communities to stand together in unity and negate strife for One Common Goal, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. BOOK SYNOPSIS: Embracement of others requires adherent actions thus infusive dialogues of interchangeable communication across linear parallel barriers. Communities support communities through exhortation. Spiritual formation concerns the heart of the Church and the heart of the people. The ability to look inwardly within self, and extrovertly prepares times of meditation and solitude with God which leads to the penetration of the heart to reach others. When we step out as a human race towards purpose it brings with it uncertainty, but also a world filled with opportunities, divine connections, and penetration of heart towards the leading of God. Partnering with God for social change may require transparency, clarity, ethics, viable communication, or subservient wholeness from self to others in order to catalyze and suffice perpetual epitomes connective to social behaviors of individualist or collectivist groups. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Tijuana L. Canders is an Author for Promoting Christianity, Socio-Cultural Awareness, Mental Health and Wellness, American Immigration, Women's Suffrage and Essential Leadership, Graduate of Mid-America Christian University for the Behavioral Sciences and Ethics, Honorary Graduate of Walden University MS Social Psychology, Entrepreneur, and Homeschool Educator. Canders is also an Ohio House Representatives and Senate two-time recipient Proclamation Award bestowed winner, and PsiChi International Honor Society In Psychology Alumnus. She currently lives with her family in Princeton, New Jersey.

Christian Unity

Book Description