The Egregor of the Dove or the Reign of Peace

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Presentation How to establish a lasting peace. In the history of mankind, it is very difficult to find periods in which there has been no war and despite the fact that it cannot be denied that they desire peace. Yet there is no other way than to begin to establish peace within us: to monitor and appease our actions, thoughts and feelings. The propagation of this peace in each one of us in the atmosphere will then help to build a collective egregore. ‘How many people are working for peace in the world today! But in reality they are doing nothing to make this peace really take hold. They never thought that it is first of all all the cells of their body, all the particles of their physical and psychic being that must live according to the laws of peace and harmony in order to emanate this peace they claim to work for. As they write about peace, as they come together to talk about peace, they continue to fuel the war within them, for they are endlessly fighting one thing or another. So what peace can they bring? Peace, man must first install in himself, in his actions, his feelings, his thoughts. It was only then that he truly worked for peace.’ Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov Table of contents 1 - Towards a Better Understanding of Peace 2 - The Advantages of Unity amongst Nations 3 - Aristocracy and Democracy 4 - About Money 5 - The Distribution of Wealth 6 - Communism and Capitalism 7 - Towards a New Understanding of Economics 8 - What Every Politician Should Know 9 - The Kingdom of God

Luminous Living

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A glimpse of the Universal Wisdom taught by the Initiatic Master Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov. Treasures from on high for all.

Whitaker's Books in Print

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Forthcoming Books

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A Philosophy of Universality

Book Description

Presentation The importance of developing a collective consciousness. This book is a real how-to manual to help us overcome our limited and self-centered viewpoints to broaden our awareness to the community. And not only human but also all the kingdoms that share this planet with us and far beyond. It is not about giving up our own development but making it useful to as many people as possible. From there we can finally participate in a universal fraternity. ‘Each individual must work for his own development, for his own enrichment, provided that he does not do it only for himself, but for the good of the community. At that point, we no longer spoke only of collectivity but of fraternity. The community is not yet the brotherhood. Fraternity is a community where there is real cohesion, because each individual works consciously for the good of all. In reality, there are three categories of individuals in a society that correspond to three levels of consciousness: those who want to work alone, isolated, withdrawn; those who have understood the advantages they can derive from collective life and who come together, but only because they have an interest in it, without knowing or loving each other well; and finally those who learn to live more fraternally by deepening more and more in themselves the consciousness of universality.’ Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov Table of contents 1 - What is a Sect? 2 - No Church is Eternal 3 - The Spirit Behind the Form 4 - The Advent of the Church of St. John 5 - The Foundations of a Universal Religion 6 - The Great Universal White Brotherhood 7 - For a Universal Notion of the Family 8 - Brotherhood, a Higher State of Consciousness 9 - The Annual Conventions at the Bonfin 10 - The Universal Dimension of All Our Activities