The Epiphany of Love

Book Description

Catholic moral theology faces a radical challenge in this age of moral upheaval. No longer must it simply respond to specific questions about particular matter, nor elaborate some method for the formulation of norms. The challenge now is instead no less than comprehending the mystery of human action in its proper dynamism. Livio Melina here guides the reader on a path that seeks to recover the integrality of moral experience and its place in Christian existence. This path aims at rediscovering in moral action an epiphany of love and attempts to help us recognize a profound synergy between human and divine action.

The Epiphany of Love

Book Description

In this volume Livio Melina attempts to overcome the deadlock in which moral theology can easily find itself due to the false alternative between moralism, with its emphasis on external rules, and antimoralism, with its insistence on freedom from all norms. The key, Melina argues here, is not to regard morality as a simple list of principles directing our choices and helping us to make correct moral judgments. Rather, we must step back and begin to comprehend the dynamic mystery of Christian action. Only in the light of Christ can the proper correlation between faith and morality, freedom and truth, be clearly understood. True morality springs from a synergistic relationship with God, born of faith in Christ, nurtured in the church, and made manifest in that which inspires all authentic goodness -- the epiphany of love.

An Introduction to Catholic Ethics since Vatican II

Book Description

This introduction provides a comprehensive overview of the development of Catholic ethics in the wake of the Second Vatican Council (1962-5), an event widely considered crucial to the reconciliation of the Catholic Church and the modern world. Andrew Kim investigates Catholic responses to questions of moral theology in all four principal areas: Catholic social teaching, natural law, virtue ethics, and bioethics. In addition to discussing contemporary controversies surrounding abortion, contraception, labor rights, exploitation of the poor, and just war theory, he explores the historical sources of the Catholic worldview. Beginning with the moral vision revealed through the person of Jesus Christ and continuing with elaborations on this vision from figures such as Augustine and Aquinas, this volume elucidates the continuity of the Catholic moral tradition. Its balance of complexity and accessibility makes it an ideal resource for both students of theology and general readers.

Epiphany Of Love

Book Description

Epiphany of Love' is an anthology compiled by Astha Dube and Ayesha Shaikh that is intricately beautiful and full of raw emotions which makes you realise that love has its own forms of existence. There are so many unique emotions attached to it. This book is an insight into how love and its attributes change from one person to another and the ways in which it is cherished. For love cannot have a single way of expression.

A Brown Girl's Epiphany

Book Description

You already have all you need to step into the fullness of your power. Each of us has traumas, triggers, and painful experiences that have shaped our existence in this world. We carry these burdens with us as we navigate the realities of our lives. Learning to embody the truth of imago Dei is our catalyst for healing. We are each made in the image of God, and the Spirit of God lives within us. Therefore, we are allowed to listen to our Spirit. We are invited to develop our own Divine intuition, and we are empowered to trust our inner voice. We don't need anyone else's permission to navigate our life and faith, except our own. With the powerful voice of a woman, pastor, mother, and advocate, Rev. Aurelia Dávila Pratt gives us the compassionate nudge and tools we need to access our inner authority. By stepping out of harmful belief systems informed by white supremacy and scarcity, we can step into healthy paradigms of abundance, liberation, and power. A Brown Girl's Epiphany is a love letter to all of us in need of guidance on our journey. Honest, vulnerable, and humble, Pratt imagines a world where the walking wounded become the fully healed and liberated, where our inner work becomes the starting point for creating heaven on earth.

Relationship And Love

Book Description

Do you have big plans and big goals for your life? Do you want to live the good life, the dream life and are prepared to fight for it? Excellent. If you want to reach the stars, there is one very important fact you must know. This book is about seeing things as they are in our relationships. It's stripping away any illusions we may have conjured up and removing unrealistic expectations. It is a primary and primal message of self-empowerment.

Home by Another Way

Book Description

“In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, asking, "Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him homage." â€"Matthew 2:1â€"2 This enchanting Christmas story by beloved author and preacher Barbara Brown Taylor follows the three wise men on their world-changing journey to Bethlehem. In this beautiful retelling of their adventure, Taylor captures the power of one very special star and gives readers a new perspective on the three wise men and their encounters with King Herod, Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus. Home by Another Way: A Christmas Story features breathtaking artwork from illustrator Melanie Cataldo and is perfect for gift-giving. Ideal for children ages 8-10.

The Epiphany

Book Description

Throughout life, many women fall into false pretenses on how to have a loving, fulfilling relationship. Using positive affirmations and developing a powerful mindset, you can attract a safe, loving and commitment filled love life to marriage by practicing these methods and reaffirming your self esteem. Using the same skills great leaders and professionals use in management, you can apply these skills to not just your relationships, but also your everyday life. We always have a choice for the good things we want in life. Staying positive is the first step. The rest is what you set out to achieve.


Book Description

Shares inspirational true stories about life-changing moments as experienced by everyday people and such nationally recognized individuals as television host Dr. Mehmet Oz, Newark Mayor Cory Booker and renowned speaker Rabbi Shmuley Boteach.

Hey, Young Love

Book Description

After witnessing the divorce of her parents, strong-willed, 18-year-old Giselle searches for the “true meaning of love” within her relationships. While attending Brick City University, she realizes that she has felt less confident in her romantic relationships. At first, the lack of loyalty amongst the men in her life turns her heart cold as ice. But when Giselle experiences her first heart break, she realizes love is not a game. As she begins to search for her comeback love story, she reacts out of guilt, lust, desperation, and immaturity. Her family tries to give her “experienced” advice, but she chooses to ignore them all. Giselle is determined to not subject herself to the same heartache they’ve been through. Therefore, she decides to find a man on her own terms and timing. Giselle believes she can make smarter choices, but will this eager young lady take her own advice? Will she run into the man she was hoping to avoid, or will she succeed at finding love? Will she let her baggage go or carry it with her? On her journey, she may have to shed a tear or more to find a man who will treat her like a Queen.