The Eternal Wisdom of Dnyaneshwari

Book Description

Seven centuries ago Saint Dnyaneshwar wrote a commentary on Gita called Bhavarthadeepika, now popularly known as Dnyaneshwari after its author. He wrote it on the instructions of his Guru Nivruttinath who wanted to bring to the common man the Vedanta philosophy of Upanishads, hitherto available to only Sanskrit- knowing pundits. Since then Dnyaneshwari has been a timeless spiritual guide providing solace to the rustic folk as well as the educated elite. It is considered by many as one of the most important guides for spiritual aspirants seeking Self-Realization and moksha, offering them a choice of four spiritual paths depending upon their individual makeup.Dnyaneshwar Maharaj naturally composed this work in contemporary Marathi in the traditional ovi style verse. To this day, melodious singing of these verses can be heard in Indian villages.Dnyaneshwar Maharaj, taking into account that the reader would most probably be a rustic farmer or a villager, has used numerous similes and examples from nature and day-to-day life to explain the Gita shlokas. In this translation, meant for today's well-educated reader, all superfluous similes and examples have been omitted to ensure a smooth flow of philosophical thought without digression. In addition, while maintaining the original order of the numbered verses the text has been paragraphed for a group of consecutive verses dealing with the topic under discussion providing headings and sub-headings to the paragraphs thus making the text easily tractable, permitting a convenient back-reference for a given topic.Dnyaneshwari is not a book just to be read and kept aside. It is a guide, loaded with eternal wisdom, to be read over and over again - and each reading brings out an entirely fresh take on life.

The Eternal Wisdom of Dnyaneshwari

Book Description

Seven centuries ago, Saint Dnyaneshwar wrote a commentary on Gita called Bhavarthadeepika, now popularly known as Dnyaneshwari after its author. He wrote it on the instructions of his Guru Nivruttinath who wanted to bring to the common man the Vedanta philosophy of Upanishads, hitherto available to only Sanskrit-knowing pundits. Since then Dnyaneshwari has been a timeless spiritual guide providing solace to the rustic folk as well as the educated elite

The Eternal Wisdom

Book Description

The Eternal Wisdom

Book Description

Eternal Wisdom

Book Description

The book, Eternal Wisdom is a compilation of articles based on the spiritual discourses, talks and writings of H.H. Swami Avdheshanand Giri Ji Maharaj. This book is a gentle reminder of the higher goal of human existence, and the role of spiritualism in achieving that goal. It seeks to inspire mankind to rise above the extremes of joy and sorrow and strive to attain a unique kind of happiness, which is true and everlasting. While on the one hand, it aims to wipe out the unhappiness of disheartened individuals by destroying the very seeds of ignorance, it simultaneously seeks to guide and motivate spiritual aspirants to lead a wholesome and joyous life on the other. Eternal Wisdom aims at providing a practical and daily insight to the seeker as well guiding him as to how to achieve success in both, his worldly and spiritual life. The valuable teachings of the ancient scriptural texts have been assimilated and presented in a manner to provide hands-on knowledge and empirical wisdom for the present-day spiritual seeker.

Dnyaneshwari in English

Book Description

This is an english translation of the treatise on Shrimat Bhagvat Geeta written in Marathi by Sant Dnyaneshwar in thirteenth century. It gives core ideology of hinduism. It brought for the first time religious knowledge from sanskrit into local language Marathi for common man. Sant Dnyanseshwar wrote it as poetry written in Owi format. It deals with self-realization and meditation.


Book Description

"I am not teaching any doctrine, dogma or technique, but simply how to see your own mind...Ways may differ, but freedom itself is beyond paths." --Swami Amar Jyoti. DAWNING is a book that restores meaning & purpose to our lives, the peace & balance whereby we may find workable solutions for the crises we face as individuals & as a people in today's world. By clearly laying the spiritual foundations of Truth, Freedom, Dharma of Righteousness, Peace & Love, the author draws us toward our own inner light--the true nature or Reality. REVIEW COMMENTS: "Concise, marvelous...not mere theory or philosophy but the distillation of the wisdom of seeing. It reflects the living spirit of Truth, embracing the Absolute yet one with the earth."--David Frawley, author of GODS, SAGES & KINGS. "(The author's) compassionate love for his brothers & sisters in the human race flows readily to the reader desirous of awakening."--SPIRIT OF CHANGE. "If you're looking for a simply written book that outlines classical spiritual wisdom, pick up DAWNING." WHOLE LIFE TIMES.

Eternal Wisdom 2

Book Description

Rare indeed are the mahatmas (great souls) endowed with the vision of seeing the entire universe within the Atman (Self ), and the Atman within the universe. Even if they are recognized, they may not be inclined to communicate with us or counsel us, immersed as they are in the eternal silence of the Self. Therefore, it is our great fortune when a fully realized mahatma is ready to advise and discipline us with the tender love of a mother, and the inexplicable compassion of a guru. Throughout the world today, the darshan and the nectarous words of Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi are effecting transformations in the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. This book, though incomplete, is a precious collection of conversations between the Holy Mother and Her disciples, devotees, and inquiring visitors during the period from June 1985 to September 1986.The wisdom of the mahatmas, who have come with the mission of uplifting the world, has both immediate and eternal meaning. Even though they elucidate values that are everlasting, they are attuned to the call of the times in which they live, and their words are in response to the heartbeat of their listeners. Mother speaks Her immortal words, which transform society, at a time when man has lost his traditional values, nobler sentiments, and peace of mind in the frenzied attempt to reinforce the outer world of sensory pleasures, power, and prestige. Man's senseless pursuit of these distractions, while he remains oblivious of his own Self, has cost him the harmony and graciousness of his life. Lack of faith, fear, and a sense of competition has destroyed personal ties and family relations. Love has become no more than a mirage in a culture of exces-sive consumerism. Selfless love of God gives way to a form of devotion that is driven entirely by desires. Man gives undue importance to an intellect that seeks the yield of immediate profit, while discard-ing the lasting glory promised by true wisdom. Lofty spiritual principles and noble experiences do not shine in the lives of the people, but are confined to mere words. It is at such a juncture that Mother speaks to us in a language of untainted devotion, a language of the heart, of wisdom, and of the love that is Her entire life. Her ambrosial words have both an immediate and eternal relevance.