The Generation and Radiation of Supersonic Jet Noise. Volume 1. Summary

Book Description

This volume contains a summary of all the work accomplished in a detailed investigation of the noise characteristics of supersonic jet aircraft, as well as a summary of items in an exploratory program. There are three main sections. The first summarizes the problems with existing theories at the time the contract was initiated. The second outlines the criteria for a unified self-consistent theory of aerodynamic noise generation, and presents, a brief derivation of Lilley's equation which is the basis for the theoretical studies in jet noise generation and radiation. The third section summarizes the work accomplished.

The Generation and Radiation of Supersonic Jet Noise. Volume 1. Summary of Supersonic Jet Noise Studies

Book Description

This is a summary report of the results of a 13-month research program on the generation and reduction of supersonic jet noise. This program was planned as the first phase of a four-phase effort. Tasks compromising this Phase 1 program were as follows: reviews and evaluation of existing theoretical models for supersonic jet noise generation and radiation; development of the framework of a new, unified theory of aerodynamic noise; development of a new theoretical model of turbulent mixing region noise; development of a new theoretical model for calculating propagation and radiation of upstream noise; a preliminary review of combustion noise; tests on turbulent mixing region noise and shock-associated noise; review of the problems of jet flow measurement and analysis; development of new instrumentation for jet flow measurement; establishment of full facilities for the total program; formulation of the program for future studies.

The Generation and Radiation of Supersonic Jet Noise. Volume 1. Summary

Book Description

This volume contains a summary of all the work accomplished in a detailed investigation of the noise characteristics of supersonic jet aircraft, as well as a summary of items in an exploratory program. There are three main sections. The first summarizes the problems with existing theories at the time the contract was initiated. The second outlines the criteria for a unified self-consistent theory of aerodynamic noise generation, and presents, a brief derivation of Lilley's equation which is the basis for the theoretical studies in jet noise generation and radiation. The third section summarizes the work accomplished.

The Generation, Radiation and Prediction of Supersonic Jet Noise

Book Description

The work presented in this report forms a continuation of the fundamental studies on the generation and radiation of supersonic jet noise, reported in technical reports AFAPL-TR-72-53 (six volumes), AFAPL-TR-74-24, and AFAPL-TR-76-65 (four volumes). The total noise from a supersonic jet is taken to consist of contributions from three independent noise sources: (1) small-scale turbulent mixing noise, (2) noise from large-scale turbulence structure, and (3) shock-associated noise. The generation, radiation and prediction of each of these noise components is described in this report. In addition, the mean and turbulent flow characteristics of heated and unheated, subsonic and supersonic jets, measured by a laser velocimeter system, are also presented. Finally, a computer program for the prediction of jet noise, based on fundamental principles as far as possible at the present time, is presented and described in the form of a user's guide. A complete listing of this computer program is given in the Appendix volume (Volume 11) of this report.