The Generation, Radiation and Prediction of Supersonic Jet Noise. Volume II. Appendix. Computer Program Listing

Book Description

This appendix volume presents a complete listing of the unified jet noise prediction computer program (UNIJET), developed to predict the total noise from a subsonic or supersonic jet under static conditions. In addition, a listing of the computer program (called INTEG) to predict absolute turbulent mixing noise levels at 90 deg to the jet axis, using laser velocimeter turbulence measurement, is also given. A detailed description of these two programs in the form of a user's guide is given in the main volume of this report. (Author).

The Generation, Radiation and Prediction of Supersonic Jet Noise

Book Description

The work presented in this report forms a continuation of the fundamental studies on the generation and radiation of supersonic jet noise, reported in technical reports AFAPL-TR-72-53 (six volumes), AFAPL-TR-74-24, and AFAPL-TR-76-65 (four volumes). The total noise from a supersonic jet is taken to consist of contributions from three independent noise sources: (1) small-scale turbulent mixing noise, (2) noise from large-scale turbulence structure, and (3) shock-associated noise. The generation, radiation and prediction of each of these noise components is described in this report. In addition, the mean and turbulent flow characteristics of heated and unheated, subsonic and supersonic jets, measured by a laser velocimeter system, are also presented. Finally, a computer program for the prediction of jet noise, based on fundamental principles as far as possible at the present time, is presented and described in the form of a user's guide. A complete listing of this computer program is given in the Appendix volume (Volume 11) of this report.


Book Description

The Generation and Radiation of Supersonic Jet Noise. Volume V - Appendix II. Shock Associated Noise Data

Book Description

A series of experiments was conducted for the purpose of clearly isolating and quantifying the noise sources associated with supersonic jet noise and for establishing the effect of refraction on the radiated field of these sources, as well as establishing the range of validity of available theoretical formulas for predicting the radiation field characteristics of these sources. Shock-associated noise, both discrete and broadband, was investigated thoroughly. This Appendix contains sequences of data in the form of narrow band spectra illustrating the existence of these types of shock associated noise in the jet flows investigated. (Author).

SRIM Index

Book Description

The Generation and Radiation of Supersonic Jet Noise. Volume V - Appendix I. Turbulence Mixing Region Noise Data

Book Description

A series of experiments was conducted for the purpose of clearly isolating and quantifying the noise sources associated with supersonic jet noise and for establishing the effect of refraction on the radiated field of these sources, as well as establishing the range of validity of available theoretical formulas for predicting the radiation field characteristics of these sources. Turbulent mixing region noise from a fully expanded supersonic flow exhausting from a well designed convergent-divergent nozzle was measured over a very wide range of operational parameters. This Appendix contains computer printouts obtained from a jet noise data analysis program for turbulent mixing region noise. (Author).