Three-dimensional Hydrodynamic Hot-spot

Book Description

The basic processes in the shock initiation of heterogeneous explosives have been investigated theoretically using a model of a cube of nitromethane containing 91 cubic air holes. The interaction of a shock wave with a single air hole and a matrix of air holes in PETN, HMX, and TATB has been numerically modeled. The interaction of a shock wave with the density discontinuities, the resulting hot-spot formation and interaction, and the buildup to propagating detonation were computed using three-dimensional numerical Eulerian hydrodynamics with Arrhenius chemical reaction and accurate equations of state according to the hydrodynamic hot-spot model. The basic processes in the desensitization of a heterogeneous explosive by preshocking with a shock pressure too low to cause propagating detonation was numerically modeled. The basic differences between shock sensitive explosives such as PETN or HMX and shock insensitive explosives such as TATB or NQ may be described using the hydrodynamic hot-spot model.

Three-dimensional Hydrodynamic Hot-spot Model. [HMX, Nitroguanidine ; Interactions of Shock Waves and Voids].

Book Description

The interaction of a shock wave with a single air hole and a matrix of air holes in PETN, HMX, and TATB has been numerically modeled. The hot-spot formation, interaction, and the resulting buildup toward detonation were computed using three-dimensional numerical Eulerian hydrodynamics with Arrhenius chemical reaction and accurate equations of state according to the hydrodynamic hot-spot model. The basic differences between shock sensitive explosives (PETN, HMX) and shock insensitive explosives (TATB, NQ) may be described using the hydrodynamic hot-spot model. The reactive hydrodynamics of desensitization of heterogeneous explosives by a weak preshock has been numerically modeled. The preshock desensitizes the heterogeneous explosive by closing the air holes and making it more homogeneous. A higher pressure second shock has a lower temperature in the multiple shocked explosive than in single shocked explosives. The multiple shock temperature may be low enough to cause a detonation wave to fail to propagate through the preshocked explosive. 10 refs., 12 figs.


Book Description