The Integral Role of Career Development in Supporting Programs of Study and Career Pathways. Transition Highlights

Book Description

According to Sears (1982), career development is "the total constellation of economic, sociological, psychological, educational, physical, and chance factors that combine to shape one's career." This definition was advanced by the Illinois Career Development Task Force that engaged in more than a year of deliberation. Career development is grounded in career theory, including Super's (1957) life-span career theory. Applied to career development, the significance of Super's (1957) theory is that it emphasizes career development as an ongoing process that continues throughout an individual's life. Career development programs and services can assist to "improve individual career awareness, exploration, choice, preparation, and management". Successful, ongoing career development helps individuals of all ages to make a variety of transitions throughout their lifetimes: between different levels of education, from education to work, and between work and education. This paper discusses the integral role of career development in supporting programs of study and career pathways. This paper discusses the following: (1) the importance and benefits of career development; (2) organization and implementation of career development; (3) how career development relates to programs of study and career pathways; (4) the roles of career development; Programs of Study (POS), and Career Pathways; (5) the integration of career development, POS, and Career Pathways; (6) career services providers' role in career development; (7) the challenges to career development; (8) the challenges to guidance counselling; (9) the national standards aligning school counselling and career development; and (10) the next steps to the implementation of a comprehensive career development system.

Career Pathways

Book Description

"Major changes have occurred in the workplace during the last several decades that have transformed the nature of work, and our preparation for work. In recent years, we have seen the globalization of thousands of companies and most industries, organizational downsizing and restructuring, greater use of information technology at work, changes in work contracts, and the growth of various alternative education and work strategies and schedules"--

Career Development Across the Lifespan

Book Description

This second edition of Career Counseling Across the Lifespan: Community, School, Higher Education, and Beyond is the latest volume in the Issues in Career Development Series, edited by Drs. Grafton Eliason, Mark Lepore, Jeff Samide, and John Patrick, from California University of Pennsylvania and Clarion University of Pennsylvania. The purpose of Career Development Across the Lifespan is to provide a broad and in-depth look at the field of career development as it applies to individuals involved in all areas of community counseling, school counseling, and higher education. The book will examine some of the field's major theories, themes, approaches, and newest models incorporating chapters from national and international career counseling experts. Specific emphasis is spent examining issues reflective of today's challenges in developing and maintaining a workforce that is diverse, flexible, and efficient. Readers will be provided with an action-based framework built on the best available research. This text book is truly the culmination of a decade’s work, compiling comprehensive studies from four previous volumes and updating key concepts in career counseling with the most contemporary theories and innovations. We examine three primary domains of career counseling throughout all of the developmental stages of the lifespan: community, schools K-12, and higher education. We include a specific focus on career history and theories, to prepare students for both the counseling environment and for national exams leading to certification and licensure, such as the (NCE) National Counseling Exam. We also include cutting edge research on contemporary topics, including such areas as: military careers, life after the military, individuals with disabilities or special needs, career counseling in our current socio-economic environment, and current technologies such as virtual counseling. In addition, we have added case studies and key terms as study guides at the end of each chapter. We are fortunate to include many recognized experts in the field of career counseling. Career Counseling Across the Lifespan: Community, School, Higher Education, and Beyond is a comprehensive text, written to address the broad needs of career counselors, educators, and students today.

Young Adult Development at the School-to-Work Transition

Book Description

The school-to-work transition is a critical part of the human life-span for young adults, their families, and society. The timing of the transition varies greatly and its co-occurrence with a number of other life transitions make it challenging to summarize or generalize. Individual differences and normative developmental factors, as well as external contextual factors such as global pandemics, changing economic circumstances, workplace demands, and cultural shifts, intersect to create a range of challenges and opportunities for those navigating this transition. Written by internationally renowned scholars in developmental psychology, applied psychology, counseling, and sociology, the chapters in this book highlight the trends, issues, and actions that researchers, academics, practitioners, and policy makers need to consider in order to effectively support young adults' transition to work pathways. This volume provides an explicitly international perspective on this area, broad coverage of psychological topics on the school-to-work transition, and an inclusive focus on sub-groups and minority groups, making it a must-read for those who support young adults as they move from school to work.

Career Guidance and Counseling Through the Life Span

Book Description

This widely acclaimed text demonstrates the application of developmental approaches to career guidance and counseling for children, adolescents, and adults across a variety of settings, including schools, businesses, and community agencies.

Using a Competency Development Process Model in Higher Education

Book Description

What if educational programs designed curriculum with the end in mind, teaching and assessing only the knowledge and skills necessary for success in the workplace and broader life applications? Competency-Based Education (CBE) provides an answer to questions such as this one that key stakeholders such as employers, learners, parents, and educators are asking. In this book, the authors offer a Competency Development Process Model (CDPM) with unique features that emphasize the interdependence of competencies, assessments, and a robust learning journey within a fully developed career pathway. Two case examples are used throughout the book to contextualize the CDPM. There are seven steps of the model: ·Step 1: Define the Problem·Step 2: Establish the Competency Framework·Step 3: Draft the Competency Statements·Step 4: Establish Competency Measurability·Step 5: Develop Competency Assessments·Step 6: Adopt and Implement Competencies in Learning Journey and Credentialing Systems·Step 7: Evaluate Impact Over TimeThe model addresses the importance of situating competencies within a professional learning context using a backward design approach. In doing so, the model aims to elevate the work of designing competencies from merely developing a list of expectations to in-depth analysis and design, with the goal of developing competencies that can be readily used for assessment and career pathway development.Each step in the CDPM is treated as a chapter, and each chapter identifies the central question that must be answered, provides an overview of the tasks in the step, and illustrates the steps in action through the two case examples. Each chapter concludes with “Your Turn”—guiding questions for the reader to apply the step to their own context.

The Handbook of Career and Workforce Development

Book Description

The Handbook of Career and Workforce Development provides educators, researchers, and policy makers with information on evidence-based programs and activities. Chapters describe ways that current research can be used to promote the design of more effective career development programs and services at local, state, and national levels. Promising career development practices applicable to a range of settings and special populations are identified, as are strategies for communicating evidence in ways that influence career and workforce development public policy. The Handbook of Career and Workforce Development can be used by policy makers and grant program officers to identify key career development ingredients that should be considered in proposals; researchers seeking to make their career development research relevant and practical; and practitioners implementing or advocating for career development programs and services.

Career Development in the Schools

Book Description

Career Development in the Schools describes a dynamic process that continues to evolve in its rationale and practice. In many schools and in a variety of scholarly writings, the status of career development is controversial. Some observers assert that career development should be seen as a by-product of all of the knowledge and activities that are incorporated in the educational experience. In this view, career development tends to be seen as a random process that happens in a natural, almost magical way, without specific direction or structured form. However, most career theorists would argue that the career development of students should be a major mission of the school—a process too important to be only a by-product of scattered learning and activities that are inherently uneven from student to student. The prevailing contemporary perspective contends that career development in the schools should be planned, have its own content derived from research and theory, be systematically executed, and use methods that are relevant to the developmental levels of students throughout elementary, middle, and senior high schools. To further such ends, several national models of content and practice have been formulated by the American School Counselor Association, the National Career Development Revised Guidance Project, and by other organizations to identify the components, competencies, and outcomes that students of different ages and aspirations need to acquire as they grow in maturity. Several of these models are discussed at length in the various chapters of this book.

Handbook of Family Literacy

Book Description

The Handbook of Family Literacy, 2e, provides the most comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of family literacy of any available book. It documents the need for literacy education for children and parents, describes early literacy and math development within the home, analyses interventions in home and center settings, and examines the issues faced by fathers and women with low literacy skills. Cultural issues are examined especially those for Hispanic, African American, American Indian, Alaskan Native, and migrant populations. Noted experts throughout the United States, Canada, England, the Netherlands, Germany, New Zealand, and South Africa analyze the commonalities and differences of family literacy across cultures and families. Key features include the following. Comprehensive – Provides updated information on the relation between early childhood literacy development, parenting education, and intervention services. Research Focus – Provides an extensive review of experimental studies, including national reviews and meta-analyses on family literacy. Practice Focus – Provides a comprehensive treatment of family literacy interventions necessary for program developers, policy makers, and researchers. Diversity Focus – Provides detailed information on cultural and diversity issues for guiding interventions, policy, and research. International Focus – Provides an international perspective on family literacy services that informs program developers, researchers, and policy makers across countries. Evaluation Focus – Provides detailed guidelines for ensuring program quality and fidelity and a valuable new evaluation perspective based on implementation science. This book is essential reading for anyone – researchers, program developers, students, practitioners, and policy makers – who needs to be knowledgeable about intervention issues, family needs, program developments, and research outcomes in family literacy.