Book Description

This is the story of a poet, poor and proud, with all the strength of a Viking and all the weakness of genius. He loves a fine lady, a spoiled child; who bewitches him, and jilts him, and jilts him again. In true Viking style he fights for her, kills for her, writes verse for her, and rises, for her sake, to the height of all that a man in his age could achieve. Then, after years, he has her at his feet, and learns of her heartlessness and worthlessness. He bids her farewell; but in the end dies with her name on his lips. The motive of the book is very modern, yet at the same time as ancient as the human race itself. It is dramatic and imaginative in the sense that it is told by one who was an artist in his craft of saga-telling. The diction is of the simplest and there is no fine writing, but the plot is balanced like a Greek play and the action drives along to its close. The result is conveyed without a word of moralizing. The characters are broadly drawn, and their types are still valid today. Without needless detail, there are touches enough of realism. It reads like a novel, and yet it is a true story. 33% of the net profit will be donated to charities for educational purposes.


Book Description

This is the story/saga of a poet, poor and proud, with all the strength of a Viking and all the weakness of genius. He loves a fine lady, a spoiled child; who bewitches him, and jilts him, and jilts him again. In true Viking style he fights for her, kills for her, writes verse for her, and rises, for her sake, to the height of all that a man in his age could achieve. Then, after years, he has her at his feet, and learns of her heartlessness and worthlessness. He bids her farewell; but in the end dies with her name on his lips. The motive of the book is very modern, yet at the same time as ancient as the human race itself. It is dramatic and imaginative in the sense that it is told by one who was an artist in his craft of saga-telling. The diction is of the simplest and there is no fine writing, but the plot is balanced like a Greek play and the action drives along to its close. The result is conveyed without a word of moralizing. The characters are broadly drawn, and their types are still valid today. Without needless detail, there are touches enough of realism. It reads like a novel, and yet it is a true story. 10% of the net profit from the sale of this book will be donated to Charities. ============== Keywords/Tags: ashore, Asmund, battle, beauty, Bersi, blood, brother, Saga of Cormac the Skald, country, Dalla, day, dead, farm, father, fell, field, fight, firth, forth, fought, glory, goddess, gold, good, great, Halldor, Harald, healed, Helga, Holmgang, horse, house, Hrutafiord, Iceland, king, lady, little, Mel, Midfiord, mother, mountains, Narfi, Norway, ocean, Odin, Ogmund, point, riding, ring, sacrifice, Saga, Saurbæ, shame, ship, shore, Skald, Skeggi, Skofnung, slaughter, son, song, Steinar, Steingerd Steinvor, summer, sword, Thambardal, Thorarin, Thord, Thordis, Thorgil, Thorkel, Thorvald, Thorvard, Thorveig, Tinker, Tongue, Tunga, Vali, valley, voyage, weapon, weapons, wedding, Whitting, woman, wounded

8 VIKING SAGAS + HAVAMAL + free eBook - The Saga of Eirik the Red

Book Description

These Sagas were from a time when men were knighted for achieving great feats, and great their feats were. Often dismissed by the King’s court and shunned by their peers, they went a-viking with a small band of loyal followers, or sometimes alone, to seek their fortune and fame in a way that only a Viking would know how. On their return home they were, more often than not, proclaimed as heroes to be honoured by their kings and given their rightful places in the court and the nation. The sagas in this series are: ISBN TITLE’s 9781907256455 The Saga of Viga Glum 9781907256462 The Saga of Gisli the Outlaw 9781907256486 The Life and death of Cormak the Skald - A Romantic Norse Saga 9781907256516 THE SAGA OF BEOWULF - rewritten for children & young adults 9781907256530 THE SAGA OF BURNT NJAL 9781907256578 THE SAGA of GRETTIR THE STRONG 9781907256646 Fridthjof's Saga or Friedhof's Saga 9781909302631 Havamal 9781909302136 THE SAGA OF GUNNLAUG THE WORM-TONGUE AND RAVEN THE SKALD 9781907256738 The Saga of Eirik the Red - FREE EBOOK

The Life And Death Of Cormac The Skald

Book Description

Harald Fairhair was king of Norway when this tale begins. There was a chief in the kingdom in those days and his name was Cormac; one of the Vik-folk by kindred, a great man of high birth. He was the mightiest of champions, and had been with King Harald in many battles. He had a son called Ogmund, a very hopeful lad; big and sturdy even as a child; who when he was grown of age and come to his full strength, took to sea-roving in summer and served in the king's household in winter. So he earned for himself a good name and great riches. One summer he went roving about the British Isles and there he fell in with a man named Asmund Ashenside, who also was a great champion and had worsted many vikings and men of war. These two heard tell of one another and challenges passed between them. They came together and fought. Asmund had the greater following, but he withheld some of his men from the battle: and so for the length of four days they fought, until many of Asmund's people were fallen, and at last he himself fled. . . .At that time Norway was very disturbed. Harald Shockhead, the son of Halfdan the Black, till then king of the Upplands, was aiming at the supreme kingship. He went into the North and fought many battles there, in which he was always victorious. Then he marched harrying through the territories to the South, bringing them into subjection wherever he came. On reaching Hordland he was opposed by a motley multitude led by Kjotvi the Wealthy, Thorir Long-chin, and Soti and King Sulki from South Rogaland. Geirmund Swarthyskin was then away in the West, beyond the sea, so he was not present at the battle, although Hordland belonged to his dominion. Onund and his party had arrivedthat autumn from the western seas, and when Thorir and Kjotvi heard of their landing they sent envoys to ask for their aid, promising to treat them with honor. . . .