The Missing Account of Progressive Corporate Criminal Law

Book Description

This Article offers a modern progressive account of corporate criminal law using foundational principles of twentieth century progressivism. The central role of science and advancing technology define the architecture of this account. Some of the intractable challenges of using the criminal law to regulate corporations are reviewed, followed by a recognition of a remarkable convergence of corporate compliance standards, measures, practices, and insights from conventional, plural, and polycentric theories of regulation. This is a convergence of informal corporate social controls offering a potentially powerful opportunity for the promotion of modern progressive interests, practices, and advocacy. Next, the two pillars of twentieth century progressivism, the instrumental use of science and social control, are discussed. A “compliance conundrum,” it is argued, undermines corporate commitments to compliance science, technology, and more effective social controls. This conundrum contributes to a compliance game where corporate and regulatory players placate each other with an outcome that often has little to do with greater law abidance. With a glimmer hope, this Article concludes by considering the unique position of progressives to disrupt the compliance game while promoting corporate criminal justice.

Corporate Compliance on a Global Scale

Book Description

This edited volume presents an innovative and critical analysis of corporate compliance from an interdisciplinary and international perspective. It defines the historical framework and the various roles played by corporate compliance in today's context. It questions how different cultures affect economic behaviors and under which conditions the individual choices may be directed toward law-abiding behavior. Examining corporate compliance as a tool of criminal and regulatory policy strategies in different countries and sectors, this book also aims to provide a picture of the dimension and scope of the public-private partnership, focusing on the prevention and detection of corporate crimes. It analyzes the effects of corporate compliance on the internal organization in terms of cost-benefit assessment, as well as the opportunities in technical innovation for detecting and controlling risk.

Between Impunity and Imperialism

Book Description

When people pay bribes to foreign public officials, how should the law respond? This question has been debated ever since the enactment of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, and some of the key arguments can be traced back to Cicero in the last years of the Roman Republic and Edmund Burke in late eighteenth-century England. In recent years, the U.S. and other members of the OECD have joined forces to make anti-bribery law one of the most prominent sources of liability for firms and individuals who operate across borders. The modern regime is premised on the idea that transnational bribery is a serious problem which invariably merits a vigorous legal response. The shape of that response can be summed up in the phrase "every little bit helps," which in practice means that: prohibitions on bribery should capture a broad range of conduct; enforcement should target as broad a range of actors as possible; sanctions should be as stiff as possible; and as many agencies as possible should be involved in the enforcement process. An important challenge to the OECD paradigm, labelled here the "anti-imperialist critique," accepts that transnational bribery is a serious problem but questions the conventional responses. This book uses a series of high-profile cases to illustrate key elements of transnational bribery law in action, and analyzes the law through the lenses of both the OECD paradigm and the anti-imperialist critique. It ultimately defends a distinctively inclusive and experimentalist approach to transnational bribery law.

Evil Corporations

Book Description

This book elaborates and interrogates the idea of evil corporations from a diverse range of disciplines. There has long been awareness of systemic harms inflicted by corporations, but this awareness has rarely led to any effective legal means to prevent and/or respond adequately to them. Lawyers and legal theorists appear to be stuck asking the same questions, and giving the same ineffective answers. Part of the problem, this book maintains, is the relative lack of theoretical interrogation into the nature of corporations as responsible, moral agents. To break this stasis, this book draws upon philosophies of wickedness in order to ask whether or not corporations are, or can be, evil. With contributions from a range of different disciplines, including law, cultural theory, theology, and philosophy, it offers a novel account of how and why corporate wrongs are caused, whilst exploring the extent to which the legal system itself facilitates such wrongdoing. The book targets a broad international audience with research interests in corporate crime. This will be of particular interest to those within the legal discipline, including corporate law, criminal law, corporate crime and law and humanities scholars.

Histories of Transnational Criminal Law

Book Description

"Histories of Transnational Criminal Law provides for the first time a set of legal histories of state efforts to combat and cooperate against transnational crime"--Publisher.

Progressive Prosecution

Book Description

"The 2020 murder of George Floyd rocked nearly every aspect of American life and brought issues of police brutality to the forefront of public discourse. In the wake of his death and under extreme public pressure, many politicians, police chiefs, and court officials acknowledged the existence of systemic inequality in the fields of policing and criminal justice. However, with few exceptions, one actor within the justice system remained painfully silent: prosecutors. Progressive Prosecution both argues that this group should be at the forefront of calls for criminal justice reform and provides a guidebook for how this can be achieved. To date, little has been written that offers real guidance to District Attorneys and their staffs to help them shape a new culture within their offices dedicated to race-conscious practices and even-handed approaches. And even less has been written to educate a broader audience about the importance of a race-sensitive, community-based prosecution function in making real change in the criminal justice system and moving toward real justice. Progressive Prosecution offers both through a curated collection of chapters written by criminal justice experts and practicing District Attorneys focused on those components of prosecution policy and practice that deserve and demand radical rethinking. The book puts forth a radical new vision of prosecution: prosecutors must redefine the future of the criminal justice system"--

Corporations as Criminals

Book Description

Can a corporation commit a crime? If so, who in the organization is to be held responsible and how does a criminal justice system, designed to process individual criminals, cope with the criminal corporation? This book explores both the theoretical and practical problems of bringing criminal sanctions against corporate offenders through the courts and regulatory agencies, and offers some of the latest legal, historical and sociological research on the subject of sanctionning corporate wrongs.

Illusion of Order

Book Description

This is the first book to challenge the broken-windows theory of crime, which argues that permitting minor misdemeanors, such as loitering and vagrancy, to go unpunished only encourages more serious crime. The theory has revolutionized policing in the United States and abroad, with its emphasis on policies that crack down on disorderly conduct and aggressively enforce misdemeanor laws. The problem, argues Bernard Harcourt, is that although the broken-windows theory has been around for nearly thirty years, it has never been empirically verified. Indeed, existing data suggest that it is false. Conceptually, it rests on unexamined categories of law abiders and disorderly people and of order and disorder, which have no intrinsic reality, independent of the techniques of punishment that we implement in our society. How did the new order-maintenance approach to criminal justice--a theory without solid empirical support, a theory that is conceptually flawed and results in aggressive detentions of tens of thousands of our fellow citizens--come to be one of the leading criminal justice theories embraced by progressive reformers, policymakers, and academics throughout the world? This book explores the reasons why. It also presents a new, more thoughtful vision of criminal justice.

Corporations, Accountability and International Criminal Law

Book Description

This timely book explores the prospect of prosecuting corporations or individuals within the business world for conduct amounting to international crime. The major debates and ensuing challenges are examined, arguing that corporate accountability under international criminal law is crucial in achieving the objectives of international criminal justice.