The Soviet Legacy in Central Asia

Book Description

John Glenn analyses the new pattern of security concerns of the Central Asian successor states. His main contention is that the security problems of these states are similar to those that have faced other 'Third World' countries attaining independence.

The Nationality Question in the Soviet Union and Russia

Book Description

Sia. Eng. Scandinavian University Press, 1995. ... s. (Norwegian Nobel Insti-tute Lecture Series.) ISBN 82-00-22432-5 Forfatteren, som er professor, var i 1993 invitert til å forelese om na- sjonalistproblemene i det tidligere Sovjetunionen og i Russland ved Nobel- instituttets vårforedrag-serie. Her analyserer hun den rolle nasjoner og na-sjonal bevissthet spilte i Sovjet-staten og vurderer Russlands framtid i lysav multietnisitet og forholdet til tilgrensende nasjonalstater.

The Nationalities Question in the Post-Soviet States

Book Description

This volume examines nationality and ethnic relations in the post-Soviet states. It takes account of the changes since the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1989, provides overviews of nationalities policy in the Soviet period and the post-Soviet states and covers the different nationalities.