The One Year Recovery Prayer Devotional

Book Description

We all struggle to escape bad habits that overrun our lives. The One Year Recovery Prayer Devotional is for those who are seeking freedom and recovery from unhealthy habits and addictions. This daily devotional, which features the Twelve Steps for Believers, will help you experience a life-changing breakthrough, releasing you from harmful patterns of behavior. Each day, the devotional encourages you to bring your struggles to God in prayer, asking for strength. The recovery process is not one you should try alone. You need partners and companions. The One Year Recovery Prayer Devotional is one of your companions, giving you daily encouragement on your path toward purpose.

The One Year Life Recovery Prayer Devotional

Book Description

Daily Hope and Inspiration from the Bible for Recovery from Addictions, Compulsions, and Persistent Hang-Ups. Life Recovery is not just a way of life; it's the path to the richest life possible. We are all fellow strugglers together as we battle addictions, dependencies, anxieties, depression, or difficult relationships that need healing. Each one of us faces our own unique battle. God's vision for your life is far more profound than you can ever imagine. Spending as little as one minute a day praying, meditating, and being in God's presence can recapture that vision and equip you to live into it. The One Year Life Recovery Prayer Devotional is a resource that can help you do that. By spending time each day with the living God, you can grow in biblical wisdom and spiritual depth in order to overcome what seeks to control you. Be free from what imprisons you. Each day, this devotional will prompt you to look to God for strength when you are weakfor hope when everything appears hopeless.

The One Year Recovery Prayer Devotional

Book Description

We all struggle to escape bad habits that overrun our lives. The One Year Recovery Prayer Devotional is for those who are seeking freedom and recovery from unhealthy habits and addictions. This daily devotional, which features the Twelve Steps for Believers, will help you experience a life-changing breakthrough, releasing you from harmful patterns of behavior. Each day, the devotional encourages you to bring your struggles to God in prayer, asking for strength. The recovery process is not one you should try alone. You need partners and companions. The One Year Recovery Prayer Devotional is one of your companions, giving you daily encouragement on your path toward purpose.

The One Year Praying in Faith Devotional

Book Description

The faith journey can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be. Abraham, Joseph, David, Paul, and even Jesus himself—all heroes of the faith who experienced both the soaring grace of answered prayers and crushing sorrow when God seemed unwilling to respond or too far away to hear. And yet, even in the darkest times, God was working, writing an unseen story of redemption that would save the world. When we pray, how do we see beyond the immediate and into the eternal? How do we know when to keep praying and when to give up; when to consider something a promise from God and when to recognize that it was from our own imagination? Why does silence from God rarely mean no and almost always mean come closer? The One Year Praying in Faith Devotional answers these questions and many more, taking you through a 365-day journey that will help you experience a prayerful relationship with God like never before.

The One Year Book of Healing

Book Description

This year, experience deep healing and refreshment. We’re all sick and we’re all hurting. Whether it’s a broken arm or a broken heart, a chronic illness or wounds from our past, the fact remains: We are all in desperate need of God’s healing. In our pain, it can be easy to believe God has forgotten about us, to believe that he doesn’t even care. Dr. Reggie Anderson, author of the acclaimed memoir Appointments with Heaven, knows it can’t be predicted how God’s healing work will come to pass in our lives and hearts . . . only that it will. As a country doctor who has had remarkable experiences attending people in pain, Reggie wants you to see what he sees every day—that whatever your sickness, whatever your hurt, God is alive and active in your life. He wants you to be truly well, even if that looks different than you might expect. Rich in story and inspiration, The One Year Book of Healing will reveal the many ways our Savior heals and intervenes in the lives of the sick and the hurting—giving you the faith, hope, and patience to believe that God can do the same in your life.

Celebrate Recovery Daily Devotional

Book Description

The Celebrate Recovery Devotional is 366 original brief readings, designed as a daily reinforcement and encouragement for millions who are on the road to recovery. Celebrate Recovery is not just a program but a means toward lasting life change, and the key to recovery is to keep the eight Christ-centered Life Principles alive. As readers engage with the devotions, they will discover the principles more firmly cemented in their daily thinking and actions, and will find ongoing support and hope for the road ahead. Each powerful devotion is a reminder of God’s goodness, grace, and redemption, and will be an inspiration to anyone struggling with old hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Start where you are. Begin today. The Celebrate Recovery Daily Devotional is 366 original brief readings, designed as a daily reinforcement and encouragement for millions who are on the road to recovery. Celebrate Recovery is not just a program but a means toward lasting life change, and the key to recovery is to keep the eight Christ-centered Life Principles alive. As readers engage with the devotions, they will discover the principles more firmly cemented in their daily thinking and actions, and will find ongoing support and hope for the road ahead. Each powerful devotion is a reminder of God’s goodness, grace, and redemption, and will be an inspiration to anyone struggling with old hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Start where you are. Begin today.

The One Year Book of Bible Promises

Book Description

Spend a year meditating on the promises of God from the Word of God. In this simple yet profound devotional, readers are invited to explore a new Bible promise every day and to reflect on how God’s hand is evident if only we look for it. Starting today, pursue a closer relationship with the God who always keeps his promises.

Recovery Devotional Bible-NIV

Book Description

This volume stands alongside the 12 Steps as a unique tool for those in recovery from addictive, compulsive, or codependent behavior patterns. Based on the New International Version, this unique Bible strengthens, assists, and encourages the reader with fresh perspectives on the link between faith and recovery.

Grace for the Wounded

Book Description

Grace for the Wounded is a daily devotional and summary of the disease of addiction. The devotions are comprised of a collection of writings from Project Soul Care. Project Soul Care is a daily inspirational that is e-mailed to hundreds daily. Each devotional has three paramount themes: trusting in God, the importance of perseverance, and the power of God's word to transform both the mind and confounding circumstances. Because the author is both a chaplain and a clinician he is mindful of the importance of one's spiritual interior and was able to integrate this perspective throughout the book. The devotional was mined from a heart that has experienced years of suffering that comes from providing direct care to innumerable individuals from all walks of life. He refers to this care as, "prolonged psychological CPR." He especially aspires that this book will edify and encourage those in the field who continue to work in places that may be very challenging and void of hope...


Book Description

A positive transformation of the heart and soul is methodically pursued in this 31-day recovery devotional. Attitudes can improve. Good habits can solidify. Choices become healthier. Scar tissues heal and relationships can mend. By faith, we can reach beyond the fallout of our mistakes, wounded identities, hardened hearts and misfortunes. We can begin to experience the peace and joy which Christ intends for us. To fail in one’s recovery is to live in defeat; it is to be miserable no matter how well-disguised. The poisoned arrows from the pit are many. Discouragement gets piled high as we look into the condemning mirror of lies pushed in front of our face each day by the accuser. Defeated under the weight of our failure and nearsightedness, we lose hope. Our Redeemer offers an amazingly reasonable answer. In-Christ, we can daily receive the power and initiative to reach above and beyond self. We’re given the courage to deliberately choose Truth.