The Performance of Fractured Horizontal Well in Tight Gas Reservoir

Book Description

Horizontal wells have been used to increase reservoir recovery, especially in unconventional reservoirs, and hydraulic fracturing has been applied to further extend the contact with the reservoir to increase the efficiency of development. In the past, many models, analytical or numerical, were developed to describe the flow behavior in horizontal wells with fractures. Source solution is one of the analytical/semi-analytical approaches. To solve fractured well problems, source methods were advanced from point sources to volumetric source, and pressure change inside fractures was considered in the volumetric source method. This study aims at developing a method that can predict horizontal well performance and the model can also be applied to horizontal wells with multiple fractures in complex natural fracture networks. The method solves the problem by superposing a series of slab sources under transient or pseudosteady-state flow conditions. The principle of the method comprises the calculation of semi-analytical response of a rectilinear reservoir with closed outer boundaries. A statistically assigned fracture network is used in the study to represent natural fractures based on the spacing between fractures and fracture geometry. The multiple dominating hydraulic fractures are then added to the natural fracture system to build the physical model of the problem. Each of the hydraulic fractures is connected to the horizontal wellbore, and the natural fractures are connected to the hydraulic fractures through the network description. Each fracture, natural or hydraulically induced, is treated as a series of slab sources. The analytical solution of superposed slab sources provides the base of the approach, and the overall flow from each fracture and the effect between the fractures are modeled by applying superposition principle to all of the fractures. It is assumed that hydraulic fractures are the main fractures that connect with the wellbore and the natural fractures are branching fractures which only connect with the main fractures. The fluid inside of the branch fractures flows into the main fractures, and the fluid of the main fracture from both the reservoir and the branch fractures flows to the wellbore. Predicting well performance in a complex fracture network system is extremely challenged. The statistical nature of natural fracture networks changes the flow characteristic from that of a single linear fracture. Simply using the single fracture model for individual fracture, and then adding the flow from each fracture for the network could introduce significant error. This study provides a semi-analytical approach to estimate well performance in a complex fracture network system.

Modeling Performance of Horizontal Wells with Multiple Fractures in Tight Gas Reservoirs

Book Description

Multiple transverse fracturing along a horizontal well is a relatively new technology that is designed to increase well productivity by increasing the contact between the reservoir and the wellbore. For multiple transverse fractures, the performance of the well system is determined by three aspects: the inflow from the reservoir to the fracture, the flow from the fracture to the wellbore, and the inflow from the reservoir to the horizontal wellbore. These three aspects influence each other and combined, influence the wellbore outflow. In this study, we develop a model to effectively formulate the inter-relationships of a multi-fracture system. This model includes a reservoir model and a wellbore model. The reservoir model is established to calculate both independent and inter-fracture productivity index to quantify the contribution from all fractures on pressure drop of each fracture, by using the source functions to solve the single-phase gas reservoir flow model. The wellbore model is used to calculate the pressure distribution along the wellbore and the relationship of pressure between neighboring fractures, based on the basic pressure drop model derived from the mechanical energy balance. A set of equations with exactly the same number of fractures will be formed to model the system by integrating the two models. Because the equations are nonlinear, iteration method is used to solve them. With our integrated reservoir and wellbore model, we conduct a field study to find the best strategy to develop the field by hydraulic fracturing. The influence of reservoir size, horizontal and vertical permeability, well placement, and fracture orientation, type (longitudinal and transverse), number and distribution are completely examined in this study. For any specific field, a rigorous step-by-step procedure is proposed to optimize the field.

The Effect of Well Trajectory on Production Performance of Tight Gas Wells

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Horizontal wells are a very important element in oil and gas industry due to their distinguished advantages. Horizontal wells are not technically horizontal. This is because of the structural nature of reservoir formations and drilling procedures. In response to the reservoir rock's strength, the horizontal well deviates upward and downward while being drilled forming an undulating path instead of a horizontal. In this study, horizontal wells with an undulating trajectory within a gas reservoir have been studied. The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of the trajectory angle on pressure drop in horizontal wells. In addition, the contribution of water flow to pressure drop is a part of this research. Generally, water comes from different sources like an aquifer or a water flood job. In low permeability horizontal wells, hydraulic fracturing introduces water to gas wells. Water distribution is an important issue in gas wells production. In order to achieve the goal of this study, a model has been developed to simulate different situations for a horizontal well with an undulating trajectory in gas reservoirs. This study is a step forward to understand well performance in low permeability gas reservoirs.

Optimization of Fractured Well Performance of Horizontal Gas Wells

Book Description

In low-permeability gas reservoirs, horizontal wells have been used to increase the reservoir contact area, and hydraulic fracturing has been further extending the contact between wellbores and reservoirs. This thesis presents an approach to evaluate horizontal well performance for fractured or unfractured gas wells and a sensitivity study of gas well performance in a low permeability formation. A newly developed Distributed Volumetric Sources (DVS) method was used to calculate dimensionless productivity index for a defined source in a box-shaped domain. The unique features of the DVS method are that it can be applied to transient flow and pseudo-steady state flow with a smooth transition between the boundary conditions. In this study, I conducted well performance studies by applying the DVS method to typical tight sandstone gas wells in the US basins. The objective is to determine the best practice to produce horizontal gas wells. For fractured wells, well performance of a single fracture and multiple fractures are compared, and the effect of the number of fractures on productivity of the well is presented based on the well productivity. The results from this study show that every basin has a unique ideal set of fracture number and fracture length. Permeability plays an important role on dictating the location and the dimension of the fractures. This study indicated that in order to achieve optimum production, the lower the permeability of the formation, the higher the number of fractures.

Naturally Fractured Reservoirs

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This book deals exclusively with naturally fractured reservoirs and includes many subjects usually treated in separate volumes. A highly practical edition, Naturally Fractured Reservoirs is written for students, reservoir geologists, log analysts and petroleum engineers.

Geomechanical Studies of the Barnett Shale, Texas, USA

Book Description

This thesis presents five studies of a gas shale reservoir using diverse methodologies to investigate geomechanical and transport properties that are important across the full reservoir lifecycle. Using the Barnett shale as a case study, we investigated adsorption, permeability, geomechanics, microseismicity, and stress evolution in two different study areas. The main goals of this thesis can be divided into two parts: first, to investigate how flow properties evolve with changes in stress and gas species, and second, to understand how the interactions between stress, fractures, and microseismicity control the creation of a permeable reservoir volume during hydraulic fracturing. In Chapter 2, we present results from adsorption and permeability experiments conducted on Barnett shale rock samples. We found Langmuir-type adsorption of CH4 and N2 at magnitudes consistent with previous studies of the Barnett shale. Three of our samples demonstrated BET-type adsorption of CO2, in contrast to all previous studies on CO2 adsorption in gas shales, which found Langmuir-adsorption. At low pressures (600 psi), we found preferential adsorption of CO2 over CH4 ranging from 3.6x to 5.5x. While our measurements were conducted at low pressures (up to 1500 psi), when our model fits are extrapolated to reservoir pressures they reach similar adsorption magnitudes as have been found in previous studies. At these high reservoir pressures, the very large preferential adsorption of CO2 over CH4 (up to 5-10x) suggests a significant potential for CO2 storage in gas shales like the Barnett if practical problems of injectivity and matrix transport can be overcome. We successfully measured permeability versus effective stress on two intact Barnett shale samples. We measured permeability effective stress coefficients less than 1 on both samples, invalidating our hypothesis that there might be throughgoing flow paths within the soft, porous organic kerogen that would lead the permeability effective stress coefficient to be greater than 1. The results suggest that microcracks are likely the dominant flow paths at these scales. In Chapter 3, we present integrated geological, geophysical, and geomechanical data in order to characterize the rock properties in our Barnett shale study area and to model the stress state in the reservoir before hydraulic fracturing occurred. Five parallel, horizontal wells were drilled in the study area and then fractured using three different techniques. We used the well logs from a vertical pilot well and a horizontal well to constrain the stress state in the reservoir. While there was some variation along the length of the well, we were able to determine a best fit stress state of Pp = 0.48 psi/ft, Sv = 1.1 psi/ft, SHmax = 0.73 psi/ft, and Shmin = 0.68 psi/ft. Applying this stress state to the mapped natural fractures indicates that there is significant potential for induced shear slip on natural fracture planes in this region of the Barnett, particularly close to the main hydraulic fracture where the pore pressure increase during hydraulic fracturing is likely to be very high. In Chapter 4, we present new techniques to quantify the robustness of hydraulic fracturing in gas shale reservoirs. The case study we analyzed involves five parallel horizontal wells in the Barnett shale with 51 frac stages. To investigate the numbers, sizes, and types of microearthquakes initiated during each frac stage, we created Gutenberg-Richter-type magnitude distribution plots to see if the size of events follows the characteristic scaling relationship found in natural earthquakes. We found that slickwater fracturing does generate a log-linear distribution of microearthquakes, but that it creates proportionally more small events than natural earthquake sources. Finding considerable variability in the generation of microearthquakes, we used the magnitude analysis as a proxy for the "robustness" of the stimulation of a given stage. We found that the conventionally fractured well and the two alternately fractured wells ("zipperfracs") were more effective than the simultaneously fractured wells ("simulfracs") in generating microearthquakes. We also found that the later stages of fracturing a given well were more successful in generating microearthquakes than the early stages. In Chapter 5, we present estimates of stress evolution in our study reservoir through analysis of the instantaneous shut-in pressure (ISIP) at the end of each stage. The ISIP increased stage by stage for all wells, but the simulfrac wells showed the greatest increase and the zipperfrac wells the least. We modeled the stress increase in the reservoir with a simple sequence of 2-D cracks along the length of the well. When using a spacing of one crack per stage, the modeled stress increase was nearly identical to the measured stress increase in the zipperfrac wells. When using three cracks per stage, the modeled final stage stress magnitude matched the measured final stage stress magnitude from the simulfrac wells, but the rate of stress increase in the simulfrac wells was much more gradual than the model predicted. To further investigate the causes of these ISIP trends, we began numerical flow and stress analysis to more realistically model the processes in the reservoir. One of our hypotheses was that the shorter total time needed to complete all the stages of the simulfrac wells was the cause of the greater ISIP increase compared to the zipperfrac wells. The microseismic activity level measured in Chapter 4 also correlates with total length of injection, suggesting leak off into the reservoir encouraged shear failure. Numerical modeling using the coupled FEM and flow software GEOSIM was able to model some cumulative stress increase the reservoir, but the full trend was not replicated. Further work to model field observations of hydraulic fracturing will enhance our understanding of the impact that hydraulic fracturing and stress change have on fracture creation and permeability enhancement in gas shales.

Petroleum Engineering Handbook

Book Description

The Petroleum Engineering Handbook has long been recognized as a valuable comprehensive reference book that offers practical day-to-day applications for students and experienced engineering professionals alike. Available now in 7 Volumes, Volume 1 covers General Engineering topics including chapters on mathematics, fluid properties (fluid sampling techniques; properties and correlations of oil, gas, condensate, and water; hydrocarbon phase behavior and phase diagrams for hydrocarbon systems; the phase behavior of water/hydrocarbon systems; and the properties of waxes, asphaltenes, and crude oil emulsions), rock properties (bulk rock properties, permeability, relative permeability, and capillary pressure), the economic and regulatory environment, and the role of fossil energy in the 21st century energy mix.

Performance Comparison of Transverse and Longitudinal Fractured Horizontal Wells Over Varied Reservoir Permeability

Book Description

"Since the first application in the mid-1980's, multiple fractured horizontal wells have proven to be an effective means of extracting hydrocarbons. These wells require careful consideration of wellbore orientation relative to the horizontal principle stress. Wellbore orientation can lead to transverse fractures which are perpendicular to the wellbore, or longitudinal fractures parallel the wellbore. Questions arise regarding whether one fracture orientation is consistently preferred over the other, or if certain conditions affect the choice. Historical work has examined the impact of horizontal wellbore azimuth in the Barnett and Marcellus Shale where public data was reviewed and statistical well analysis was conducted respectively. Comparison between transverse and longitudinal fracturing in moderate gas reservoirs has been performed with experimental study. This work includes both simulations and actual field cases studies. It compares transverse multiple fractured horizontal wells with longitudinal ones in terms of both well performance and economics. The study covers both gas and oil reservoirs and extends prior work to unconventional resources by extending the reservoir permeability to 0.00005 md. A range of reservoir permeability is identified for the preferable fracture configuration through simulations. Field production history of the Bakken, Barnett, Eagle Ford and Delaware formations are investigated and compared to the simulation results. In addition, this work analyzes the impact of fracture conductivity, lateral length, fracture half-length, completion method and hydrocarbon prices. The conclusions can be used as a reference in decision making on horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing for both unconventional and conventional resources"--Abstract, page iii.

Reservoir Characterization

Book Description

Reservoir Characterization is a collection of papers presented at the Reservoir Characterization Technical Conference, held at the Westin Hotel-Galleria in Dallas on April 29-May 1, 1985. Conference held April 29-May 1, 1985, at the Westin Hotel—Galleria in Dallas. The conference was sponsored by the National Institute for Petroleum and Energy Research, Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Reservoir characterization is a process for quantitatively assigning reservoir properties, recognizing geologic information and uncertainties in spatial variability. This book contains 19 chapters, and begins with the geological characterization of sandstone reservoir, followed by the geological prediction of shale distribution within the Prudhoe Bay field. The subsequent chapters are devoted to determination of reservoir properties, such as porosity, mineral occurrence, and permeability variation estimation. The discussion then shifts to the utility of a Bayesian-type formalism to delineate qualitative ""soft"" information and expert interpretation of reservoir description data. This topic is followed by papers concerning reservoir simulation, parameter assignment, and method of calculation of wetting phase relative permeability. This text also deals with the role of discontinuous vertical flow barriers in reservoir engineering. The last chapters focus on the effect of reservoir heterogeneity on oil reservoir. Petroleum engineers, scientists, and researchers will find this book of great value.

Study of Flow Regimes in Multiply-fractured Horizontal Wells in Tight Gas and Shale Gas Reservoir Systems

Book Description

Various analytical, semi-analytical, and empirical models have been proposed to characterize rate and pressure behavior as a function of time in tight/shale gas systems featuring a horizontal well with multiple hydraulic fractures. Despite a small number of analytical models and published numerical studies there is currently little consensus regarding the large-scale flow behavior over time in such systems. The purpose of this work is to construct a fit-for-purpose numerical simulator which will account for a variety of production features pertinent to these systems, and to use this model to study the effects of various parameters on flow behavior. Specific features examined in this work include hydraulically fractured horizontal wells, multiple porosity and permeability fields, desorption, and micro-scale flow effects. The theoretical basis of the model is described in Chapter I, along with a validation of the model. We employ the numerical simulator to examine various tight gas and shale gas systems and to illustrate and define the various flow regimes which progressively occur over time. We visualize the flow regimes using both specialized plots of rate and pressure functions, as well as high-resolution maps of pressure distributions. The results of this study are described in Chapter II. We use pressure maps to illustrate the initial linear flow into the hydraulic fractures in a tight gas system, transitioning to compound formation linear flow, and then into elliptical flow. We show that flow behavior is dominated by the fracture configuration due to the extremely low permeability of shale. We also explore the possible effect of microscale flow effects on gas effective permeability and subsequent gas species fractionation. We examine the interaction of sorptive diffusion and Knudsen diffusion. We show that microscale porous media can result in a compositional shift in produced gas concentration without the presence of adsorbed gas. The development and implementation of the micro-flow model is documented in Chapter III. This work expands our understanding of flow behavior in tight gas and shale gas systems, where such an understanding may ultimately be used to estimate reservoir properties and reserves in these types of reservoirs.