The Political Economy of Trade and Development in the Commonwealth Caribbean

Book Description

In 1492, Europeans began the colonization of the West Indies and the Americas. Imperialism had tremendously displacing effects on the indigenous peoples of the Americas firstly and Africa thereafter. A dynamic convergence of politics, economics and religion, transformed the development trajectories of Europe, the Caribbean, and ultimately the world. Mercantilist trade practices established regional dependence on the metropolitan cores of Western Europe, positioning the Caribbean for chronic vulnerability to transformations associated with the evolution of capitalism in the broader world economy. Perpetuated through restrictive trade and economic policies, manifestations of this dependence and vulnerability have endured in the modern Commonwealth Caribbean despite the achievement of independence for most of the former colonies, and autonomous internal self-governance for the rest. The often strict divisions of scholarly labor have resulted in ample study of the region's persistent vulnerability and under-development since the nineteenth century. However, there exists limited interdisciplinary research on the effectiveness of the many interventions implemented to counter the region's restrictive small scale, disconnected geography, and susceptibility to environmental threats. This study employs a mixed-method; qualitative/quantitative research design to investigate these and other factors impacting trade and development in the Commonwealth Caribbean amidst ongoing global economic transformations. Evidence-derived prescriptions for economic diversification, specialization in services exports, and intensified integration are put forward with the goal of re-positioning the region for increased economic competitiveness as a means of withstanding the shocks of the turbulent global economy.

Dependency Under Challenge

Book Description

Articles on development theory and the economic policy of dependence in the Commonwealth Caribbean - examines political developments in Jamaica (democratic socialism), Trinidad and Tobago (oil capitalism), Guyana, (cooperative socialism), and Grenada (the New Jewel Revolution); discusses regional level economic integration, industrial planning and CARICOM; studies international relations with USA, UK, EC, and Latin America; and the role of the Commonwealth Caribbean in a New International Economic Order. Map.

Politics and Development in the Caribbean Basin

Book Description

This wide ranging thematic and comparative text analyses the origins and nature of the developmental and political crises of the region and the reasons for their recent intensification. It covers all the Central American states and the largest Caribbean island territories - Jamaica, Cuba, The Dominican Republic, Haiti and Puerto Rico - as well as Panama and Grenada, assessing their common experiences as small economies living in the shadow of the United States but also highlighting key differences.

Readings in the Political Economy of the Caribbean

Book Description

Monograph comprising readings on economic policy in the Caribbean - covers political aspects of economic development, ideologycal questions, causes of underdevelopment, the role of multinational enterprises, economic planning, regional cooperation, etc. References.

The Caribbean

Book Description

Prominent Caribbean scholars and policy experts analyze the implications for the Caribbean of a world in transition. Issues are presented in a new international context, including prospects for Cuba and Haiti. The effects of external debt and structural adjustment are reviewed; likely benefits and hazards of development options such as trade liberalization, privatization, and foreign direct investment are probed. The evolving Caribbean business environment and the political dynamic between public and private sectors are described.The external challenges for the Caribbean presented by the possible disappearance of unilateral trade preferences in Europe and North America are studied in chapters advancing a post-Lome strategy and planning for increased regional competitiveness. Also highlighted are intra-Caribbean relations and integration and projections for the future of hemispheric cooperation.

Charting Caribbean Development

Book Description

This is an overarching account of Caribbean development within the framework of increasing globalization of the world economy. It charts the shifting politics of development within the countries of the Commonwealth Caribbean during the last 40 years era of independence for most of these countries.

Caribbean Political Economy at the Crossroads

Book Description

There are a variety of crisis symptoms confronting the Commonwealth Caribbean as the 21st century dawns. Global changes are quickly rendering the region's traditional economic platform obsolete. This book suggests however that the expanding NAFTA or the hemispheric turn towards bloc formation can offer a way out for the Caribbean. Politics must be brought back into the regionalisation process, for each island government is witnessing the narrowing of the range of its state power by powerful TNCs, international financial institutions, Washington interests, and corporate-backed WTO commissions.

The Haunting Past

Book Description

First Published in 2015. This book places in firm historical perspective the roots of Caribbean dependency, highlighting the ways in which the region has been and continues to be a pawn in Great Power politics and economics. The past is both haunting and daunting, seriously hampering the region's capacity to pursue an autonomous path. The author develops his argument by focusing on how politics, economics and race have shaped Caribbean history and contemporary life. Discussions and analysis include examples from the Anglophone, Spanish, French and Dutch speaking Caribbean islands and countries. Thompson also attempts to provide prescriptions that would free the region from the shackles of the past and place the countries on the path to independence.