International Monetary Reform

Book Description

This volume is a contribution to the debates surrounding international monetary reform. The author examines and analyses the workings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and suggests how the international monetary system could, through changes to the IMF, be reshaped and reformed. Chapters examine the Palais-Royal report, explain how the IMF could be granted unlimited bailout powers to confront a global crisis, propose an exchange-rate based mechanism by which the international community could discipline excessive imbalances, examine alternative possibilities for the supply of future reserves, advocate `enthronement of the Special Drawing Right’, and discuss the obstacles in the way of such an ambitious reform agenda.

A Retrospective on the Bretton Woods System

Book Description

At the close of the Second World War, when industrialized nations faced serious trade and financial imbalances, delegates from forty-four countries met in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, in order to reconstruct the international monetary system. In this volume, three generations of scholars and policy makers, some of whom participated in the 1944 conference, consider how the Bretton Woods System contributed to unprecedented economic stability and rapid growth for 25 years and discuss the problems that plagued the system and led to its eventual collapse in 1971. The contributors explore adjustment, liquidity, and transmission under the System; the way it affected developing countries; and the role of the International Monetary Fund in maintaining a stable rate. The authors examine the reasons for the System's success and eventual collapse, compare it to subsequent monetary regimes, such as the European Monetary System, and address the possibility of a new fixed exchange rate for today's world.

The Currency of Power

Book Description

This book examines how the International Monetary Fund engages in the politics of ideas to shape domestic institutional change. Drawing on case studies from post-Soviet Central Asia, André Broome explains that how governments interpret their policy options mediates the IMF's influence over economic reform during periods of crisis and uncertainty.

The Currency of Power

Book Description

States aggressively defend their right to make national monetary policy choices as a fundamental sovereign prerogative. This book examines how the International Monetary Fund engages in the politics of ideas to shape monetary system change in conditions of extreme economic uncertainty. Drawing on case studies from post-Soviet Central Asia, André Broome explains that how governments interpret their policy options mediates the IMF's influence over policy reform in periods of financial crisis. The book also shows how IMF staff play a larger role in determining access to loans than is often recognized by scholars who focus on major power influence on the IMF. By acting as a reputational intermediary, the IMF attempts to boost its impact on national policy reform in exchange for improving the sovereign creditworthiness of borrower states, but its influence over the implementation of formal policy changes is often frustrated by everyday politics.

Reforming the International Financial System for Development

Book Description

Jomo Kwame Sundaram is assistant secretary general for economic development at the United Nations and research coordinator for the G24 Intergovernmental Group on International Monetary Affairs and Development. In 2007 he was awarded the Wassily Leontief Prize for Advancing the Frontiers of Economic Thought. --Book Jacket.

The Politics of International Money and World Language

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Next Steps in International Monetary Reform

Book Description

Examines China's economic position relative to world economy and possible U.S. trade with the People's Republic of China.

Organizing The Worlds Money

Book Description