The Prophetic Events Of Your Life

Book Description

WRITTEN TO Believers, Unbelievers, and Jews, therefore, every person living today has a specific role in this book. This book is personal. It is written to you. It is about God, you, and your place in end-time history…and beyond. PURPOSE There are countless books, messages, and teachings on End Times, many agree others contradict. Have you ever wished that you could just study Bible prophecy for yourself? Kathryn Garland is a Bible teacher with 50+ years of experience and is aware of this need and desire for Believers to be able to interpret prophetic teachings for themselves. The Lord impressed upon the author to write this book involving the reader. This study will lead you to God’s Word to discover these truths for yourself and personalize it with your own Timeline. It will bring end-time truths together in a clear and coherent way. You will be prepared for your Events, recognize them as they occur, and safeguarded against deception. DESCRIPTION PART ONE involves a study with the author of each Prophetic Event of your life in chronological order. There are nine Events for the Believer, seven for the Unbeliever, and seven for the Jew. They begin with the present and proceed all the way to your last forever Event. Each Event may be studied as a unit in itself. EVENTS System of the Antichrist The Rapture The Wrath of God Second Coming of Christ Armageddon Jesus’ Thousand Year Kingdom Judgment Seat of Christ Marriage Supper of the Lamb Great White Throne Judgment New Heaven and New Earth PART TWO is a careful examination of the System and the Person of the Antichrist from four Bible passages. These studies will guard you against deception and will enable you to look in the right direction so that you will recognize the Antichrist at his appearing. FEATURES Entire books are written covering only one Prophetic Event this book covers them all. Your own Timeline helps to visualize exactly where you are at the time of each Event. All Bible passages are included in the text providing instant access. Many teaching methods will stimulate your interest and give you a sense of actually living the moment. Can be used individually or in a group setting. BENEFITS You will gain basic understanding and skills in how to interpret and discover meaning in biblical prophetic truths. You will learn about the timing of key end-time events and how they relate to each other. Truths from God’s Word to store in your personal belief system. This hands-on study will feed your mind and it will feed your soul. VALUE STATEMENTS: The knowledge I will gain from this book will help me to live differently from those who live with little or no thought of God. I will live forward, in the light of my future Events. My faith will be fortified in the truth that what God says will unquestionably take place. Because I know and rely on these revealed truths of God’s Word, I will not be deceived, they will serve me as a shield against the deception of the System and Person of the Antichrist. SPECIAL EMPHASIS: Bring people to Christ. The need for the reader to know Jesus Christ personally and God’s plan of salvation for his/her life. Holy living. All prophetic scripture deals with living a life set apart for God in holiness.

Prophecy: A History and How to Guide

Book Description

The ability to tell the future has always fascinated man since prehistoric times. Prophets have spawned numerous religions and methods of divination to tell the future. Prophets are not only able to predict some major events seems but may be able to control them. Prophets from the Bible were considered major persons of importance in those times and their predictions were major influences on the decisions of leaders. In my own life I’ve had numerous experiences with premonitions involving the future. They have varied from strong visions, to dreams, to vague feelings, to strong fear. Even though I’ve studied many other types of paranormal experiences and had many, these experiences about future events seem to be my strongest natural precognitive ability. These events also formed major influences on my life, and their study and analysis has therefore been a big passion of mine. In this book my goal is to cover explain the history of Prophecy and Divination, describe the types of experiences people have, and to analyze these phenomena.

The Time-Telling Prophecies of Daniel

Book Description

Do you know what time it is? No, not according to the hands on your wristwatch or the digital display on your cellphone. Do you know what time it is on Gods clock? Do you know the recent events that have occurred at the precise moments for which they had been scheduled by God? And do you know the pre-ordained dates on which specific near-future events are set to occur? Gods schedule of certain events was given to a man who spent his life serving and advising the kings of two of the greatest empires of ancient times. But he was told that those time schedules were sealed and could not be understood until the time of the end. Now they have been opened. And the understanding of those prophetic time-tables is being made available, some of them for the first time ever, in this book. In clear, simple terms, you will learn the meanings of all the time-telling prophecies contained in the writings of the Prophet Daniel. And you will be amazed, even astonished, when you find out what time it really is.

There's a New World Coming

Book Description

40 Days Through Bible Prophecy

Book Description

“Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near.” —Revelation 1:3 (ESV) From bestselling author Ron Rhodes comes 40 Days Through Bible Prophecy: an engaging and accessible survey of what God has made known about our future through His Word. Get ready to understand—or rediscover—how prophetic Scripture impacts your life today! With helpful question-and-answer sections and insightful outlines of key takeaways, Ron has designed this study to help you retain the big-picture truths of Bible prophecy. You will gain fluency in Bible prophecy vocabulary, learning terms like rapture, millennial kingdom, and eternal state identify the chronology of prophetic events, from what has already occurred to what is still to come get to know the prominent personalities of the end times, including the two witnesses, the antichrist, and the false prophet Approach every part of God’s Word with confidence and clarity! 40 Days Through Bible Prophecy will encourage you to grow in faith as you gain an accurate understanding of God’s soon-to-be-fulfilled promises.

Prophecy and Modern Times

Book Description

From the national bestselling author of The Naked Communist, The Naked Capitalist, and The 5000 Year Leap comes Prophecy and Modern Times, the decisive guide to understanding God’s messages and finding hope in the modern era. “Prophecy is not poetry. It is history in reverse.”—W. Cleon Skousen Have you ever wondered what the ancient prophets had to say about the modern world? How to apply the messages of the scriptures to your own life? What the true purpose of prophecy is? Find these answers and more in Prophecy and Modern Times: Finding Hope and Encouragement in the Last Days, a brief but powerful exploration of six millennia worth of prophecies about society today. The prophets of Biblical times foresaw many of the complexities of the modern era with remarkable accuracy—conflicts in the Middle East and America, the rise of enormous economic and military powers, and the stealthy corruption of nations and personal lives. Throughout history, prophecies have been “fulfilled literally,” as Skousen writes, shedding important light on how God communicates and how to interpret His messages in today’s world. Through years of careful research and with a reporter’s dedication to the truth, Skousen beautifully distills these many ancient warnings and promises into one clear, fascinating volume, providing a deeper understanding of the scriptures for a new generation. Ezra Taft Benson, thirteenth President of the LDS Church, wrote in the foreword, “Every person interested in present and future events in this war-torn world will profit from a careful perusal of these pages.” Indeed, hundreds of thousands of readers over the past seventy years, including some of the country’s greatest religious and political minds, have turned to this book for insight and encouragement in these troubled times. Praise for Prophecy and Modern Times: “Valuable and worthwhile contribution to religious literature!”—Ezra Taft Benson, thirteenth President of the LDS Church “This release of Prophecy and Modern Times is timely, not only in its relevant content but also in the message it brings to the table. Skousen reveals his brilliance in his organization of such a monumentally complicated task. He suggests how to interpret prophecy, tells us its purpose and our responsibility to understand it. Skousen is masterful!”—Gary D. Goodwin, Association for Mormon Letters

This Growing Tribulation

Book Description

Admittedly, any analysis of biblical prophecy is not an exact science. The accuracy of any interpretation should be questioned. Yet, logic indicates that as humanity draws closer in time to those prophesied events, human understanding of those prophetic utterances, and their corresponding events, should become clearer. Jesus encouraged such activities through what was said in Matthew 24:32-33. Eventually, as humanity experiences or lives through those events, everyone should come to see the truth. However, each of these statements are built upon one foundational truth. An individual will have to be familiar with these Bible prophecies in order to correctly identify the significant future events as they appear. This book is that foundational pre-step. The entire work collates and discusses biblical prophecies from both the Old and New Testaments, while drawing parallels between those passages and common events seen in the news and in our culture today. Indeed, life is evolving and changing. What has transpired even over the last fifty years has created a world for our children that is far different from what our parents and grandparents knew. The truly fascinating part of this discussion is to see the images of these biblical prophecies beginning to take shape. This book offers short, easy to read chapters, for easy understanding. Each chapter leads off with a suggested reading list of biblical passages, designed to establish a firmer foundation for deeper understanding. Finally, each chapter has a short supply of follow-up questions to provoke discussions ideal for any study group. The time to start your investigation into the important clues God has provided about our future is now!

Prophetic Events Impacting This 1948 Generation

Book Description

God's timing for world events in His great plan moves very slow to how we think it should progress. Some might even think it is stealthy, since when His Word does come to pass, it takes many by surprise. God has His appointed times, and those appointments are kept with precision. Many of them are discussed in this book, and one of great significance is about to be fulfilled! One of the things we look at in this book is the significance of Enoch's life, the seventh from Adam, and the significance of His prophecy. Also discussed is the fallacy that the gospel will be preached to all the world before the rapture can occur. Yes, it will be preached in all the world, but then something else happens. We look at what happens at the end of this age and, no, it isn't the great white throne judgment, but it may amaze you as most ministers never talk about it. If you care about your future, you will want to understand Bible prophecy, how it affects God's plan for man, and how it will probably apply to you. When you study Bible prophecy, you realize that God really does have a plan, that it is right on track; it hasn't been derailed, and He really is in control to bring about the complete fulfillment of it. The word "fascinating" doesn't do it justice. The more you know about Bible prophecy as it relates to His great kingdom plan, the more you realize how awe-inspiring it really is! Jesus said, "Ask and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you" (Matthew 7.7). This is the time to discover what you may find to be very important information not available to you before now.

Hope in the Last Days

Book Description

Understand how ancient biblical prophecies are coming to pass in our day, how coming prophetic events will impact you, and how there is hope for all followers of Christ. Today there is a tremendous interest in Bible prophecy, particularly because end-time events prophesied long ago are coming to pass in an extraordinary manner. Hope in the Last Days reveals, based on prophecy fulfilled and yet to be fulfilled, that very shortly the world will reel into its deepest hour of torment and agony. Dave Williams encourages you with the truth of how coming events will affect you and your loved ones and what God has planned as a way of escape for followers of Jesus Christ.

Bible Prophecy and the Signs in the Heavens

Book Description

In Luke 21:25-28 Yeshua said, "And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and upon the earth distress of nations in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves, men fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to take place, look up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." Yeshua told us that there would be signs in the sun moon and stars. The sign He is referring to will be here on Sep 23, 2017. When we see this sign, we are to look up because the plan of salvation is written in the stars. By following this plan and coupling it with scripture, we are given a time line of the events to follow. This sign will be the starting point of a ten-year period that will usher in the Messiah and His Kingdom. This book will make Bible prophecy come alive with meaning as it presents the past, present and future. Come, see that Bible prophecy is very simple and easy to understand when all of the mythology of dispensationalism is done away with.