The Rapture: Don't Be Deceived

Book Description

If there's one thing you don't want to be deceived about in life, it's the Biblical truth concerning the Rapture. The Bible says that for those who are left behind after this next great event on God's end time prophetic calendar, they will be thrust into the 7-year Tribulation, which is not a party. Rather, it's an outpouring of God's wrath upon this wicked and rebellious planet which will soon turn into mankind's greatest nightmare! Unfortunately, there seems to be multitude of opinions out there concerning the purpose and timing of the Rapture which is starting to cause a lot of unnecessary confusion and division. Therefore, The Rapture: Don't Be Deceived takes a detective's approach towards the Biblical teaching of the Rapture and examines the many Scriptural facts surrounding it.

Rapture: Don't Be Deceived

Book Description

Pre Trib Rapture

Book Description

If you are interested in the events surrounding the second coming of our Jesus Christ; this book is a must read. Daniel's 70th week is harvest time; you don't take your workers home during harvest time. "Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me"(Ezekiel 3:17). Jesus said, "But he who endures to the end shall be saved"(Matthew 24:13). Elwood Trost's webpage is:

The Rapture: A Pre- or Post-Tribulation Event?

Book Description

God tells us not to be deceived about the timing of us being caught up to meet Jesus in the air, an event Christians refer to as the rapture. He would not have said that unless there was going to be an avalanche of false teaching with regard to the timing of the rapture in the sequence of end-time events. Diligently studying pertinent Scriptures in God's Word is the only way one can be free of deception and be spiritually prepared for the times that may befall us. This book helps the reader to deeply study the Word of God to see the truth. "I've read a large number of books on the rapture debate, and in my opinion, this excellent book is by far the best. While reading this book I felt like my spiritual glasses were being cleaned so I could see the simplicity of the truth of scripture again. Well done, Colleen. Marvelous! Five gold stars from me." "I have read several books about the rapture and end-time prophecy including Pre-Tribulation and Mid-Tribulation, and when I come across this book, it was so clear, logical, and well-written based solely on the scripture that I could grasp the subject clearly and convincingly which has helped me tremendously in making up my mind where to stand on the subject of the timing of the rapture at the end time. Really recommended."

The Rapture Deception

Book Description

The book has been written so that the truth is known about the second coming of our Lord to gather together His church. Humanity calls this event the rapture. Christians have been deceived into thinking that it can happen at any time. This book shows, without a doubt, when that time shall occur.

The Deceit Of Secret Rapture Theory

Book Description

Adherents of the Pre-trib claim that God will not allow the Church suffers in the period known as the Great Tribulation. But does God s Word really teaches that there will be a secret rapture seven years before the Great Tribulation? For Jesus clearly states in Matthew 24:31 and the apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 4.16-17 confirms that there is nothing secret and silent in his second coming. Another incongruity of this view is the idea of ​​a rapture to take the Church and the Holy Spirit before the earth before the Antichrist manifestation. If this were the case, the Antichrist would be anti what? A reductionism of the mission of the Church and of the Holy Spirit, and to promote escapism and alienation hurts the good sense. Christians of the generation of Christ s return are better of the early Christians? No. Absolutely not! In this book, the author exposes the true teaching of Scripture on this subject. Starting with the teaching of Jesus and his apostles warned that the Church of all times that it would pass through many tribulations, including the so-called Great Tribulation. Therefore, you reader who sticks to the pre-trib position, or you reader who does not adhere to any eschatological position of Christ s return, I invite you to read this book, reflect and analyze for yourself, as the Bereans did at the time of apostle Paul and thus convince the dangerous path, wide and spacious pre-trib teaching, which is apostasy (deviation from sound apostolic doctrine) and walk according to the teaching of the Lord Jesus which was confirmed by his apostles and is defended by over 1800 years in the history of the Church and also for all those who are and who truly love the Tour of his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Rapture or Antichrist What Are You Preparing For?

Book Description

We are in the last days. Everything in the planet is summing up for the end. Soon, the trumpet will sound, and the bride, who is without spot and wrinkle, (Ephesians 5–7) will be ruptured. What are you preparing for? This book teaches a lot about the prophecy concerning the end time. The book teaches some basic concept like deception, falling away, profanity, pure devotion, false prophets, some practices of some false prophets, dictating the false prophet, etc. This book explains in detail the meaning and the effect of these concept with a message of repentance, with hope of preparing us for rapture with the powerful help of the Holy Spirit, our comforter and helper. The reality of life today is that we are either preparing for rapture or simply awaiting the antichrist knowingly or unknowingly. We have a choice to make today.

Before the Rapture

Book Description

A textually meticulous account of the end of days that should appeal to devoted Christians Kirkus Reviews This would be a helpful resource for some in an adult class or small group study Rich Guerra, District Superintendent, SoCal Assemblies of God It is a well thought out and interesting study that is unmistakably saturated with thorough and well-defined research Johnny L. Green, PhD, Senior Pastor Bethel Ministries, Inc. Before the Rapture is a timely message for Christians in these last days of the church age, soon culminating in the rapture of the true believers. The book intends to help its readers escape the soon-coming wrath of God upon the earth by being adequately prepared for the soon-coming rapture of the true believers. The uniqueness of this book is in the fact that it clearly exposes the enemys deceptive strategies, whichif not masteredwill cause many Christians to miss out on the day of the rapture.

The Rapture Deception

Book Description

Many Christian prophecy books, bestselling novels, and end-of-the-world movies predict that all "true believers" will someday vanish in an event called "the Rapture" (being taken to heaven), and that those "left behind" will endure seven years of apocalyptic terror during "the time of Antichrist." Is this true? What does the Bible really say?Looking to the end-times, Jesus Christ warned. "Take heed that no man deceive you" (Matthew 24:4). Paul also predicted that many would be ensnared by "strong delusion" because "they received not the love of he truth, that they might be saved" (2 Thessalonians 2:10,11).The Rapture Deception shatters popular myths, breaks the spell of false theories, reveals solid biblical truth, and will help prepare you for "the end of the world" (Matthew 28:20).The future is upon us, but it will be different from what the majority expect.This book will help you get ready for it!

The Last Days According to Jesus

Book Description

Analyzes what Jesus said about when he would return and the last days would arrive (as in Matthew 24:34). Defends the trustworthiness of Jesus' teachings.