A Sharecropper's Daughter

Book Description

This is an autobiography focusing on life in southern Arkansas in the 1940s and 50s. Life as a lower-income sharecropper is described.


Book Description

A sharecropper's daughter describes her childhood in Texas in the early years of the twentieth century.

The Sharecroppers Daughter

Book Description

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The Sharecroppers Daughter

Book Description

There is no available information at this time. Author will provide once available.

The Sharecropper's Daughter

Book Description

The author presents a powerful story of courage throughout her early life as the daughter of a poor sharecropper in the Arkansas Delta in the nineteen forties and fifties. She describes a heartbreakingly difficult childhood and adolescence which produced in her a deep well of steadfast grit while sharing in the hot, backbreaking work of harvesting a yearly cotton crop to supply food and clothing for the family. Throughout it all, her silent struggle to obtain an education is Herculean. You will laugh at the ironies of her daily life on the farm, then cry as challenges are presented that no child should ever endure. Her story also details the history of a chilling murder of a family member that resulted in a tragic massacre of black sharecroppers during her parents' generation. Later, as a naïve young wife and mother, she describes her 37-year marriage and subsequent divorce. Looking back at her life's early circumstances, the author thankfully credits them as having instilled the survival skills she later used to build a successful life out of a tenuous beginning.

The Pecan Orchard

Book Description

Without rancor or blame, and even with occasional humor, The Pecan Orchard offers a window into the inequities between blacks and whites in a small southern town still emerging from Jim Crow attitudes.

The Sharecropper's Daughter

Book Description

The Sharecropper's Daughter tells the story of Frank Lee, a girl born to a black mother and a white father in 1930s South Carolina. Frank Lee grows up between the precarious backdrop of being black but looking white amid racist and ambiguous times. She is forced to find a balance between a mother who finds it difficult to embrace her and a father she will never know. Abandoned at birth she is shuffled from one place to another, sometimes with relatives but sometimes with strangers who value the weekly stipend they receive for her care more than the girl herself. She is eventually reunited with her mother but the relationship is strained and uncertain. This is an epic tale that spans the time of slavery through the 1950s. The characters are rich and fluent in the language of survival and perseverance. There is love, loss, pain and forgiveness that every reader will identify with.

Sharecropper's Daughter

Book Description

Penny Parks is a young girl growing up in the rural south as the daughter of a sharecropper in 1949. Penny comes of age through hard times, hard work and the support of her family. She strives to better herself on the Silver Lear Plantation, working for the Hacketts in their office. She has a talent for cutting horses. Penny falls in love with Smith, the grandson and heir to the farm but is determined to chart her own destiny despite their differences. I too was a sharecroppers daughter. It was a hard time but I wouldnt change it for the world. We were taught at an early age to help out with the family, to work and we knew the love our Dad and Mom shared with us kids. Ruby Fae Corely Very touching story. It is cathartic. I could see a little of my own background growing up on the farm. I think all our lives were so different then than a kid sees now. We were innocent, patriotic, and religious. We played outside a heck of a lot more. We had to be creative. - Tommie Webb

The Sharecropper's Daughter

Book Description

This is a true story of my life. I have changed the names of my sisters and brothers to keep from embarrassing them. This story I have had in my heart for many years. This is how I see my life through my eyes- the tears I have cried over the years they will never know the heartache. We had hard times growing up this some times makes you a better person. I think.' I was told by a very important person' if you have not experienced any bad times in your life. Look out this earth is not a easy place to live without some heartache. I am sure Mom and Dad went thru more than we will ever know with no education and that many children to take care . My Dad only had a third grade, education my Mom only eighth grade. Think about trying to make in this world with that under your belt I married so young I had just turned 17 yrs old so I was closer to my in laws in many ways they taught me a lot about love They had a large family they always showed their love for all the kids. {My Mom was not one to show her love to you} She always made you hug her first she never made the first step. I love all my brothers and sister more than they will ever know. I just wish them all the happiness in the world. I know other people have had bad experiences in their life as I have had. I also have had many good times when the phone rings and its a good friend that has helped me thru some bad times and always been there for me. God has been good to me all these years I would never have made it without his help. I have tried to write this story so some one out there to enjoy and 'see' you can be poor and have many blessings. I have a very dear friend that helped me through so many hard times, always doing things forme, I dont know what I would have done with out her help, Setting in the hospital long hours never complain. Talking when I wonted to are just crying with me. Janice Koser I can never Thank You for all the things you did for me. Remember you said thier was t

Joycelyn Elders, M.D.

Book Description

A great deal of controversy has surrounded both the tenure and resignation of former Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders. Now, for the first time, Dr. Elders shares both the travails and triumphs of her life in an autobiography which is not only a political memoir chock full of insider information, but also a chronicle of the triumphant rise of a great-granddaughter of slaves and impoverished child of sharecroppers to the highest medical position in the Unites States. of photos.